This repo contains all the tools needed to process the documents of an entire Wikipedia snapshot and convert them into PeARS document representations, labeled with cluster names. The high-level idea is that you input Wikipedia and you output a map of current knowledge organised into topics (the clusters) and represented in binary form. The binary vectors are locality-sensitive, i.e. you can compute semantic similarity over them. The result of this processing step is a stable semantic grid, which you can attach new documents to. For instance, if you index a Medium post on AI, the system should give it a representation located in the AI/ML cluster of the Wikipedia map. In the future, this will allow for faster search, as a query on AI is only compared to documents in the AI cluster, rather than all documents available in the PeARS collection.
Output: a representation of an entire Wikipedia dump as 256-bit locality-sensitive binary vectors.
We recommend to run the code in a virtual environment:
git clone
virtualenv PeARS-multilingual-fly/env
cd PeARS-multilingual-fly
source env/bin/activate
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The entire pipeline can be run using the following command:
python3 --lang=<language> --pipeline
The language code is the prefix to your Wikipedia url. For instance, The English Wikipedia is at so its language code is en. The Hindi Wikipedia is at, so its language code is hi.
If you are curious about what happens in the background, go and check out the wiki.
NB: for large Wikipedia snapshots, processing will take a long time. For the largest wikis (English, German, French, Dutch...) this can easily run into an entire day, depending on the number and strength of CPUs on your machine. You may want to try out of the pipeline on a smaller wiki first, to get a feel for the system. (The simple English Wikipedia may be a good choice, and can be run using --lang=simple. But in all likelihood, the processing will still take a few hours.)
If running the entire pipeline seems overwhelming, you can also do it in steps. Usage for the is defined as follow:
Usage: --lang=<language_code> --pipeline --lang=<language_code> --train_tokenizer --lang=<language_code> --download_wiki --lang=<language_code> --train_umap --lang=<language_code> --train_pca --lang=<language_code> --cluster_data --lang=<language_code> --train_fly --lang=<language_code> --binarize_data (-h | --help) --version
--lang=<language code> The language of the Wikipedia to process.
--pipeline Run the whole pipeline (this can take several hours!)
--train_tokenizer Train a sentencepiece tokenizer for a language.
--download_wiki Download and preprocess Wikipedia for the chosen language.
--train_umap Train the UMAP dimensionality reduction model.
--train_pca Train a PCA dimensionality reduction model (alternative to UMAP).
--cluster_data Learn cluster names and apply clustering to the entire Wikipedia.
--train_fly Train the fruit fly over dimensionality-reduced representations.
--binarize_data Apply the fruit fly to the entire Wikipedia.
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
We recommend running the following in this order: --lang=<language_code> --train_tokenizer --lang=<language_code> --download_wiki --lang=<language_code> --train_umap --lang=<language_code> --cluster_data --lang=<language_code> --train_fly --lang=<language_code> --binarize_data
If for any reason, you have trouble running UMAP on your machine, you can replace the --train_umap step with the following: --lang=<language_code> --train_pca
This will train a PCA model rather than UMAP, which give slightly worse document representations but may be kinder to your machine.
You can inspect the configuration of the representations built over Wikipedia, by using the tool. Please check the wiki for more details.