This is a part of dCache.ORG's NFSv4.1 work.
Technically, this is not a fork of Remote Tea RPC library, but formally it is as we was inspired by Remote Tea RPC and took lot of ideas from it including xdr language parser. The goal to be able to use stubs generated by Remote Tea (no need to rewrite existing RPC servers) with minimal changes.
The library supports IPv6, RPCSEC_GSS and compliant with rfc1831 and rfc2203.
package me.mypackage;
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.OncRpcException;
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.RpcDispatchable;
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.RpcCall;
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.xdr.XdrVoid;
public class Svcd {
private static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 1717;
private static final int PROG_NUMBER = 111017;
private static final int PROG_VERS = 1;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int port = DEFAULT_PORT;
RpcDispatchable dummy = new RpcDispatchable() {
public void dispatchOncRpcCall(RpcCall call)
throws OncRpcException, IOException {
OncRpcSvc service = new OncRpcSvcBuilder()
.withRpcService(new OncRpcProgram(PROG_NUMBER, PROG_VERS), dummy)
###or as a spring bean###
package me.mypackage;
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.OncRpcException;
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.RpcDispatchable;
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.RpcCall;
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.xdr.XdrVoid;
public class Svcd implements RpcDispatchable {
public void dispatchOncRpcCall(RpcCall call)
throws OncRpcException, IOException {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<bean id="my-rpc-svc" class="me.mypackage.Svcd">
<description>My RPC service</description>
<bean id="my-rpc" class="org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.OncRpcProgram">
<description>My RPC program number</description>
<constructor-arg index="0" value="1110001" />
<constructor-arg index="1" value="1" />
<bean id="rpcsvc-builder" class="org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.OncRpcSvcFactoryBean">
<description>Onc RPC service builder</description>
<property name="port" value="1717"/>
<property name="useTCP" value="true"/>
<property name="rpcServices">
<entry key-ref="my-rpc" value-ref="my-rpc-svc"/>
<bean id="oncrpcsvc" class="org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.OncRpcSvc" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
<description>My RPC service</description>
<constructor-arg ref="rpcsvc-builder"/>
Notice, that included SpringRunner will try to instantiate and run bean with id oncrpcsvc.
$ java -cp $CLASSPATH org.dcache.oncrpc4j.spring.SpringRunner svc.xml
With version 3.0.0 a new package schema is introduced. As the change is not backward compatible with older version some minimal code changes are required.
org.dcache.utils.Bytes#{fromHexString|toHexString} methods are removed in favour of
org.dcache.utils => org.dcache.oncrpc4j.util => org.dcache.xdr split into org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc, org.dcache.oncrpc4j.xdr and org.dcache.oncrpc4j.grizzly
org.dcache.utils.Opaque => into org.dcache.oncrpc4j.XdrOpaque org.dcache.xdr.XdrTransport => into org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.RpcTransport org.dcache.xdr.GrizzlyXdrTransport => into org.dcache.oncrpc4j.grizzly.GrizzlyRpcTransport
org.dcache.xdr.XdrBuffer is removed. Use org.dcache.oncrpc4j.xdr.Xdr.
The Xdr#xdrEncodeByteBuffer changed to not flip provided byte buffer. As a result, the Xdr#xdrEncodeByteBuffer will encode data in the buffer from buffers current position up to the limit:
ButeByffer buffer = ...;
Xdr xdr = ...;
Assume a service which calculates a the length of a string. It provides a single remote call strlen which takes a string as an argument ans returns it's length. Let describe that procedure according XDR language specification:
/* strlen.x */
program STRLEN {
version STRLENVERS {
int strlen(string) = 1;
} = 1;
} = 117;
Here we define STRLEN program number to be 117 and version number 1. Now we can generate stub files for client and server:
$ java -jar oncrpc4j-rpcgen.jar -c StrlenClient strlen.x
Simply extend this class and implement abstract methods:
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.*;
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.xdr.*;
public class StrlenSvcImpl extends strlenServerStub {
public int strlen_1(RpcCall call$, String arg) {
return arg.length();
Now it's ready to be complied and deployed as standalone or Spring application:
// standalone application example
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.*;
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.xdr.*;
public class StrlenServerApp {
static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 1717;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
OncRpcSvc service = new OncRpcSvcBuilder()
.withRpcService(new OncRpcProgram(strlen.STRLEN, strlen.STRLENVERS), new StrlenSvcImpl())
In addition, a client will be generated as well which can be used as:
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc.*;
import org.dcache.oncrpc4j.xdr.*;
public class StrlenClientApp {
static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 1717;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(args[0]);
StrlenClient client = new StrlenClient(address, DEFAULT_PORT,
System.out.println("Length of " + args[1] + " = " + client.strlen_1(args[1]));
Your RPC client and server are ready!
<name>dCache.ORG maven repository</name>
In some situation, OncRpcSvc can internally call other services which require client subject to be set in the context of the current thread. We use standard Java's Subject.doAs() mechanism to inject user subject into processing thread. As a result, the user subject can be extracted from AccessControlContext.
public class SomeService {
public void doSomeTask() {
Subject subject = Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext());
// start using subject
public class SubjectAvareSvcImpl implements RpcDispatchable {
public void dispatchOncRpcCall(RpcCall call)
throws OncRpcException, IOException {
To avoid unnecessary overhead, subject propagation is not enabled by default:
OncRpcSvc service = new OncRpcSvcBuilder()
.withRpcService(... , new SubjectAvareSvcImpl())
With the provided stable automatic module name org.dcache.oncrpc4j, oncrpc4j can be used in modular java9 application:
module {
requires org.dcache.oncrpc4j;
oncrpc4j uses the linux kernel model of using git not only a source repository, but also as a way to track contributions and copyrights.
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The sign-off is a simple line at the end of the explanation for the patch, which certifies that you wrote it or otherwise have the right to pass it on as an open-source patch. The rules are pretty simple: if you can certify the below:
Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
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(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
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then you just add a line saying ( git commit -s )
Signed-off-by: Random J Developer <>
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