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IPA HiFi Genome Assembler


This repo contains the implementation of the IPA HiFi Genome Assembler. It's currently implemented as a Snakemake workflow (workflow/ipa.snakefile) and runs the following stages:

  1. Building the SeqDB and SeedDB from the input reads.
  2. Overlapping using the Pancake overlapper.
  3. Phasing the overlaps using the Nighthawk phasing tool.
  4. Filtering the overlaps using Falconc m4Filt.
  5. Contig construction using Falcon's ovlp_to_graph and graph_to_contig tools.
  6. Read tracking for read-to-contig assignment.
  7. Polishing using Racon.

For more info:

Installation from Bioconda

First, be sure to select the right channels. Look in your ~/.condarc and if necessary run this:

conda config --prepend channels defaults
conda config --prepend channels conda-forge
conda config --prepend channels bioconda

IPA is available via Bioconda:

conda create -n ipa
conda activate ipa
conda install pbipa

IPA requires python 3.7+. Please use miniconda3, not miniconda2. We currently only support Linux 64-bit, not MacOS or Linux 32-bit.

Troubleshooting the Bioconda installation

In some cases, bioconda install may pull wrong versions of packages into your environment. Here are some common issues.

1. Snakemake error: "ImportError: cannot import name 'parse_uri' from 'smart_open'"

Snakemake depends on the smart_open package, and there is a discrepancy between the versions of the two packages in your installation.
Solution is to either upgrade snakemake or downgrade smart_open in your conda environtment.
Please take a look at the following issue for more details:

2. Samtools error: "samtools: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file"

This error has nothing to do with IPA itself.
It is a known long-standing Samtools error which happens with older versions of Samtools (v1.9).
Most likely, Samtools or OpenSSL get pulled from the wrong Conda channel.
The same issue was also reported in other projects with suggested solutions:

All the reports of this issue we have seen were with respect to Samtools v1.9.
The best solution is to upgrade Samtools to >=1.10.

Otherwise, the solution which worked for most users is to manually create a file ~/.condarc with the following content:

  - conda-forge
  - bioconda
  - defaults

If the order of channels is wrong, Conda may pull wrong versions of Samtools and libcrypto.

Another solution is to explicitly downgrade openssl:

conda install -c bioconda samtools openssl=1.0

Make sure you install pbipa fresh after these changes (e.g. in a new environment).

Usage examples

IPA can be run using the ipa executable. The runner contains two subtools:

  • ipa local - Running a local job on the current machine.
  • ipa dist - Running the assembly on the cluster.

Simplest example to run a phased assembly with polishing on a local machine looks like this:

ipa local -i <myreads.fasta>

Specifying custom number of threads and number of parallel jobs can provide more optimal performance on your machine:

ipa local --nthreads 20 --njobs 4 -i <myreads.fasta>

Note: this will use 80 CPUs for parallel jobs like overlapping, phasing and polishing (given that the input dataset is large enough).

Example of a distributed run on a cluster using SGE:

mkdir -p <out_dir>/qsub_log
ipa dist -i <myreads.fastq> --run-dir <out_dir> --cluster-args "qsub -S /bin/bash -N ipa -cwd -q default -pe smp {params.num_threads} -e qsub_log/ -o qsub_log/ -V"

Note: --cluster-args are passed directly to Snakemake. For a custom queue, please edit that string. Also, for other types of cluster environment, please consult the Snakemake documentation.

More details can be found here:

Advanced Usage

Only one file (config) is required to run IPA:

  • (mandatory) Config file: config.json.
  • (optional) Input FOFN in case the config points to it: input.fofn.

Once the config file is specified, the workflow can be run via Snakemake directly, similar to this:

snakemake -p -j 1 -d RUN -s <ipa.snakefile> --configfile config.json --config MAKEDIR=.. -- finish

Additionally, the ipa runner tool provides an option --only-print which will not run the workflow, but instead only prints the Snakemake run command to the user. It also generates the config file from the command line options. For example:

$ ipa local -i input.fofn --only-print
python3 -m snakemake -j 4 -d RUN -p -s /mnt/software/i/ipa/develop/etc/ipa.snakefile --configfile RUN/config.yaml --reason

The user can then copy this line and run Snakemake manually.

