This project is a full-stack web application built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack. It is a simple user management system that allows users to view, add, update, and delete user information. The project implements user authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) & Passport JS for securing API endpoints.
Live Preview Link :
- View all users in a table with pagination support.
- Search users by name or username.
- Sort users by name or username in ascending or descending order.
- Add new users with name, email (used as username), and password.
- Update existing user information.
- Delete users from the database.
- User authentication using JWT & Passport JS for secure API access.
- Frontend: React (Create React App), React Router, Axios, Bootstrap, Font Awesome.
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB (Mongoose), Passport.js, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), bcrypt.
- Database: MongoDB (NoSQL database for storing user information).
- Styling: Bootstrap for basic styling, custom CSS for specific styles.
Before running this project, make sure you have the following software installed on your system:
- Node.js ( - for running the backend server and frontend development.
- MongoDB ( - for the database storage.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
mkdir MERN-Assignment cd MERN-Assignment git clone git clone cd ..
Install the required dependencies for the Server and Client:
cd MERN-Assignment-Client npm install cd .. cd MERN-Assignment-Server npm install
Set up environment variables:
Create a .env file in the MERN-Assignment-Server & MERN-Assignment-Client directory and add the following variables:
# MERN-Assignment-Client REACT_APP_SERVER_URL = # MERN-Assignment-Server PORT = 3001 URI=<your-mongodb-uri> SESSION_SECRET_KEY=<your-secret-key>
Replace with your MongoDB connection string and with a secret key for JWT authentication.
Run the application:
Open two terminal windows (one for the Server and the other for the Client) and run the following commands:
# In the MERN-Assignment-Server terminal window cd MERN-Assignment-Server node ./index.js # In the MERN-Assignment-Client terminal window cd MERN-Assignment-Client npm start
The backend server will start on http://localhost:3001, and the frontend development server will start on http://localhost:3000. The application should automatically open in your web browser.
Access the application:
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the application.
Home Page:
- The home page displays a button "Add user!" that triggers a custom notification when a new user created.
- The "Add User" form allows you to create new users by entering their name, email (used as username), and password.
- Clicking the "Add User" button will add the user to the database.
All Users List:
- The "Refresh Table Data" button fetches all users from the backend and updates the user table.
- The search bar allows you to search for users by name or username.
- Clicking on the column headers "Name" and "Username" will sort the users in ascending or descending order.
- The table displays users with their names, usernames, and two action buttons: "Update" and "Delete".
- Clicking the "Update" button opens a modal that allows you to update the user's name, email, and password.
- Clicking the "Delete" button will remove the user from the database.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify the code as per your requirements.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact me at . Happy coding!