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fir_cli plugin

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Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-fir_cli, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin fir_cli

About fir_cli

Using fir-cli gem, upload ipa or apk to in fastlane directly.

内置 fir-cli 这个gem, 直接在fastlane 中直接将文件上传到


run fastlane action fir_cli in terminal to lookup the details.

在命令行中运行 fastlane action fir_cli 查看细节.

most of params in this plugin copied directly from fir-cli publish params (fir-cli github)

插件里的绝大多数参数都是从 fir-cli 的 publish 的参数 (fir-cli github ( 直接拷贝的

|                                            fir_cli Options                                             |
| Key                      | Description                        | Env Var                      | Default |
| api_token                | A description of your option       | FIR_CLI_API_TOKEN            |         |
| specify_file_path        | FILE APP PATH                      | FIR_SPECIFY_FILE_PATH        |         |
| short                    | fir short                          | FIR_APP_SHORT                |         |
| force_pin_history        | pin this release to download page  | FIR_APP_FORCE_PIN_HISTORY    | false   |
| skip_update_icon         | skip upload icon                   | FIR_APP_SKIP_UPDATE_ICON     | false   |
| specify_icon_file        | APP ICON FILE PATH                 | FIR_SPECIFY_ICON_FILE_PATH   |         |
| changelog                | changelog path or content          | FIR_APP_CHANGELOG            |         |
| open                     | true/false if open for everyone    | FIR_APP_OPEN                 | true    |
| password                 | Set password for app               | FIR_APP_PASSWORD             |         |
| switch_to_qiniu          | switch to qiniu upload             | FIR_SWITCH_TO_QINIU          | false   |
| need_release_id          | would build download url with      | FIR_NEED_RELEASE_ID          | false   |
|                          | release id                         |                              |         |
| specify_app_display_name | specify app display name           | FIR_SPECIFY_APP_DISPLAY_NAME |         |
| dingtalk_access_token    | dingtalk_access_token              | FIR_DINGTALK_ACCESS_TOKEN    |         |
| dingtalk_custom_message  | dingtalk custom message            | FIR_DINGTALK_CUSTOM_MESSAGE  |         |
| dingtalk_at_phones       | dingtalk at phones, split with ',' | FIR_DINGTALK_AT_PHONES       |         |
| dingtalk_at_all          | dingtalk at all people             | FIR_DINGTALK_AT_ALL          |         |
| feishu_access_token      | feishu_access_token                | FIR_FEISHU_ACCESS_TOKEN      |         |
| feishu_custom_message    | feishu custom message              | FIR_FEISHU_CUSTOM_MESSAGE    |         |
| wxwork_access_token      | wechat work webhook access_token   | FIR_WXWORK_ACCESS_TOKEN      |         |
| wxwork_pic_url           | wechat work webhook pic url        | FIR_WXWORK_PIC_URL           |         |
| wxwork_custom_message    | wechat work custom message         | FIR_WXWORK_CUSTOM_MESSAGE    |         |


run fir_plugin in Fastfile

在 Fastfile 文件中 引入


platform :ios do
  lane :gofir do
    gym export_method: "ad-hoc"

    # 多个参数 可以使用逗号(, )分离
    fir_cli api_token: "YOUR FIR API TOKEN",  changelog: "Hello"


# run `fastlane gofir` in terminal to start lane gofir

run fir plugin in bash


fastlane run fir_cli api_token:"YOUR_FIR_API_TOKEN" specify_file_path:"YOUR IPA OR APK FILE PATH"

About another plugin fastlane-plugin-firim

关于 另一个插件 这是 的一名热心用户 whlsxl 开发的第三方fir插件

特别感谢 作者 whlsxl 对 firim 插件的辛勤开发, 这款插件代码优秀质量可靠, 是我学习的典范

因为 2020年02月 .im 域名不再支持备案, 所以导致 无法继续支撑 域名 导致 whlsxl 的 firim 插件 需要修改api 的地址

whlsxl 提供的解决方案是 目前配置总的firim_api_url改为或 均可用

具体可参见他的项目的 readme 或 whlsxl/firim#26

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.


If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.

Buy me a coffee


支付宝打赏 感谢鼓励作者维护!


Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out