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methtuple is a methylation caller for methylation events that co-occur on the same DNA fragment from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data, such as methylC-seq.


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What does it do?

methtuple allows the user to investigate the co-occurence of methylation marks at the level of individual DNA fragments. It does this by performing methylation calling at m-tuples of methylation loci from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data, such as methylC-seq. In short, methtuple extracts and tabulates the methylation states of all m-tuples from a SAM/BAM file (for a user-defined value of m).

Why would I want to do that?

A typical read from a bisulfite-sequencing experiment reports a binary methylated or unmethylated measurement at multiple loci. Each read originates from a single cell. Because methylation calls are made from individual reads/read-pairs, we can investigate the co-occurence of methylation events at the level of individual DNA fragments.

I have been using methtuple to investigate the spatial dependence of DNA methylation at the level of individual DNA fragments by studying methylation patterns of CpG 2-tuples. methtuple can also be used as a drop-in replacement for bismark_methylation_extractor while also providing enhanced filtering options and a slightly faster runtime (10-20% faster, albeit with an increased memory usage).

What is an m-tuple?

The simplest m-tuple is the 1-tuple (m = 1). methtuple tabulates the number of reads that are methylated (M) and unmethylated (U) for each methylation 1-tuple in the genome. 1-tuples are the type of methylation calling performed by most methylation calling software such as Bismark's bismark_methylation_extractor.

A 2-tuple (m = 2) is a pair of methylation loci. methtuple tabulates the number of reads that methylated at each locus in the pair (MM), both unmethylated (UU) or methylated at one locus but not the other (MU or UM). This idea readily extends to 3-tuples, 4-tuples, etc.

In its default settings, and with m > 1, methtuple tries to create only m-tuples made of "neighbouring" loci. However, please see the example below for why I say this only "tries" to create m-tuples of neighbouring loci. For a DNA fragment containing k methylation loci there are k - m + 1 m-tuples made of neighbouring loci.

Alternatively, we can create all combinations of m-tuples by using the --all-combinations flag. For a DNA fragment containing k methylation loci there are "k choose m" m-tuples when using --all-combinations, a number that grows rapidly in k, particularly when m is close to k/2.

Regardless of how m-tuples are constructed, methtuple always takes care to only count each methylation locus once when it has been twice-sequenced by overlapping paired-end reads.

Draw me a picture

Well, I hope ASCII art will do.

Suppose we sequence a region of the genome containing five methylation loci with three paired-end reads (A, B and C):

ref: 1    2   3 4 5
A_1: |----->
A_2:         <------|
B_1: |----->
B_2:           <----|
C_1:    |----->
C_2:      <------|

If we are interested in 1-tuples, then we would obtain the following from each read by running methtuple:

A: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}
B: {1}, {2}, {4}, {5}
C: {2}, {3}, {4}

This result is true regardless of whether the --all-combinations flag is set.

If we are interested in 3-tuples, then we would obtain the following from each read by running methtuple in its default mode:

A: {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5}
B: {1, 2, 4}, {2, 4, 5}
C: {2, 3, 4}

Things to note:

  • Read-pair A sequences all three (= 5 - 3 + 1) "neighbouring" 3-tuples
  • Read-pair B sequences none of the "neighbouring" 3-tuples but does "erroneously" construct two non-neighbouring 3-tuples. This happens because m-tuples are created independently from each read-pair; effectively, read-pair B is "unaware" of methylation locus 3. Depending on the downstream analysis, you may want to post-hoc filter out these "non-neighbouring" m-tuples.
  • The twice-sequenced methylation loci, 2 and 3, in read-pair C are not double counted.

However, if we were to run methtuple with --all-combinations then we would obtain:

A: {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 2, 5}, {1, 3, 4}, {1, 3, 5}, {1, 4, 5}, {2, 3, 5}, {2, 4, 5}
B: {1, 2, 4}, {2, 4, 5}, {1, 2, 5}, {1, 4, 5}
C: {2, 3, 4}

Installation and dependencies

methtuple is written in Python and relies upon the pysam module. NOTE: methtuple now requires pysam v0.8.4 or greater.

