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A gem for console command entry with line edit, history, and prefill and security options. The goal of this gem is to create a lightweight, portable, pure Ruby alternative to Readline.


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This gem is used to get console style input from the user, with support for inline editing, command history, and stock or customizable auto-complete.

The mini readline gem is an experiment in replacing the standard readline gem that is part of Ruby. The mini readline project will try to focus on the needs of Ruby programs. It will also try to correct a number of irritating issues encountered when running cross platform environments. This is achieved through the use of the mini_term gem that deals with the mess of getting proper access to the low-level "terminal".

While the standard readline gem tries its best to be compatible with the GNU Readline library written in "C", mini_readline does not. Instead it takes on the goal of being best suited to the needs of Ruby programmers. While this makes it much less useful to those porting over Unix/Linux utilities, it makes it more useful to Ruby programmers creating CLI utilities in that language.

Further, while spread out over a much larger number of smaller, manageable files, mini readline has only 1238 lines of code. In fact, only two files have more than 100 lines in total. The rb-readline gem has a much larger 9480 lines of code with 8920 of them in a single, monster file. While the smaller files do have some downsides, bloated files are, in my opinion, worse.

Finally, I know this whole effort must seem to give off a sort of angry birds vibe against the original rb-readline gem. That is not my intent at all. I owe a great debt of gratitude to the authors and maintainers of that vital code. Their getting around the whole Win32API, dl obsolescence debacle saved me so much time and frustration that words do not suffice. Thanks!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mini_readline'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mini_readline

The mini_readline gem itself is found at: ( )

Key Mappings

The mini_readline gem supports a simple set of editing commands. These vary somewhat based on the system platform. The keyboard mappings (and alias mappings) are listed below:

Editor Action Windows Key Mac/Linux Key
Enter Enter Enter
Left Left Arrow, Pad Left Left Arrow, Ctrl-B
Word Left Ctrl Left Arrow, Ctrl Pad Left Ctrl Left Arrow, Alt-b
Right Right Arrow, Pad Right Right Arrow, Ctrl-F
Word Right Ctrl Right Arrow, Ctrl Pad Right Ctrl Right Arrow, Alt-f
Go to start Home, Pad Home Home, Ctrl-A
Go to end End, Pad End End, Ctrl-E
Previous History Up Arrow, Pad Up Up Arrow, Ctrl-R
Next History Down Arrow, Pad Down Down Arrow
Erase Left Backspace, Ctrl-H Backspace, Ctrl-H
Erase All Left Ctrl-U
Erase Right Delete, Ctrl-Backspace Delete, Ctrl-Backspace
Erase All Right Ctrl-K
Erase All Escape Ctrl-L
Auto-complete Tab, Ctrl-I Tab, Ctrl-I
End of Input Ctrl-Z Alt-z


  • The label "Mac/Linux" also includes the Cygwin platform.
  • On "Mac/Linux" systems lacking an Alt key, these sequences may be replaced by Escape followed by the appropriate letter.
  • References to Pad keys under Windows assume that Num Lock is not engaged.
  • Support for End of Input is controlled by the eoi_detect option. See options below.
  • These keyboard mappings are the standard ones included with mini_readline. See the section Adding Custom Key Maps below for more info.


The typical way of utilizing this gem is to place the following:

require 'mini_readline'


There are a number of demo/test programs available for the mini_readline gem. These are:

$ irbm
Starting an IRB console with mini_readline (0.7.2).

This runs against the most recently installed gem. Also available in the gem root folder is the irbt test utility.

$ ruby irbt.rb

which again, uses the most recent gem installed in the system.

$ ruby irbt.rb local

which uses the local copy of mini_readline, ignoring the system gems. This can also be accomplished with the command:

$ rake console

Compatible Mode

In compatible mode, mini_readline tries to be somewhat compatible with the classic system readline facility. This means that MiniReadline module methods are used to obtain user input. Here is this compatible mode in action with entry history enabled:

MiniReadline.readline('>', true)

and with entry history disabled:



MiniReadline.readline('>', false)

Where the string argument is the prompt seen by the user and the flag controls the history buffer. Use true to enable history and false to disable it.


In addition to the standard readline arguments, additional arguments may be passed in to access additional features. This is done with an optional trailing hash argument. For example, the following bit of compatibility mode code gets a string with password hiding:

MiniReadline.readline(">", false, secret_mask: "*")

See the section Options below for more information on the sorts of things that can be accomplished with these options settings.

Module Aliasing [Support Ended]

In an attempt to enhance compatibility, the mini_readline gem had the ability to alias itself as the readline gem. This feature was found to be unworkable and has been removed as of Version 0.7.0.

This feature was controlled by two global variables:


Note: Using these variables now has no effect whatsoever.

Native Mode

In native mode, instances of the Readline class are used to get user input.

edit =

The constructor takes an optional argument. A hash of options that are used as instance level options.

