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OwenConoly committed Jan 30, 2025
1 parent a2166c0 commit e7381bb
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Showing 6 changed files with 502 additions and 174 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion bedrock2/src/bedrock2/FE310CSemantics.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import bedrock2.Syntax bedrock2.Semantics bedrock2.LeakageSemantics bedrock2.MetricLeakageSemantics.
Require Import bedrock2.Syntax bedrock2.Semantics bedrock2.LeakageSemantics.
Require Import bedrock2.SemanticsRelations.
Require coqutil.Datatypes.String coqutil.Map.SortedList coqutil.Map.SortedListString.
Require Import coqutil.Word.Interface.
Require Export coqutil.Word.Bitwidth32.
Expand Down
169 changes: 0 additions & 169 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2/MetricLeakageSemantics.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -546,173 +546,4 @@ Section WithParams.
- eassumption.
- eapply exec.extend_env; eassumption.

Lemma to_plain_eval_expr: forall m l e v,
Semantics.eval_expr m l e = Some v ->
forall k mc, exists k' mc', eval_expr m l e k mc = Some (v, k', mc').
induction e; cbn; intros;
repeat match goal with
| H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ => eapply Option.eq_of_eq_Some in H; subst
| IH: forall _, Some _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ => specialize IH with (1 := eq_refl)
| IH: forall _ _, Semantics.eval_expr _ _ _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ =>
specialize (IH _ _ ltac:(eassumption))
| IH: forall _: leakage, forall _: MetricLog, exists _: leakage, exists _: MetricLog,
eval_expr ?m ?l ?e _ _ = Some _
|- context[eval_expr ?m ?l ?e ?k ?mc] => specialize (IH k mc)
| |- _ => progress fwd
| |- _ => Tactics.destruct_one_match

Lemma to_metric_eval_expr: forall m l e mc v mc',
MetricSemantics.eval_expr m l e mc = Some (v, mc') ->
forall k, exists k', eval_expr m l e k mc = Some (v, k', mc').
induction e; cbn; intros;
repeat match goal with
| H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ => eapply Option.eq_of_eq_Some in H; subst
| IH: forall _, Some _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ => specialize IH with (1 := eq_refl)
| IH: forall _ _ _, MetricSemantics.eval_expr _ _ _ _ = Some _ -> _ |- _
=> specialize (IH _ _ _ ltac:(eassumption))
| IH: forall _: leakage, exists _: leakage, eval_expr ?m ?l ?e _ _ = Some _
|- context[eval_expr ?m ?l ?e ?k ?mc] => specialize (IH k)
| |- _ => progress fwd
| |- _ => Tactics.destruct_one_match

Lemma to_leakage_eval_expr: forall m l e k v k',
LeakageSemantics.eval_expr m l e k = Some (v, k') ->
forall mc, exists mc', eval_expr m l e k mc = Some (v, k', mc').
induction e; cbn; intros;
repeat match goal with
| H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ => eapply Option.eq_of_eq_Some in H; subst
| IH: forall _, Some _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ => specialize IH with (1 := eq_refl)
| IH: forall _ _ _, LeakageSemantics.eval_expr _ _ _ _ = Some _ -> _ |- _
=> specialize (IH _ _ _ ltac:(eassumption))
| IH: forall _: MetricLog, exists _: MetricLog, eval_expr ?m ?l ?e _ _ = Some _
|- context[eval_expr ?m ?l ?e ?k ?mc] => specialize (IH mc)
| |- _ => progress fwd
| |- _ => Tactics.destruct_one_match

Lemma to_plain_eval_call_args: forall m l arges args,
Semantics.eval_call_args m l arges = Some args ->
forall k mc, exists k' mc', eval_call_args m l arges k mc = Some (args, k', mc').
induction arges; cbn; intros.
- eapply Option.eq_of_eq_Some in H. subst. eauto.
- fwd.
eapply to_plain_eval_expr in E. destruct E as (k' & mc' & E). rewrite E.
specialize IHarges with (1 := eq_refl). specialize (IHarges k' mc').
destruct IHarges as (k'' & mc'' & IH). rewrite IH. eauto.