Running python install will attempt to install pysam if it isn't found on your system. Alternatively, instructions for installing pysam are available from

I have extensively used and tested methtuple (<= v.1.6.0) with Python 2.7 and it should also work on Python 3.x. As of v1.7.0` I stopped trying to provide compatability with Python 2.x. Although, I have not used the software much since 2015, it passes its extensive test suite and I will endeavour to provide fixes to any bug reports.

Using pip

The simplest way:

pip install methtuple

methtuple is written in Python and requires the pysam module. NOTE: methtuple now requires pysam v0.8.4 or greater.

Alternatively, after cloning or downloading the methtuple git repositority, simply run:

python install

in the root methtuple directory should work for most systems.


Basic usage

methtuple processes a single SAM or BAM file and works for both single-end and paired-end sequencing data. Example BAM files from single-end directional and paired-end directional bisulfite-sequencing experiments are available in the data/ directory.

Methylation measurements may be filtered by base quality or other criteria such as the mapping quality of the read or whether the read is marked as a PCR duplicate. For a full list of filtering options, please run methtuple --help or see the Advanced Usage section below.

Currently, the SAM/BAM file must have been created with Bismark. If the data were aligned with Bismark version < 0.8.3 please use the --aligner Bismark_old flag. Please file an issue if you would like to use a SAM/BAM file created with another aligner and I will do my best to support it.

The main options to pass methtuple are the size of the m-tuple (-m); the type of methylation, which is some combination of CG, CHG, CHH and CNN (--methylation-type); any filters to be applied to reads or positions within reads (see below); the SAM/BAM file; and the sample name, which will be used as a prefix for all output files. Multiple methylation types may be specified jointly, e.g., --methylation-type CG --methylation-type CHG


Three output files are created and summary information is written to STDOUT. The main output file is a tab-delimited file of all m-tuples, <in>.<--methylation-type>.<-m>[ac].tsv, where <in> is the prefix of the <in.bam>|<in.sam> SAM/BAM file and ac is added if the --all-combinations flag was used, e.g., SRR949207.CG.2ac.tsv. Output files may be gzipped (--gzip) or bzipped (--bzip2).

Here are the first 5 rows (including with the header row) from data/se_directional.fq.gz_bismark_bt2.CG.2.tsv, which is created by running the single-end directional example shown below:

chr     strand  pos1    pos2    MM      MU      UM      UU
chr1    +       6387768 6387783 1       0       0       0
chr1    +       7104116 7104139 1       0       0       0
chr1    +       7104139 7104152 1       0       0       0
chr1    +       9256170 9256179 0       0       0       1

So, for example, at the CpG 2-tuple chr1:+:(6,387,768, 6,387,783) we observed 1 read that was methylated at chr1:+:6,387,768 and methylated at chr1:+:6,387,783.

The strand is recorded as + (forward strand, "OT" in Bismark), - (reverse strand, "OB" in Bismark) or *, meaning not applicable (if the --strand-collapse option is set). The position of all methylation loci is always with respect to the forward strand.

The second file (<in>.<--methylation-type>_per_read.hist) is a text histogram of the number of methylation loci per read/readpair (of the type specified by --methylation-type) that passed the filters specified at runtime of methtuple.

Here is the file data/se_directional.fq.gz_bismark_bt2.CG_per_read.hist, which is created by running the single-end directional example shown below:

n       count
0       4561
1       2347
2       789
3       296
4       144
5       61
6       29
7       19
8       3
9       4
10      2
11      1
12      3
13      4
14      1
18      2

So, 4,561 reads aligned to a position containing no CpGs while 2 reads aligned to a position containing 18 CpGs.

An optional third and final file (<in>.reads_that_failed_QC.txt>) records the querynames (QNAME) of all reads that failed to pass quality control filters and which filter the read failed. This file may be omitted by use of the --no-failed-filter-file flag.

In this case we didn't set any quality control filters and so this file is empty.


Two small example datasets are included in the data/ directory. Included are the FASTQ files and the SAM/BAM files generated with Bismark in Bowtie2 mode. More details of the example datasets can be found in data/

Although the example datasets are both from directional bisulfite-sequencing protocols, methtuple also works with data from non-directional bisulfite-sequencing protocols.

