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An app where you can build graphs, and try out Dijkstra's algorithm visually

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Pathfinding Sandbox Documentation

1. Summary

In this app you can add, and edit nodes (verticies) and paths (edges) of a weighted graph. The weights are the actual length of the paths in pixels. You can save and load graphs, add a starting (fixed vertex) and an ending point. With a specified starting and ending point you can start the Dijkstra's algorithm or the A* algorithm visualiser. You can even import real world maps from OpenStreetMap I made it using only vanilla JS and HTML canvas.

2. How to run

Since this app uses js-modules, and fetch requests, you need a generic http or php server, which can host this directory. Note that this app will not work if you just open the html file.

2.1. Live Server method (My method)

  • Download and install Visual Studio Code
  • Open the root folder of the app in vscode
  • Install the Live Server extension inside vscode (You might need to restart vscode)
  • open canvas.html in the editor
  • Click the Go Live button in the bottom-right corner of vscode, and it should automatically open the app in a new tab in your default browser

2.2. XAMPP method (php)

  • Download and install XAMPP
  • Open XAMPP and in the Apache row click on Config -> Apache (httpd.conf)
  • In httpd.conf find DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs" and <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs">
  • Replace the path with the app path, and restart Apache if it is running
  • Go to http://localhost/canvas.html

3. User Interface

3.1 Canvas

3.1.1 Canvas controls

  • a 2000px by 2000px html canvas
    • Coordinates start from the top left, not the middle
  • Displays all the nodes and paths
  • You select nodes by clicking on them
  • Clicking and dragging will move the nodes with th cursor
  • Holding Shift while dragging will draw a 20x20 grid and snap dragged nodes to it
  • Pressing Control+e will toggle edit mode, which means that it will hide the nodes, so it is easier to see short paths
  • Holding Contol while clicking and dragging a node will allow you to connect nodes together with you mouse
  • Holding Alt while clicking on the canvas will place a node at your cursor
  • Holding the scrollwheel and moving the mouse will pan the view
  • scrolling will zoom in and out
  • There is a range slider below the canvas, which sets the scale of nodes and paths, which allows you to see better
    • under the slider there is a reset pan button, which will undo panning and zooming, and recenter the view
  • And finally there is a button labelled Import OSM map which opens an import dialoge

3.1.2 How to import an OSM map

  1. Click the Import OSM map button
  2. Go to OpenStreetMap
  3. Press Manually select a different area
  4. Using the bounding box on the screen select a square shaped area
    • Keep it as square as possible, because when mapping the coordinates to the canvas the app will stretch it to fit in a square, causing distorsions
  5. Copy the coordinates from the top left of the screen from OpenStreetMap to the corresponging inputs in the Pathfinding Sandbox app
    • The North, West, East, South inputs are arranged the same way as in OpenStreetMap
    • The default values will load the city center of Budapest, which is a large area with many nodes, pull the scale slider to 0.2x and toggle edit mode with ctrl+e before loading, and keep in mind that it might take 10+ seconds depending on performance
  6. Click Import

3.2 Nodes tab (1st tab)

3.2.1 Controls

  • You can Add a node with specified x and y coordinates
    • The default coordinates are (0;0)
  • If you have selected a node (from the list or by clicking on one on the canvas) the editing controls become enabled
  • It will display the selected nodes id, and the x and y coordinates. The coordinates are editable
  • Start and End checkboxes will set the current node as start or end. It will also unset any other node
    • there can only be one start, and one end node, and a node cannot be start and end at the same time
  • You can delete a node with the Del button
    • Deleteing a node will remove connected paths

3.2.2 List

  • All the nodes in the graph are displayed in this list
  • Clicking an item will highlight the corresponging node, and select it
  • this is the display model: id(x,y) degree
    • "degree" shows how many paths are connected to that node

3.3 Paths tab (2nd tab)

3.3.1 Controls

  • You can Add a path between Node1 and Node2
    • Node1 and node2 are IDs, it is the id of the node you want to connect to
    • You can see the id in the node list and the canvas, written on top of the nodes
  • Select paths from the paths list below the controls to edit them
    • selected paths are highlighted, and the path id is shown
    • with paths it is only possible to edit node1 and node2
    • You can delete a path with the Del button

3.2.2 List

  • if you click on a path in the list it becomes higlighted on the canvas, so you see what you are editing
  • in the list this is the display model of paths id(,

3.4 File managment tab (3rd tab)

3.4.1 Save file

  • there is a save button, a file name input, and a load button
  • You can saving a file will generate a json file, with the name you entered int the input (or a default value if left empty)
  • It is only possible to load from the /saves/ directory in the project files, because I intended it to be a local app, might change this if I host this anywhere
  • When loading enter the file name without the .json and press load

Save file model:

"bgImageName": "image.png" or "",
"nodesId": 0,
"pathsId": 0,
"nodes": [ {"id": 0,"x": 0,"y": 0, "paths": [0, ...], "isStart": false, "isEnd": false}, ... ]
"paths": [ {"id": 0, "node1": 0, "node2": 1}, ... ]
  • nodesId and PathsId are stored to the app knows what id to give the next added node and path
    • it is incremented every time

3.4.2 Background image

  • You can add an image from /saves/ if you enter the name into the 2nd input
    • like this /saves/<imageName>.<imageExtension>
  • The backgorund image is stored as a bitmap and drawn on the canvas
  • The background image name is stored as a variable and saved into the save file
  • if the bgImageName is not empty then it will load the everytime you load a save
  • you can remove the background with the Del Bg button, you should save the .json file again to prevent the app from loading it again when loading the save

3.5 Pathfinding controls (4th tab)

  • When you press Start and a starting and ending node is specified, the pathfinding algorithm starts (Dijkstra)
  • The algorithm higghlights every patth and node it touches, and if it finds the end it only higlights the shortest path
  • Reset button removes higlighting
  • The Delay (ms) input sets the animation speed (the time it sleeps between iterations)
    • the default value is 120
    • if the value is 0 the algorithm is not animated, and only highlights the shortest path instantly
  • With the select element you can change the algorithm to use
    • Options: Dijkstra, A*

4. External sources

All materials from OpenStreetMap belong to the OpenStreetMap contributors

  1. Canvas functions: W3Schools canvas reference
  2. General javascript problems: MDN Web Docs
  3. Dijkstras Algorithm:
  4. A* Algorithm:
  5. Pictures included:
  6. Map import: