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Repository files navigation

Entry Task (Example Solution)

Directory Structure

The app directory contains the following directories:

  • actions
  • components
  • directives
  • effects
  • guards
  • interceptors
  • models
  • pipes
  • reducers
  • selectors
  • views


@ngrx/router-store is not used for maximum flexibility. Instead the following routing-related entities occupy the app:

  • RouteModel
  • NavigateAction
  • StoreRouteAction
  • routeReducer
  • RouteEffects
  • whenNavigated()
  • NavigateDirective

Example Use-case

  1. A link with the [appNavigate]="{view: RoutePath.Recipes, id:}" directive is clicked. The directive dispatches a NavigateAction with the inputted RouteModel as its payload.
  2. Each instance of the whenNavigated() operator (hooked onto the actions$: Actions observable) catches the NavigateAction and passes the RouteModel in its payload to the passed-in mapper function.
    1. Based on the specified predicate, the mapper function defined in the RecipeDetailEffects.requireRecipeById$ effect returns a new GetRecipeRequestAction, which is therefore dispatched.
    2. The RecipeDetailEffects.getRecipeById$ catches the GetRecipeRequestAction and triggers the resource's retrieval.
  3. The RouteEffects.navigate$ effect also catches the NavigateAction, serializes the RouteModel in the action's payload to a URL and passes it to the Router.navigateByUrl() method.
  4. The router's navigation cycle begins. The RecipeDetailGuard.canActivate() method is invoked (due to routes config in the AppRoutingModule) and allows the routing to continue only when the necessary resource (recipe detail) has been loaded.
  5. The router's navigation cycle ends with the NavigationEnd event, which gets caught by the RouteEffects.storeRoute$ effect. The URL carried by the event is parsed into a RouteModel, which becomes the payload of a newly dispatched StoreRouteAction.
  6. The routeReducer catches the StoreRouteAction and stores the RouteModel in its payload in the route slice of the app state.


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