Single-end reads

The following command will extract all CpG 2-tuples from the file data/se_directional.bam:

methtuple -m 2 --methylation-type CG data/se_directional.fq.gz_bismark_bt2.bam

This results in 3 files:

  • data/se_directional.fq.gz_bismark_bt2.CG.2.tsv
  • data/se_directional.fq.gz_bismark_bt2.CG_per_read.hist
  • data/se_directional.fq.gz_bismark_bt2.reads_that_failed_QC.txt

Paired-end reads

Paired-end data must firstly be sorted by queryname prior to running methtuple. BAM files created by Bismark, such as data/pe_directional.bam, are already sorted by queryname. So, to extract all CG/CHH 3-tuples we would simply run:

methtuple -m 3 --methylation-type CG --methylation-type CHH data/pe_directional_1.fq.gz_bismark_bt2_pe.bam

This results in 3 files:

  • data/pe_directional_1.fq.gz_bismark_bt2_pe.CG_CHH.3.tsv
  • data/pe_directional_1.fq.gz_bismark_bt2_pe.CG_CHH_per_read.hist
  • data/pe_directional_1.fq.gz_bismark_bt2_pe.reads_that_failed_QC.txt
Note on sort-order of paired-end SAM/BAM files

If your paired-end SAM/BAM file is sorted by genomic coordinates, then you must first sort the SAM/BAM by queryname and then run methtuple on the queryname-sorted SAM/BAM. This can be done by using samtools sort with the -n option or Picard's SortSam function with the SO=queryname option:

# Create a coordinate-sorted SAM/BAM for the sake of argument
samtools sort data/pe_directional_1.fq.gz_bismark_bt2_pe.bam data/cs_pe_directional_1.fq.gz_bismark_bt2_pe
# Re-sort the coordinate-sorted BAM by queryname
samtools sort -n data/cs_pe_directional_1.fq.gz_bismark_bt2_pe.bam data/qs_pe_directional_1.fq.gz_bismark_bt2_pe
# Run methtuple on the queryname sorted BAM
methtuple -m 3 --methylation-type CG --methylation-type CHG data/qs_pe_directional_1.fq.gz_bismark_bt2_pe.bam

Memory usage and running time

For a rough indication of performance, here are the results for processing approximately 40,000,000 100bp paired-end reads from chr1 of a 20-30x coverage whole-genome methylC-seq experiment of human data. This analysis used a single AMD Opteron 6276 CPU (2.3GHz) on a shared memory system.

-m 2

Memory usage peaked at 1.9GB and the running time was approximately 5 hours.

-m 2 --all-combinations

Memory usage peaked at 7GB and the running time was approximately 5.5 hours.

Use of the --all-combinations flag creates all possible m-tuples, including non-neighbouring ones. This produces many more m-tuples and so increases the memory usage.

-m 5

Memory usage peaked at 1.5GB and the running time was approximately 4.3 hours.

Helper script

I frequently work with large, coordinate-sorted SAM/BAM files. To speed up the extraction of m-tuples, I use a simple parallelisation strategy with GNU parallel. The idea is to split the SAM/BAM file into chromosome-level SAM/BAM files, process each chromosome-level SAM/BAM separately and then recombine these chromosome-level files into a genome-level file. The script helper_scripts/ implements this strategy; simply edit the key variables in this script or adapt it to your own needs. Please check the requirements listed in helper_scripts/


  • WARNING: This simple strategy uses as many cores as there are chromosomes. This can result in very large memory usage, depending on the value of -m, and may cause problems if you have more chromosomes than available cores.
  • WARNING: The script tabulate_hist.R must be in the same directory as

Advanced usage

A full list of options is available by running methtuple --help:

usage: methtuple [options] <in.bam>|<in.sam>
Please run 'methtuple -h' for a full list of options.

Extract methylation patterns at m-tuples of methylation loci from the aligned
reads of a bisulfite-sequencing experiment. Currently only supports SAM/BAM
files created with Bismark.

