This lets you run your tests in parallel by spawning several child processes. It was designed to be used with gulp, but since it relies only on npm, it may be used within various configurations.
This is a fork of [sebv/spawn-mocha-parallel], which was originally a fork of [gulp-spawn-mocha] but has deviated a lot since then.
Using built in mochaStream:
var mochaStream = require('spawn-mocha-parallel').mochaStream;
var mocha = mochaStream({ concurrency: 10 });
gulp.task('test-mocha', function() {
return gulp.src('**/*-specs.js', {read: false})
.on('error', console.error)
Using SpawnMocha
var SpawnMocha = require('spawn-mocha-parallel').SpawnMocha,
_ = require('lodash');
through = require('through');
// customize output as you need
function mochaStream(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var spawnMocha = new SpawnMocha(opts);
var stream = through(function write(file) {
}, function() {});
var errors = [];
spawnMocha.on('error', function(err) {
}).on('end', function() {
if(errors.length > 0) {
console.error('ERROR SUMMARY: ');
_.each(errors, function(err) {
stream.emit('error', "Some tests failed.");
return stream;
var mocha = mochaStream({concurrency: 3});
gulp.task('test-custom-mocha', function() {
return gulp.src('**/*-specs.js', {read: false})
.on('error', console.error)
- concurrency: # of mocha instance running in parallel (default: 1)
- env: mocha running env, (default: process.env, can be function)
- flags: mocha flags (default: none)
- liveOutput: print output direct to console
- errorSummary: show error summary (default: true)
- concatenate mocha status at the end