Lemma to_metric_eval_call_args: forall m l arges mc args mc',
MetricSemantics.eval_call_args m l arges mc = Some (args, mc') ->
forall k, exists k', eval_call_args m l arges k mc = Some (args, k', mc').
induction arges; cbn; intros.
- inversion H. subst. eauto.
- fwd.
eapply to_metric_eval_expr in E. destruct E as (k' & E). rewrite E.
specialize (IHarges _ _ _ ltac:(eassumption) k').
destruct IHarges as (k'' & IH). rewrite IH. eauto.

Lemma to_leakage_eval_call_args: forall m l arges k args k',
LeakageSemantics.eval_call_args m l arges k = Some (args, k') ->
forall mc, exists mc', eval_call_args m l arges k mc = Some (args, k', mc').
induction arges; cbn; intros.
- inversion H. subst. eauto.
- fwd.
eapply to_leakage_eval_expr in E. destruct E as (mc' & E). rewrite E.
specialize (IHarges _ _ _ ltac:(eassumption) mc').
destruct IHarges as (mc'' & IH). rewrite IH. eauto.

Definition deleakaged_ext_spec : Semantics.ExtSpec :=
fun t mGive a args post => ext_spec t mGive a args (fun mReceive resvals klist => post mReceive resvals).

Lemma deleakaged_ext_spec_ok {ext_spec_ok: ext_spec.ok ext_spec}:
Semantics.ext_spec.ok deleakaged_ext_spec.
destruct ext_spec_ok. cbv [deleakaged_ext_spec]. constructor; eauto.
intros. cbv [Morphisms.Proper Morphisms.respectful Morphisms.pointwise_relation Basics.impl] in *.
intros. eapply weaken; eauto. intros. apply H. simpl in *. assumption.

Context (e: env).
Existing Instance deleakaged_ext_spec.
Existing Instance deleakaged_ext_spec_ok.

Lemma to_plain_exec: forall c t m l post,
Semantics.exec e c t m l post ->
forall k mc, exec e c k t m l mc (fun _ t' m' l' _ => post t' m' l').
induction 1; intros;
repeat match reverse goal with
| H: Semantics.eval_expr _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_plain_eval_expr in H; destruct H as (? & ? & H)
| H: Semantics.eval_call_args _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_plain_eval_call_args in H; destruct H as (? & ? & H)
try solve [econstructor; eauto].

Lemma to_metric_exec: forall c t m l mc post,
MetricSemantics.exec e c t m l mc post ->
forall k, exec e c k t m l mc (fun _ t' m' l' mc' => post t' m' l' mc').
induction 1; intros;
repeat match reverse goal with
| H: MetricSemantics.eval_expr _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_metric_eval_expr in H; destruct H as (? & H)
| H: MetricSemantics.eval_call_args _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_metric_eval_call_args in H; destruct H as (? & H)
try solve [econstructor; eauto].

Lemma to_leakage_exec: forall c t m l k post,
LeakageSemantics.exec e c k t m l post ->
forall mc, exec e c k t m l mc (fun k' t' m' l' _ => post k' t' m' l').
induction 1; intros;
repeat match reverse goal with
| H: LeakageSemantics.eval_expr _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_leakage_eval_expr in H; destruct H as (? & H)
| H: LeakageSemantics.eval_call_args _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_leakage_eval_call_args in H; destruct H as (? & H)
try solve [econstructor; eauto].

Lemma to_plain_call: forall f t m args post, e f t m args post ->
forall k mc, call e f k t m args mc (fun _ t' m' rets _ => post t' m' rets).
unfold call, intros. fwd. eauto 10 using to_plain_exec.

Lemma to_metric_call: forall f t m args mc post, e f t m args mc post ->
forall k, call e f k t m args mc (fun _ t' m' rets mc' => post t' m' rets mc').
unfold call, intros. fwd. eauto 10 using to_metric_exec.

Lemma to_leakage_call: forall f k t m args post, e f k t m args post ->
forall mc, call e f k t m args mc (fun k' t' m' rets _ => post k' t' m' rets).
unfold call, intros. fwd. eauto 10 using to_leakage_exec.
End WithParams.

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