Input options:
  <in.bam>|<in.sam>     Input file in BAM or SAM format. Use - to specify STDIN.
                        The header must be included and alignments must have
                        been done using Bismark.
  --aligner {Bismark,Bismark_old}
                        The aligner used to generate the SAM/BAM file.
                        Bismark_old refers to Bismark version < 0.8.3 (default:
  --Phred64             Quality scores are encoded as Phred64 rather than
                        Phred33 (default: False)

Output options:
  -o PREFIX, --output-prefix PREFIX
                        By default, all output files have the same prefix as
                        that of the input file. This will override the prefix of
                        output file names
  --sc, --strand-collapse
                        Collapse counts across across Watson and Crick strands.
                        Only possible for CG methylation type. The strand is
                        recorded as '*' if this option is selected. (default:
  --nfff, --no-failed-filter-file
                        Do not create the file listing the reads that failed to
                        pass to pass the filters and which filter it failed
                        (default: False)
  --gzip                gzip all output files. --gzip and --bzip2 are mutually
                        exclusive (default: False)
  --bzip2               bzip2 all output files. --gzip and --bzip2 are mutually
                        exclusive (default: False)

Construction of methylation loci m-tuples:
  --mt {CG,CHG,CHH,CNN}, --methylation-type {CG,CHG,CHH,CNN}
                        The methylation type. Multiple methylation types may be
                        analysed jointly by repeated use of this argument, e.g.,
                        --methylation-type CG --methylation-type CHG. The
                        default ('None') corresponds to CG (default: None)
  -m <int>              The size of the m-tuples, i.e., the 'm' in m-tuples
                        (default: 1)
  --ac, --all-combinations
                        Create all combinations of m-tuples, including non-
                        neighbouring m-tuples. WARNING: This will greatly
                        increase the memory usage, particularly for larger
                        values of -m and when analysing non-CG methylation
                        (default: False)

Filtering of reads:
  Applied before filtering of bases

  --id, --ignore-duplicates
                        Ignore reads that have been flagged as PCR duplicates
                        by, for example, Picard's MarkDuplicates function. More
                        specifically, ignore reads with the 0x400 bit in the
                        FLAG (default: False)
  --mmq <int>, --min-mapq <int>
                        Ignore reads with a mapping quality score (mapQ) less
                        than <int> (default: 0)
  --of {sequence_strict,sequence,XM_strict,XM,XM_ol,quality,Bismark}, --overlap-filter {sequence_strict,sequence,XM_strict,XM,XM_ol,quality,Bismark}
                        The type of check to be performed (listed roughly from
                        most-to-least stringent): Ignore the read-pair if the
                        sequence in the overlap differs between mates
                        (sequence_strict); Ignore the overlapping region if the
                        sequence in the overlap differs between mates
                        (sequence); Ignore the read-pair if the XM-tag in the
                        overlap differs (XM_strict); Ignore the overlapping
                        region if the XM-tag in the overlap differs between
                        mates (XM); Ignore any positions in the overlapping
                        region where the XM-tags differ between the mates
                        (XM_ol); Use the mate with the higher average quality
                        basecalls in the overlapping region (quality); Use the
                        first mate of each read-pair, i.e., the method used by
                        bismark_methylation_extractor with the --no_overlap flag
                        (Bismark) (default: XM_ol)
  --uip, --use-improper-pairs
                        Use the improper read-pairs, i.e. don't filter them.
                        More specifically, check the 0x2 FLAG bit of each read;
                        the exact definition of an improper read-pair depends on
                        the aligner and alignment parameters (default: False)

Filtering of bases:
  Applied after filtering of reads

  --ir1p VALUES, --ignore-read1-positions VALUES
                        If single-end data, ignore these read positions from all
                        reads. If paired-end data, ignore these read positions
                        from just read_1 of each pair. Multiple values should be
                        comma-delimited, ranges can be specified by use of the
                        hyphen and all positions should use 1-based co-
                        ordinates. For example, 1-5,80,95-100 corresponds to
                        ignoring read-positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 80, 98, 99, 100.
                        (default: None)
  --ir2p VALUES, --ignore-read2-positions VALUES
                        Ignore these read positions from just read_2 of each
                        pair if paired-end sequencing. Multiple values should be
                        comma-delimited, ranges can be specified by use of the
                        hyphen and all positions should use 1-based co-
                        ordinates. For example, 1-5,80,95-100 corresponds to
                        ignoring read-positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 80, 98, 99, 100.
                        (default: None)
  --mbq <int>, --min-base-qual <int>
                        Ignore read positions with a base quality score less
                        than <int> (default: 0)

  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

methtuple (v1.8.0) by Peter Hickey (,

Limitations and notes

These are current limitations and their statuses:

Only works with data aligned with the Bismark mapping software

methtuple makes use of Bismark's custom SAM tags XM, XR and XG. The XM tag is used to infer the methylation state of each sequenced cytosine while the XR and XG tags are used to infer the orientation and strand of the alignment. If the data were aligned with Bismark version < 0.8.3 please use the --oldBismark flag.

