A C# library with the goal to enable easy access to the Twitch services. Scalability is also a big factor.
Easy to use (Auth) Token Generator. (see Login)
Straightforward implementation of Twitch's API Endpoints. (see API*)
Complete Chat access with up-to-date moderation tools. (see IRC)
Convenient implementation of Twitch PubSub to monitor Channel Point redemtions, usage of bits and even channel subscriptions. (see Pubsub**)
Simple usage of EventSub let's you monitor when a broadcaster goes online, new followers and subscriber and much more. (see EventSub*)
Uncomplicated use of Extensions. (see Extensions**)
* Implementation was not finished yet, but every available function was tested and is ready to go.
** Will get implemented in the future.
- How to create an User Access or App Access Token?
How does Twitch's Token system work? - Chech out my YouTube Video on how Twitch Tokens work here (english subtitles are available).
using P90Ez.Twitch;
//Set your App's redirect URL (if you don't have an 'App', create one here: https://dev.twitch.tv/console)
Login.redirecturl = "http://localhost:3000";
//Create an User Access Token with the Implicit Grant Flow (for Apps that don't use a backend)
var credentials = Login.ImplicitGrantFlow("YOUR APP's CLIENT ID", new List<string>() {"PUT SCOPES IN HERE"});
//here is an example:
var credentials = Login.ImplicitGrantFlow("123456789abcdefgh", new List<string>() {"channel:manage:broadcast", "bits:read"});
//Create an User Access Token with the Authorization Code Flow (for Apps that use a front- & backend)
//put this part in your frontend and send the 'code' to your backend
string code = Login.AuthorizationCodeFlow_FrontEnd("YOUR APP's CLIENT ID", new List<string>() {"PUT SCOPES IN HERE"});
//put this part in your backend, you realy don't want to expose your client secret to the frontend
var credentials = Login.AuthorizationCodeFlow_BackEnd("YOUR APP's CLIENT ID", "YOUR APP's CLIENT SECRET", code);
//here is an example:
string code = Login.AuthorizationCodeFlow_FrontEnd("123456789abcdefgh", new List<string>() {"channel:manage:broadcast", "bits:read"});
var credentials = Login.AuthorizationCodeFlow_BackEnd("123456789abcdefgh", "hgfedcba987654321", code);
//Create an App Access Token with the Client Credentials Grant Flow (for Apps that only a backend)
var credentials = Login.ClientCredentialsGrantFlow("YOUR APP's CLIENT ID", "YOUR APP's CLIENT SECRET");
//here is an example:
var credentials = Login.ClientCredentialsGrantFlow("123456789abcdefgh", "hgfedcba987654321");
- How to use an API endpoint?
using P90Ez.Twitch.API.Endpoints;
//the super simple version: (SimplifiedRequests only contains hard to use and frequently used endpoints, like 'GetBroadcasterID' or moderation tools)
SimplifiedRequests simpleRq = new SimplifiedRequests(credentials);
long id = simpleRq.GetBroadcasterID("BROADCASTER NAME");
//the still simple version:
//the library comes with a lot of documentation. You should have an easy time using different endpoints.
bool isSuccess; //indicates if the request was successful - every endpoint outputs an isSuccess indication
int httpStatuscode; //contains the http status code of the request - very helpful for debuging (0: error before making the request, -200: data is from cache)
GetChannelInformation channelInfo = GetChannelInformation.Go(credentials, "USER ID", out isSuccess, out httpStatuscode);
//Note on caching:
//Items which are requested from the API are stored in a cache (lifespan is 30 seconds) to protect you from Twitch's rate limits.
//You can skip the cache and request items directly from the server, just add a 'true' at the end of the method, like this:
GetChannelInformation channelInfo = GetChannelInformation.Go(credentials, "USER ID", out isSuccess, out httpStatuscode, true);
//This works with every endpoint which uses cache.
- How to access Twitch's chat?
Note: The credentials must be an User Access Token and contain following scopes: chat:read, chat:edit (extra scope to use moderation tools: channel:moderate - extra scopes to recieve and send whispers: whispers:read, whispers:edit)
using P90Ez.Twitch.IRC;
//Create a new instance of the IRC Controller:
var controller = new Controller(credentials, "CHANNEL NAME");
//The controller fires an event each time a message was sent to chat. Bin a function that should be executed when a message was sent:
controller.Events.OnChatMessage += onChatMessage;
//How this function should look like:
static void onChatMessage(object sender, irc_privsmg args)
//your code - more samples below
//Start the controller: (to recieve messages)
//an example on how your onChatMessage function could look like:
static void onChatMessage(object source, irc_privsmg args)
if (args == null) return; //check if args are not null - they should not be null but you never know^^
//example command
if (args.Command[0] == "!test") //a simple test command
args.SendMessage("Thats a great chat message!"); //sends a message to the chat without replying directly to the original message.
//moderation example (will be easier to filter words in the future)
if (args.Message.Contains("bad word"))
args.DeleteMessageFromChat(); //deletes this message from the chat
args.TimeOutMessageSender(60); //timeouts the user who sent this message for 60 seconds
//example direct reply message
if (args.IsBitMessage)
args.Reply($"Thanks for {args.BitsAmount} Bits, @{args.Displayname}!"); //replys directly to this message
- How to use EventSub?
NOTE: The credentials must be an User Access Token and contain the scopes reqired by every event you use.
using P90Ez.Twitch.EventSub;
EventSubInstance EventSub = new EventSubInstance(credentials); //creating a new instance (you can provide a logger, but you don't have to)
EventSub.Add_Follows("BROADCASTER ID").Followed += OnFollow; //Adding a event subscription and register the function 'OnFollow' to the EventHandler.
//The function 'OnFollow' will be invoked whenever a user follows the specified channel.
For support or bug reports write me an E-Mail twitchlibrary@p90ez.com or contact me via Discord: P90Ez#9675
Thank you for reading and happy coding!