WinFBE Version 1.9.1
FYI - (The visual designer is still a work in progress)
- Added: PictureBox autocomplete popup properties.
- Added: 'Horizonal Spacing' menu option to horizontally space a selected group of controls.
- Added: 'Vertical Spacing' menu option to vertically space a selected group of controls.
- Added: Some missing Button control Image related autocomplete popup properties.
- Added: The -b compile flag when compiling Modules. This allows non *.bas files to be compiled.
- Added: Compile time messages (#print/#error) and "C" compile are now output to the Compiler Results listview.
- Added: WinFBE source code is now included in the WinFBE Suite download.
- Added: Several new color and text align options ofr ListBox.
- Changed: Updated Italian language file thanks to Massimiliano.
- Fixed: Regression that caused compiling of individual modules to object files in a project to fail.
- Fixed: Compile errors now correctly display any hidden folded error line.
- Fixed: Regression from 1.9.0. Frame BackColor property inadvertantly changed to BackColorHot.
- Fixed: Find/Replace popup dialog would not position correctly when Main for was resized or moved.
- Fixed: TextBox. Added ES_AUTOVSCROLL for multiline textboxes when AcceptReturn = True.
- Fixed: Regression from 1.8.7. GCC 8.1 32-bit now correctly installed. 64-bit was correct 8.1 version.
- Fixed: Resize flicker for controls/form in visual designer.