The same option is available in the cluster runner subtool ipa dist:

$ ipa dist -i input.fofn --run-dir RUN --cluster-args 'qsub -S /bin/bash -N ipa -cwd -q sequel-farm -pe smp {params.num_threads} -e qsub_log/ -o qsub_log/ -V' --nthreads 24 --njobs 40 --nshards 40 --only-print
python3 -m snakemake -j 40 -d RUN -p -s /mnt/software/i/ipa/develop/etc/ipa.snakefile --configfile RUN/config.yaml --reason --cluster 'qsub -S /bin/bash -N ipa -cwd -q sequel-farm -pe smp {params.num_threads} -e qsub_log/ -o qsub_log/ -V' --latency-wait 60 --rerun-incomplete

Config file

Config can be specified either in JSON or YAML formats (as supported by Snakemake).

The structure of config.json is given here:

    "reads_fn": "input.fofn",
    "genome_size": 0,
    "coverage": 0,
    "advanced_options": "",
    "polish_run": 1,
    "phase_run": 1,
    "nproc": 8,
    "max_nchunks": 40,
    "tmp_dir": "/tmp"

Explanation of each parameter:

  • reads_fn: Can be a FOFN, FASTA, FASTQ, BAM or XML. Also, gzipped versions of FASTA and FASTQ are available.
  • genome_size: Used for downsampling in combination with coverage. If genome_size * coverage <=0 downsampling is turned off.
  • coverage: Used for downsampling in combination with genome_size. If genome_size * coverage <=0 downsampling is turned off.
  • advanced_options: A single line listing advanced options in the form of key = value pairs, separated with ;.
  • polish_run: Polishing will be applied if the value of this parameter is equal to 1.
  • phase_run: Phasing will be applied if the value of this parameter is equal to 1.
  • nproc: Number of threads to use on each compute node.
  • max_nchunks: Parallel tasks will be groupped into at most this many chunks. If there is more than one task per chunk, they are executed linearly. Each chunk is executed in parallel. Useful for throttling job submissions.
  • tmp_dir: Temporary directory which will be used for some disk-based operations, like sorting.

An example config with a custom ipa2.advanced_options string:

    "reads_fn": "input.fofn",
    "genome_size": 0,
    "coverage": 0,
    "advanced_options": "config_seeddb_opt = -k 30 -w 80 --space 1; config_block_size = 2048; config_phasing_piles = 20000",
    "polish_run": 1,
    "phase_run": 1,
    "nproc": 8

The list of all options that can be modified via the advanced_options string and their defaults:

config_ovl_filter_opt=--max-diff 80 --max-cov 100 --min-cov 2 --bestn 10 --min-len 4000 --gapFilt --minDepth 4 --idt-stage2 98
config_ovl_opt=--one-hit-per-target --min-idt 96
config_phasing_split_opt=--split-type noverlaps --limit 3000000
config_seeddb_opt=-k 30 -w 80 --space 1
config_seqdb_opt=--compression 1

Contig headers

IPA (without purge_dups) generates contigs with headers of the form:

  • Primary contigs: ctg.[0-9]{6}[FR]. The number represents the contig identifier. Example: ctg.000003F.
  • Haplotigs: ctg.[0-9]{6}[FR]-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2} - meaning: <contig_id>-<bubble_id>-<branch_id>, where bubble_id represents the ID of a bubble in the assembly graph, and branch_id refers to individual branches in the bubble. Example: ctg.000003F-003-01.
  • Haplotigs with any other type of headers are produced by purge_dups. The purge_dups modifies headers when it moves a contig from the primary pile to the haplotig pile (e.g. hap_ prefix in the contigs). Example: hap_ctg.000004F.

Additionally, different stages of assembly may add other tags (whitespace separated) to the sequence headers. Concretely:

  • Stage 10-assemble, primary contigs:

    • >ctg.000003F label ctg_linear 15597457 108971087 - Columns are: (1) contig identifier, (2) tag placeholder for legacy compatibility currently always marked as label, (3) tag which marks the contig as either linear or circular (ctg_linear or ctg_circular), (4) contig length and (5) contig score.
  • Stage 14-separate, both primary contigs and haplotigs:

    • >ctg.000003F LN:i:15600633 RC:i:17803 XC:f:0.998846 - Columns are: (1) contig identifier, (2) length of the contig (Racon tag), (3) number of reads aligned to that contig which were available for polishing (Racon tag), (4) fraction of the contig that was polished (depending on input alignments, Racon tag).
  • Stage 19-final, haplotigs:

    • >hap_ctg.000004F HAPLOTIG - Columns are: (1) contig identifier, modified by purge_dups, (2) purge_dups tag which can be "HAPLOTIG", "OVLP", "REPEAT", "JUNK", etc. Please consult purge_dups documentation for explanation of these tags.