- Schema [3]
- Standard resources
- Custom resources
- Provides the
struct for creation of custom resources - Provides the
interface for the creation of custom resource extensions
- Provides the
- Standard resources
- Protocol [4]
- Schema
- Standard resources
- Server resources
- Standard resources
- Protocol
- Client
- Operations
- HTTP "CRUD" operations (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE)
- Partial update (PATCH)
- Filtered search (GET)
- Conflict management
- eTag support
- Last modified support
- Authentication modes
- Unauthenticated
- Basic authentication
- OAuth2 Client Credential authentication
- Custom authentication
- Operations
- Validation
- Validate resources against a server-provided schema
- Validate resources against a custom schema
- Validate resources against the default schema (
Once a SCIM client has been created, retrieving a SCIM resource can be easily accomplished as shown in the following code example:
func changeManager(client scim.Client, employeeID string, managerID string) error {
e, e_err := client.Get("User", employeeID) // [1]
if e_err != nil {
return e_err
m, m_err := client.Get("User", managerID) // [1]
if m_err != nil {
return m_err
var manager Manager
manager.Value = m.ID
manager.Reference = "../Users/" + m.ID
manager.DisplayName = m.DisplayName
var enterpriseUser EnterpriseUser
err := e.GetExtension(&enterpriseUser) // [2]
if eu_err != nil {
return eu_err
eu.Manager = manager
err = e.UpdateExtension(&enterpriseUser) // [3]
return client.Update("User", e) // [4]
This code illustrates how to:
- Retrieve a resource from a server
- Get one of the resource's extensions
- Update the local representation of the resource
- Update a resource's representation on the server
A custom resource can be created by creating a struct
annotated for
JSON marshaling/unmarshaling and adding the scim.Resource
field as
shown in the following example:
//Organization represents some hierarchy of an arbitrary organization
//including (URI) an optional reference to a parent organization as well
//as to zero or more child organizations. As with other SCIM references
//the Parent and Children references may be absolute or relative URIs.
type Organization struct {
Name string `json:"name"` //Name is the organization's name - e.g. "Tour Promotion"
Type string `json:"type"` //Type is the organization's type - e.g. "Department"
Parent OrganizationReference `json:"$parent"` //Parent is a URI reference to a parent organization
Children OrganizationReference `json:"$children"` //Children is a URI reference to zero or more child organizations
//OrganizationReference is a string containing an absolute or relative
//URL to another Organization.
type OrganizationReference string
The scim client library will marshal to and unmarshal from the following JSON:
"id": "430beb5c-a361-4c04-b308-2845789a496e",
"schemas": ["urn:com:example:2.0:Organization"],
"name": "Tour Promotion",
"type": "Department",
"parent": "../Organizations/4a7741a3-a436-4a52-a6d5-149e6c1b9578",
"children": [
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Organization",
"created": "2010-01-23T04:56:22Z",
"lastModified": "2011-05-13T04:42:34Z",
"version": "W/3694e05e9dff590",
Custom SCIM Extension
s can also be created using a techique similar
to that shown above. In this case, a SCIM Extension
is identified
by implementing the GetUrn() string
function as shown in the
following example:
//Pantry is a SCIM Extension that allows employees and employers to track
//the amount owed to the pantry (or to the employee).
type Pantry struct {
Building string `json:"building"` //Building is the location housing the employee's office
Office string `json:"office"` //Office is the room number of the employee's office
Balance float64 `json:"balance"` //Balance is the amount the employee owes to the pantry (if negative). Credits can be represented by positive Balance values
//GetURN returns the SCIM Extension's URN (identifier) and, more importantly
//identifies the Pantry struct as a SCIM extension.
func (p Pantry) GetURN() string {
return "urn:com:example:2.0:Pantry"
When extending a SCIM User
resource, the Extension
will marshall to
and unmarshal from the following JSON:
"schemas": [
"id": "2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646",
"externalId": "701984",
"userName": "bjensen@example.com",
"urn:com:example:2.0:Pantry": {
"building": "Technology Support Building",
"office": "202BB",
"balance": 4.25
"meta": {
"resourceType": "User",
"created": "2010-01-23T04:56:22Z",
"lastModified": "2011-05-13T04:42:34Z",
"version": "W/a330bc54f0671c9",
"location": "https://example.com/v2/Users/2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646"
This project is a Go module and therefore does not need to be located
in the $GOPATH
hierarchy. Use the ./...
construct with your Go
commands as follows:
go build ./... // builds the project's packages
go test ./... // runs the tests in all the project's packages
go test -cover ./... // runs the tests in all the project's packages showing coverage information
go test -coverprofile cover.out ./... // runs the tests in all the project's packages showing coverage information and generating a coverage report
go tool cover -html=cover.out // displays the generated coverage report in your browser of choice