Once an instance is created it may be used as follows:

user_entry = edit.readline(options)

Where an optional hash of options settings. For example, to specify a non-default prompt with history enabled, use the following:

user_entry = edit.readline(prompt: '? ', history: true)

In addition, it is possible to get a hold of the history buffer of the edit object with:

hist = edit.history

This method answers an array of strings. Entries added to this array are available to the edit instance. For example, the following adds a rather menacing entry to the history buffer.

edit.history << "launch --weapons:nuclear --all"

Maybe I should cut back on the Fallout/4?


In mini_readline, options exist at three levels:

  • The MiniReadline module hash BASE_OPTIONS. These options are shared by all instances of the Readline class. These options can be modified by changing entries in the MiniReadline::BASE_OPTIONS hash.
  • The instance options associated with each instance of the Readline class. These options may be specified when a Readline instance is created (with new) or by getting the instance options with the instance_options property and adding/changing entries to/in it.
  • The options hash argument of the Readline class's readline instance method.

The options in effect during a read line operation are expressed as:


This means that instance_options entries override those in BASE_OPTION and readline parameter option entries override both instance_options and BASE_OPTION entries.

The available options are described below:

# The base options shared by all instances.
  :scroll_step   => 12,       # The amount scrolled.

  :prompt        => ">",      # The default prompt.
  :alt_prompt    => "<< ",    # The prompt when scrolled.
                              # Set to nil to use main prompt.

  :auto_complete => false,    # Is auto complete enabled?
  :auto_source   => nil,      # Filled in by auto_complete.rb
                              # MiniReadline::QuotedFileFolderSource

  :chomp         => false,    # Remove the trailing new-line?

  :eoi_detect    => false,    # Is end of input detection enabled?

  :history       => false,    # Is the history buffer enabled?
  :log           => [],       # Default is no previous history
  :no_blanks     => true,     # No empty lines in history.
  :no_dups       => true,     # No duplicate lines in history.
  :no_move       => false,    # Don't move history entries.

  :secret_mask   => nil,      # No secret password mask. Use the
                              # string "*" to use stars or " "
                              # for invisible secrets.

  :initial       => ""        # The initial text for the entry.
                              # An empty string for none.

While most of these options are self explanatory, a few could stand some further description:

  • :prompt is the standard prompt used when text is not scrolled.
  • :alt_prompt is the prompt used when the text must be scrolled to fit on the screen. If this is set to nil, then the main prompt is always used.
    Both the prompt and alt_prompt may contain ANSI terminal control sequences. These are restricted, however, to those commands that do not alter the position of the cursor. So basically colors, highlighting, etc.
  • :auto_complete is disabled by default. Of course there are a number of ways to enable it, or to make auto-complete enabled the default use:
require 'mini_readline'
MiniReadline::BASE_OPTION[:auto_complete] = true
  • :auto_source is the class of the source for auto-complete data. By default this is MiniReadline::QuotedFileFolderSource. This option can be changed up to get auto-complete data other than files and folders. See Auto-Compete below for more details.
  • :chomp is used to remove the trailing new-line character that garnishes the text from the user. Set to true for clean text, and to false for parsley to throw out.
  • :eoi_detect is used to control the end of input detection logic. If disabled, eoi inputs are treated as unmapped. If enabled, they raise a MiniReadlineEOI exception.
  • A few options control the history buffer. With the history option on, lines entered are retained in a buffer. Otherwise, no record is kept of entered text. When no_blanks is set, blank lines are not saved. When no_dups is set, duplicate lines are not saved. If so, when duplicates do occur, the no_move option keeps the older copy. Otherwise the newer copy is retained.
  • :secret_mask is a masking character to be used for sensitive input like a password or missile launch code. This should be exactly one character long. Typical values are "*" or " ". Also, any secret entries should be done with the history option TURNED OFF. Otherwise later entries will be able to retrieve the secret codes by just scrolling through previous entries.
  • :initial is the initial text used to prefill the readline edit area with the specified text. Leave as an empty string to default to the empty edit area.

Finally the :window_width option is now ignored. Screen width now automatically determined.


The mini readline gem comes with four auto-complete engines. These are:


Make a selection from an array of choices. That array is found in the option :array_src. This can either be an array of strings or a proc (or lambda) that returns an array of strings. This is an excellent choice for choosing from a list or program generated selection of choices.


A simple, in-line auto-complete for files and folders. This is an excellent choice for cases where file names are to be used by a ruby program or passed to a Linux/Other command line shell.


A simple, in-line auto-complete for files and folders embedded in quotes. This is a good choice where the returned string is to be evaluated as ruby code. The enclosing quotes will ensure that file names are evaluated as strings. NOTE: This is the default auto-complete data source.


