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Releases: PFC-Validator/terra-rust


07 Mar 22:43
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Release 1.1.8

Major changes include new commands, mainly of use in smart contract development (see Smart-Contract-dev

  • cargo terra for storing/instantiating/migrating contracts
  • terra-exec - exec a smart contract
  • terra-query - query a smart contract

also a new package terra-rust-cli, which should make building new CLIs easier, and produce a standard set of arguments across CLIs.

to install you can simply do
cargo install terra-rust.

I've attached the windows versions for people, but the better way is using cargo install

If you think this was useful, feel free to delegate to the PFC validator. It will help defray the costs.

PFC - Terra/Luna is all about the Purple Flying Centaurs right... feel free to drop me a line

Release 1.1.4

01 Feb 02:06
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new command 'code' to help in smart contract development

  • store code
  • instantiate contracts
  • migrate contracts

What's Changed

  • Feature/pr 6 by @petes-fan-club in #7
  • Serde value in message by @petes-fan-club in #6

Full Changelog: v1.0.4...v1.1.4

Columbus - 5 ready

06 Oct 16:06
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minor nit with v1.0.3 .. sorry bout that.

This release works with Col5.
I believe it runs on M1 & Win32 platforms.


18 Aug 18:20
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new commands

  • Unjail - unjail your validator
  • Swap - swap tokens (eg.. uKRT to uLuna)
  • Sweep - function to mass swap tokens above a certain threshold

switched to more sane defaults for gas.
It now uses 180ukrw and a 1.4 multiplier, which hopefully means 2 less parameters to worry about for most people

C:\> terra-rust distribution withdraw-commission validator terravaloper1xxxxx
C:\> terra-rust --gas-prices 0.15uluna market sweep validator uluna 1000
C:\> terra-rust tx 217D85F74C2FE988F64AC61A86AA3271DDCB701A3FC13652C17B709A47E186DF

First public release

12 Aug 19:12
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command line tool to do basic things on terra blockchain.

simple use case

PS > .\terra-rust.exe wallet create production
Wallet production created
PS > $env:TERRARUST_WALLET=production
production: The term 'production' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
PS > $env:TERRARUST_WALLET="production"
PS > $env:TERRARUST_CHAIN="columbus-4"
PS > .\terra-rust.exe keys recover main
..key words

PS>  .\terra-rust.exe keys get main
PS>  .\terra-rust.exe auth account terra13p0ujws3mv3acaa8d7fsa0fdtk02e6gqn7c724
  "height": "0",
  "result": {
    "type": "core/Account",
    "value": {
      "address": "",
      "coins": [],
      "public_key": null,
      "account_number": "0",
      "sequence": "0"

PS> .\terra-rust.exe --fees 83349412ukrw --gas 390000 staking  delegate main terravaloper12g4nkvsjjnl0t7fvq3hdcw7y8dc9fq69nyeu9q 1000000
PS>  .\terra-rust.exe tx 621B4E83757A68B42D92E320793346B37BF26F3501568D5BFEF8208AFAD9D116
.. the transaction ..

PS> .\terra-rust.exe  --fees 65419500ukrw --gas 350000 distribution withdraw validator

terra-rust 0.1.7

    terra-rust.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -d, --debug
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --chain <chain>                      tequila-0004 is testnet, columbus-4 is main-net [env: TERRARUST_CHAIN=]
                                             [default: tequila-0004]
    -f, --fees <fees>                        the fees to use. This will override gas parameters if specified. [default:
        --gas <gas>                          the gas amount to use 'auto' to estimate [default: auto]
        --gas-adjustment <gas-adjustment>    the adjustment to multiply the estimate to calculate the fee [env:
                                             TERRARUST_GAS_ADJUSTMENT=]  [default: 1.0]
        --gas-prices <gas-prices>            the gas price to use to calculate fee. Format is NNNtoken eg. 1000uluna.
                                             note we only support a single price for now [env: TERRARUST_GAS_PRICES=]
                                             [default: ]
    -l, --lcd-client-url <lcd>      is main-net [env: TERRARUST_LCD=]  [default:
    -s, --seed <seed>                        the seed phrase to use with this private key [env: TERRARUST_SEED_PHRASE=]
                                             [default: ]
    -w, --wallet <wallet>                    the default wallet to look for keys in [env: TERRARUST_WALLET=tequilla]
                                             [default: default]

    auth              Auth operations
    bank              Bank Transactions
    block             Block commands
    contract          WASM Module / Smart Contract commands
    distribution      Staking Commands
    help              Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    keys              Key Operations
    market            Market Operations
    oracle            Oracle Transactions
    staking           Staking Commands
    tx                Transaction Commands
    validator         validator operations
    validator-sets    Tendermint ValidatorSets commands
    wallet            wallet ops