A ROS2 package of CoLRIO: LiDAR-Ranging-Inertial Centralized State Estimation for Robotic Swarms.
- Ubuntu ROS2 Foxy (Robot Operating System 2 on Ubuntu 20.04)
- CMake (Compilation Configuration Tool)
- PCL (Default Point Cloud Library on Ubuntu work normally)
- Eigen (Default Eigen library on Ubuntu work normally)
- GTSAM 4.2a8 (Georgia Tech Smoothing and Mapping library)
Build CoLRIO:
mkdir -p ~/cslam_ws/src
cd ~/cslam_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/PengYu-Team/Co-LRIO.git
cd ../
colcon build --symlink-install
[our dataset] TBD.
S3E dataset. The datasets are configured to run with default parameter.
ros2 launch co_lrio run.launch.py
ros2 bag play *your-bag-path*
This work is published in IEEE ICRA 2024 conference, and please cite related papers:
title={CoLRIO: LiDAR-Ranging-Inertial Centralized State Estimation for Robotic Swarms},
author={Shipeng Zhong and Hongbo Chen and Yuhua Qi and Dapeng Feng and Zhiqiang Chen and Jin Wu and Weisong Wen and Ming Liu},
title={S3e: A large-scale multimodal dataset for collaborative slam},
author={Feng, Dapeng and Qi, Yuhua and Zhong, Shipeng and Chen, Zhiqiang and Jiao, Yudu and Chen, Qiming and Jiang, Tao and Chen, Hongbo},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.13723},
- We combined the front end of CoLRIO and the DLO to achieve the 5th position in the ICCV 2023 LiDAR-Inertial SLAM Challenge.
The Leaderboard is shown as follow:
And the hardware and results are shown as follow:
CoLRIO depends on FAST-GICP (Kenji Koide, Masashi Yokozuka, Shuji Oishi, and Atsuhiko Banno, "Voxelized GICP for fast and accurate 3D point cloud registration".).
CoLRIO depends on GncOptimizer (Yang, Antonante, Tzoumas, Carlone, "Graduated Non-Convexity for Robust Spatial Perception: From Non-Minimal Solvers to Global Outlier Rejection").