This auto-complete for files and folders is designed to automatically select the appropriate folder separator character and use quotes when files contain embedded spaces. This is a good choice when building commands with files that will be passed to the command line processor in multi-platform, portable environments. Please see the Important Security Note below.

Adding Custom Auto-Completers

It is possible, and fairly straightforward to add application specific auto-completers to mini readline. To show how this might be done, the File and Folder data source is shown. Essential components of this class are the initialize, rebuild, and next methods.

  class FileFolderSource

    #Create a new file/folder auto-data source. NOP
    def initialize(options)
      # Save or ignore the options hash.

    #Construct a new data list for auto-complete given the current contents
    #of the mini_readline edit buffer. Return true-ish for success and
    #false-ish for failure.
    def rebuild(str)

      list = Dir.glob(@pivot + '*')

      @cycler = list.empty? ? nil : list.cycle

    #Parse the string into the two basic components. This is not part of the
    #protocol but is included to give an example of splitting the invariant
    #(root) part of the buffer from the variable (pivot) part.
    def extract_root_pivot(str)
      @root, @pivot = /\S+$/ =~ str ? [$PREMATCH, $MATCH] : [str, ""]

    #Get the next string for auto-complete. Note that this is the entire
    #string, not just the pivot bit at the end.
    def next
      @root +


To enable the use of a custom auto-completer, three things must be done:

  • The option[:auto_complete] must be set to true
  • The option[:auto_source] must be set to the class name of the new completer.
  • Any optional, additional options required by the completer must be set.

See the section Options above for more details on setting/controlling options.

Note: Elsewhere in the code above there exists a require 'English' statement to permit the use of clearer, easier to read access to regular expression results.

An example of a custom auto-complete facility may be found in the mysh gem located at:

Adding Custom Key Maps

It is possible to override the default keyboard maps used by the mini_readline gem. The following shows the installation of a retro, WordStar™ inspired keyboard mapping for a Windows system:

MiniTerm.add_map(:windows) do |map|
  map[" ".."~"] = :insert_text

  #Left Arrows
  map["\x13"]  = :go_left
  map["\x01"]  = :word_left

  #Right Arrows
  map["\x04"]  = :go_right
  map["\x06"]  = :word_right

  #Up Arrows
  map["\x05"]  = :previous_history

  #Down Arrows
  map["\x18"]  = :next_history

  #The Home and End keys
  map["\x17"]  = :go_home
  map["\x12"]  = :go_end

  #The Backspace and Delete keys
  map["\x08"]  = :delete_left
  map["\x7F"]  = :delete_right
  map["\x11\x13"] = :delete_all_left
  map["\x11\x04"] = :delete_all_right

  map["\t"]    = :auto_complete

  #The Enter key
  map["\x0D"]  = :enter

  #The Escape key
  map["\e"]    = :cancel

  #End of Input
  map["\x1A"]  = :end_of_input

Important Security Note

It must be remembered that any time strings are passed to the command line processor, there are serious security concerns. Passing such strings should only be done in cases where the user would be trusted with access to the command line itself. Untrusted users should never be given such access!


A simple demo of mini_readline in action is available. To access this demo use the following:

$ sire

This will launch SIRE, a Simple Interactive Ruby Environment, a sort of simple minded irb knock-off. The utility supports a number of options that allow the behaviour of the gem to be explored. These are:

Option Effect
local Use the mini_readline in the lib folder. For testing.
gem Use the mini_readline installed as a gem. The default.
old Use the old readline facility.
map1 Install a Wordstar keyboard map.
help Display usage info and exit.
-? Same thing.

Testing Shell Out Bugs

Of note, the run method can be used to test for the shell process bug. For example:

SIRE>(run 'ls').split("\n")

After this command is run, the program should continue to operate correctly and not go bannanas. To test the behavior of the (currently broken) standard readline library, use:

$ sire.rb old

Cross Platform Portability Progress

The mini_readline gem was initially designed for use with MRI version 1.9.3 or later. With version 0.9.0, the internal raw_term code is replaced with the new mini_term gem. That gem requires Ruby 2.0.0 or greater and now so does mini_readline.

As almost all of the platform specific responsibility has been moved to the mini_term gem, the tracking of portability progress issues now resides there as well. Please see mini_term for more information.


All participation is welcomed. There are two fabulous plans to choose from:

Plan A

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Switch to the development branch ('git branch development')
  3. Create your feature branch ('git checkout -b my-new-feature')
  4. Commit your changes ('git commit -am "Add some feature"')
  5. Push to the branch ('git push origin my-new-feature')
  6. Create new Pull Request

Plan B

Go to the GitHub repository and raise an issue calling attention to some aspect that could use some TLC or a suggestion or an idea. Please see ( )

This is a low pressure environment. All are welcome!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the fully_freeze project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


A gem for console command entry with line edit, history, and prefill and security options. The goal of this gem is to create a lightweight, portable, pure Ruby alternative to Readline.




Code of conduct





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