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A simple Discord bot allowing you to manage your Dofus Touch's Almanax

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Looking for a Discord bot allowing you to follow all the news of the game Dofus-Touch on your Discord server? Bwuno makes it possible to follow all Twitter, Almanax or official Forum events while offering a quick way to access information about guilds or characters from the official site.

📝 Fonctionnalities

  • 🕊️ Dofus-Touch Twitter account activity tracking in a living room
  • 📅 Posts the almanax of the day in a predefined room at midnight
  • 💬 Notification of staff interventions on the Official Forum in a living room
  • 🤵 Retrieving character or guild information
  • ⏰ Predefined reminder of desired almanaxes 1 month and 2 weeks before
  • 👄 Management of French, English and Spanish languages
  • 🌠 Support of Slash Command
  • ⚙️ Customization of the Discord server (prefix, DT server, etc...)

📚 Commands

Commands Options Description
/help Displays help menu
/about Shows Bwuno's credits
/type name Returns all dates with an Almanax of the desired type
/doziak date Shows the doziak sign of the date
/remind start date ou item Activates a reminder by DM 30d, 15d and 7d before the Almanax as well as the same day
/remind stop date ou item Disables the reminder of this Almanax
/show Displays all reminders to which the user has subscribed
/follow start channel, type Enables following Twitter or forum posts in a room
/follow stop channel, type Disables Twitter or forum post tracking in a room
/whois pseudo, serveur, level Displays player information from the official Dofus-Touch website
/guild name, serveur, level Displays guild information
/auto start channel Enables adding the Almanax of the day to a lobby at midnight
/auto stop channel Disables the display of the Almanax of the day on the Discord server
/lang language Change the default language of Bwuno on the Discord server
/almanax Show today's Almanax
date Displays the Almanax of the specified date
item Displays all Almanax where the offering is the item
plus Displays up to the next 25 Almanax

🌵 Examples

/whois usopp-sogeking /guild magoa
1 2
/follow start DofusTouch_EN /follow start Forum
1 2

A mere remake of Kaelly-Touch, isn'it ?

Well no ! it's a full-fledged discord bot. The source code of kaelly-touch has never been even looked at by the creators of Bwuno. They have commands in common because this one was planned but are not made the same.

The few rare commands that Bwuno and Kaelly-Touch have in common are more complete at Bwuno

Example: (Kaelly on the left and Bwuno on the right)

📜 Instalation

⚠️ This part is reserved for developers or people wishing to launch Bwuno from their machine, If you just want to use it on your Discord server without having to deal with hosting and everything, click here

git clone;
cd Bwuno/

Now open the ./resources/config.json file and fill in the empty fields, such as the discord.token part where you must put your Discord bot token, then add the images associated with your future bot in the fields blank bwuno field.

Make sure you have a version of Node.JS greater than 10, Then launch your bot with yarn or npm (you've got the choice)

yarn;               # Used to install the necessary packages
yarn start makeDB;  # Create the database locally
yarn start;         # Launch the bot on your machine

I personally recommend that you use PM2 or screen to keep your bot active all the time long.

Pop the ⭐ to contribute to the project 😎.


A simple Discord bot allowing you to manage your Dofus Touch's Almanax







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