Please file an issue if you would like to use a SAM/BAM file created with another aligner and I will do my best to support it; also, see Issue #30

Paired-end data must be sorted by queryname and it is recommended that SAMtools is used to do this

Sorting paired-end data by queryname (QNAME) is required in order to avoid expensive lookups when finding the mate of a paired-end read. methtuple requires that read_1 always occurs before read_2 in each pair. Unfortunately, the SAM specifications provides no guarantee about the relative order of read_1 and read_2 when they have identical QNAME and the file is sorted by queryname.

The SAM/BAM file created by Bismark is already in the required order and so this is not an issue. However, if the SAM/BAM file produced by Bismark has sunsequently been re-sorted in some way (e.g., sorted by genomic co-ordinates for use with Picard's MarkDuplicates utility), then the file will need to be re-sorted. According to Heng Li, one of the developer's of SAMtools, "samtools sort starts to put read_1 before read_2 since 0.1.19, released on 03/19/2013." (samtools/hts-specs#5 (comment)). Therefore, samtools sort -n is the recommended way to sort the SAM/BAM file by queryname in order to ensure that read_1 occurs before read_2. The helper script helper_scripts/ works with a coordinate-sorted SAM/BAM file and does so by including a step to sort the chromosome-level SAM/BAM files by queryname using samtools sort -n.

The --aligner Bismark_old option is a bit crude

Specifically, it assumes that there are no '/' characters in the read names (QNAME) and that the SAM/BAM has not been processed with any other programs, e.g. Picard's MarkDuplicates, that might change the FLAG field. Please file an issue or submit a pull request if you would like this improved.

Construction of "non-neighbouring" m-tuples

As discussed in the above example, methtuple tries not to create "non-neighbouring" m-tuples, however, these do occur due to m-tuples being created independently from each read/read-pair. I do not make use of non-neighbouring m-tuples in my downstream analyses and so I post-hoc filter these out.

If you would like the option to create all possible m-tuples, both "neighbouring" and "non-neighbouring", please let me know at #85 as there is a simple solution that just awaits motivation for me to implement it.

Choice of --overlap-filter

The two mates of a paired-end read, read_1 and read_2, often overlap in bisulfite-sequencing data. methtuple ensures that the overlapping sequence isn't double-counted and offers several different choices of how overlapping paired-end reads are processed via the --overlap-filter flag. Listed roughly from most-to-least stringent these are:

  1. sequence_strict: Check that the entire overlapping sequence is identical; if not identical then do not use any methylation calls from the entire read-pair.
  2. sequence: Check that the entire overlapping sequence is identical; if not identical then do not use any methylation calls from the overlap.
  3. XM_strict: Check that the XM-tag is identical for the overlapping region; if not identical then do not use any methylation calls from the entire read-pair.
  4. XM: Check that the XM-tag is identical for the overlapping region; if not identical then do not use any methylation calls from the overlap.
  5. XM_ol: Check that the XM-tag is identical for the overlapping region; if not identical then exclude those positions of disagreement and count once the remaining positions in the overlap.
  6. quality: No check of the overlapping bases; simply use the read with the higher average quality basecalls in the overlapping region.
  7. Bismark: No check of the overlapping bases; simply use the overlapping bases from read_1, i.e., the method used by bismark_methylation_extractor with the --no_overlap flag.

Other notes

  • Bismark-Bowtie1 always sets the mapping quality (mapQ) as the value 255, which means unavailable in the SAM format specification. Thus the --min-mapq option will not have any effect for Bismark-Bowtie1 data.
  • methtuple skips paired-end reads where either mate is unmapped.


A big thank you to Felix Krueger (the author of Bismark) for his help in understanding mapping of bisulfite-sequencing data and for answering my many questions along the way.

Thanks also to Tobias Sargeant (@folded) for his help in turning the original script into the current Python module methtuple and for help in setting up a testing framework.

Questions and comments

Please use the GitHub Issue Tracker to file bug reports or request new functionality. I welcome questions and comments; you can email me at


methtuple is a methylation caller for methylation events that co-occur on the same DNA fragment from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data, such as methylC-seq.







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