Version 3.0.0
Summary of changes:
- Added HBA1/HBA2 and OPN1LW/OPN1MW callers
- Added ~150 segmental duplication regions for GRCh38
- Improved gene callers
- F8: Improved calling of Intron22 inversion and Exon1-22 deletion
- NCF1: Improved assignment of genes to NCF1 vs. pseudogenes
- PMS2: Improved assignment of genes to PMS2 vs. pseudogene. Updated the coordinates of the region to phase
- IKBKG: Improved assignment of genes to IKBKG vs. pseudogene. Updated the coordinates of the region to phase
- RCCX: Better calling of a multi-allelic site IVS2-13A/C>G
- CFC1: Updated the coordinates of the region to phase
- For SMN1/STRC/PMS2/IKBKG/NCF1, variants are now called against the gene for gene haplotypes and against the paralog/pseudogene for paralog/pseudogene haplotypes
- Report F8 Intron 22 inversion and Exon1-22 deletion, and IKBKG 11.7kb deletion in VCFs
- Improved homopolymer/simple repeat masking before phasing
- Included filtered calls in VCFs
- Added GRCh37/hg19 support for 11 medically relevant gene families