const I2CScanner = require('');
// Setup I2C
I2C1.setup({scl: B8, sda: B9});
// Start scan
I2CScanner.scan({i2c: I2C1, serial: USB});
i2c: null, // I2C Port to scan - must be set and defined as I2C Object
serial: null, // Serial Port used for output - must be set and defined as Serial Object
header: true, // Print header/footer of result table
printAll: true, // Print every scan result (true) or only results with a found device (false)
showProgress: true, // Show progress indication (true) or suppress progress indication (false)
findOne: false, // Stop scan if device is found (true) or scan complete address range (false)
earlyCancel: true, // Skip speeds after first failure (true) or always try all speeds (false)
startAddress: 0, // Start address of address range to scan for devices
endAddress: 127, // End address of address range to scan for devices
speeds: [100, 200, 400, 800], // Speeds in KHz to scan each address with
noneFound: '.', // Symbol to use to indicate no device was found
canceled: 'x', // Symbol to use to indicate canceled scan
found: 'V' // Symbol to use to indicate device was found