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This is a collection of Pagedown plugins to enable support for Markdown Extra syntax. Open demo/demo.html to try it yourself. To run the tests, just open spec/SpecRunner.html in your browser. Or, to run a browser-less test from the command line as travis-ci would, run bundle install followed by bundle exec rake. You'll need Ruby and the rake gem if you use the second method.

These extensions work equally well with both the default and sanitizing converters.



First, make sure you have the most recent version of Pagedown (as of Feb 3, 2013), as it adds more powerful hooks that this implementation relies on.

In order to use the extensions, you'll need to include Markdown.Extra.js after the Pagedown sources. Check out the demo for a working example.

var converter = new Markdown.Converter();
Markdown.Extra.init(converter, {extensions: "all"});
// options object is unnecessary in this case -- "all" is the default

Otherwise, you can choose from the extensions currently supported:

// ascii tables
Markdown.Extra.init(converter, {extensions: "tables"});
// gfm fenced code blocks 
Markdown.Extra.init(converter, {extensions: "fenced_code_gfm"});

If you're using multiple converters on the same page, you can just call Markdown.Extra.init once for each converter and you're all set.

Markdown.Extra supports ascii-formatted tables:

| Item      | Value | Qty |
| --------- | -----:|:--: |
| Computer  | $1600 | 5   |
| Phone     |   $12 | 12  |
| Pipe      |    $1 |234  |

Which will render to something like this depending on how you choose to style it:

Item Value Qty
Computer $1600 5
Phone $12 12
Pipe $1 234

You can also specify a class for the generated tables using Markdown.Extra.init(converter, {table_class: "table table-striped"}) for instance.

Within markdown tables, markdown inside of table cells will also be converted. By default a sanitizing converter is used, but you can change this by adding sanitize: false to the options object passed to init. Only span-level tags are retained inside of table cells, per the PHP Markdown Extra spec.

Fenced code blocks are supported à la GitHub. This markdown:

var x = 2;

Will be transformed into:

    <code>var x = 2;</code>

You can specify a syntax highlighter in the options object passed to Markdown.Extra.init, in which case the html generated from fenced code blocks will be compatible with it. Both google-code-prettify and Highlight.js are currently supported:

// highlighter can be either `prettify` or `highlight`
Markdown.Extra.init(converter, {highlighter: "prettify"});

If either of those is specified, the language type will be added to the code tag, e.g. <code class="language-javascript">, otherwise you just get the standard <code class="javascript"> as in PHP Markdown Extra. If prettify is specified, <pre> also becomes <pre class="prettyprint">. Otherwise, the markup is the same as what Pagedown produces for regular indented code blocks. For example, when using {highlighter: "prettify"} as shown above, this:

var x = 2;

Would generate the following html:

<pre class="prettyprint">
    <code class="language-javascript">var x = 2;</code>
Term 1
:   Definition 1

Term 2
:   This definition has a code block.

        code block


  <dt>Term 1</dt>
    Definition 1
  <dt>Term 2</dt>
    This definition has a code block.
    <pre><code>code block</code></pre>

Definitions can contain both inline and block-level markdown.

Extension / Option Reference

You can enable all of the currently supported extensions with {extensions: "all"}. This is also the default. If specifying multiple extensions, you must provide them as an array. Here is a list of the current and planned options and extensions. I've chosen to use the same naming scheme as the excellent Python Markdown library.

Extension Description
fenced_code_gfm GFM fenced code blocks
tables Pretty tables!
def_list Definition lists
attr_list Special attributes list for headers and fenced code blocks
fenced_code PHP Markdown Extra fenced code blocks
smart_strong No strong emphasis in the middle of words
Option Description
table_class Class added to all markdown tables. Useful when using frameworks like bootstrap.
highlighter Code highlighter. Must be one of highlight and prettify for now
sanitize Whether to sanitize inline html (in generated tables, for instance). Defaults to true.

Italicized are planned, and will be added in roughly the order shown

See PHP Markdown Extra's documentation for a more complete overview of syntax. In situations where it differs from how things are done on GitHub -- alignment of table headers, for instance -- I've chosen compatibility with gfm, which seems to be quickly becoming the most widely used markdown implementation.

Special Characters

Markdown Extra adds two new special characters, | and :, that can be escaped by preceding them with \. Doing so will cause them to be ignored when determining the extent of code blocks and definition lists.




Markdown Extra Plugins for Pagedown






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