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Merge pull request #2 from andres-erbsen/getline
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OwenConoly authored Jul 4, 2024
2 parents 4a8fa2c + 8186e35 commit bce89de
Showing 1 changed file with 255 additions and 0 deletions.
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2Examples/ct.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith coqutil.Z.div_mod_to_equations.
Require Import bedrock2.NotationsCustomEntry.
Import Syntax BinInt String List.ListNotations ZArith.
Require Import coqutil.Z.Lia.
Local Open Scope string_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Local Open Scope list_scope.

Definition div3329_vartime := func! (x) ~> ret {
ret = $(expr.op bopname.divu "x" 3329)

Definition div3329 := func! (x) ~> ret {
ret = (x * $989558401) >> $32;
ret = (ret + (x - ret >> $1)) >> $11

From coqutil Require Import Word.Properties Word.Interface Tactics.letexists.
Import Interface.word Coq.Lists.List List.ListNotations.
From bedrock2 Require Import Semantics BasicC32Semantics WeakestPrecondition ProgramLogic.
Import ProgramLogic.Coercions.

Instance ctspec_of_div3329 : spec_of "div3329" :=
fun functions => forall k, exists k_, forall t m x, functions "div3329" k t m [x]
(fun k' t' m' rets => exists ret, rets = [ret]
/\ t' = t /\ m' = m /\ k' = k_
(*x < 2^32 -> ret = x / 3329 :> Z*) ).

Lemma div3329_ct : program_logic_goal_for_function! div3329.
repeat (straightline || eexists).
{ (* no leakag -- 3 minutes *) cbv [k' k'0]. cbn. exact eq_refl. }

Instance vtspec_of_div3329 : spec_of "div3329_vartime" :=
fun functions => forall k, forall t m x, functions "div3329_vartime" k t m [x]
(fun k' t' m' rets => exists ret, rets = [ret]
/\ t' = t /\ m' = m /\ k' = [leak_word (word.of_Z 3329); leak_word x]++k
(*x < 2^32 -> ret = x / 3329 :> Z*) ).

Lemma div3329_vt : program_logic_goal_for_function! div3329_vartime.
repeat (straightline || eexists).

(* Mon Jul 1 14:14:15 EDT 2024 *)

Import Byte.
Definition getchar_event c : io_event :=
((, "getchar", []), (, [word.of_Z (byte.unsigned c)])).
Instance ctspec_of_getchar : spec_of "getchar" :=
fun functions => forall k, exists k_, forall t m, functions "getchar" k t m []
(fun k' t' m' rets => exists c, rets = [word.of_Z (byte.unsigned c)] /\ k' = k_ /\ m' = m /\
t' = cons (getchar_event c) t ).

Definition getline := func! (dst, n) ~> n {
i = $0;
c = $0;
while (i < n) {
unpack! c = getchar();
if (c == $0x0a) { n = i }
else { store1(dst + i, c); i = i + $1 }

Local Notation "xs $@ a" := (Array.array Separation.ptsto (word.of_Z 1) a xs) (at level 10, format "xs $@ a").
Local Infix "*" := Separation.sep.
Local Infix "*" := Separation.sep : type_scope.

Definition getline_io bs := getchar_event Byte.x0a :: map getchar_event (rev bs).

Instance ctspec_of_getline : spec_of "getline" :=
fun functions => forall k, exists f, forall (dst n : word) d t m R,
(d$@dst * R) m -> length d = n :> Z -> functions "getline" k t m [dst; n]
(fun k' t' m' rets => exists bs es l, rets = [l] /\ k' = f l /\
(bs$@dst * es$@(word.add dst l) * R) m' /\
length bs = l :> Z /\
length bs + length es = n :> Z /\
(* TODO: handle case where buffer is full and final newline is not read. possibly just as an error. *)
t' = getline_io bs ++ t).

(* Mon Jul 1 14:24:28 EDT 2024 *)

Require Coq.Program.Wf.
Import Separation SeparationLogic.

Lemma getline_ct : program_logic_goal_for_function! getline.
repeat straightline.

refine ((Loops.tailrec_earlyout
(HList.polymorphic_list.cons (list byte)
(HList.polymorphic_list.cons (_ -> Prop)
(fun (v:nat) es R k t m dst_ n_ i c => (
n_ = n /\ dst_ = dst /\ v = i :> Z /\
(* TODO: i <= n *)
(es$@(word.add dst i) * R) m /\ length es = word.sub n i :> Z
(fun K T M DST N I C => DST = dst /\
exists bs ES, (bs$@(word.add dst i) * ES$@(word.add dst I) * R) M /\ I = N /\
length bs = word.sub I i :> Z /\
length ES = word.sub n I :> Z /\
(* TODO: N <= n *)
T = getline_io bs ++ t
(fun i j : nat => j < i <= n)%Z
_ _ _ _ _ _ _);
cbn [HList.hlist.foralls HList.tuple.foralls
HList.hlist.existss HList.tuple.existss
HList.hlist.apply HList.tuple.apply
List.repeat Datatypes.length
HList.polymorphic_list.repeat HList.polymorphic_list.length
PrimitivePair.pair._1 PrimitivePair.pair._2] in *;
repeat straightline.
{ eapply (Wf.measure_wf (Z.gt_wf _) Z.of_nat). }
{ split.
{ instantiate (1:=O). subst v. rewrite word.unsigned_of_Z. exact eq_refl. }
{ subst v; rewrite word.add_0_r; split; [ecancel_assumption|]. rewrite word.sub_0_r; auto. } }

{ let e := open_constr:(_) in specialize (H e); destruct H.
eapply WeakestPreconditionProperties.Proper_call; repeat intro; cycle 1.
{ refine (H _ _). }
repeat straightline.
eexists _, _; repeat straightline.
split; repeat straightline.
split; repeat straightline.
{ left; repeat straightline.
{ subst br'. rewrite unsigned_ltu, Z.ltb_irrefl; trivial. }
eexists _, _; repeat straightline.
eapply word.if_nonzero, word.eqb_true in H3.
instantiate (1:=nil); cbn [Array.array]; split.
{ ecancel_assumption. }
{ cbv [getline_io map rev].
split; trivial.
{ admit. }
split; trivial.
eapply f_equal2; f_equal; trivial.
change 10 with (byte.unsigned Byte.x0a) in H3.
pose proof byte.unsigned_range x2.
pose proof byte.unsigned_range Byte.x0a.
eapply word.of_Z_inj_small, byte.unsigned_inj in H3; trivial; blia. } }

(* store *)
destruct x as [|x_0 x].
{ cbn [length] in *.
assert (n = x3) as -> by (revert H3; admit).
subst br. rewrite unsigned_ltu, Z.ltb_irrefl in H2; case H2; exact eq_refl. }
cbn [Array.array] in *.
repeat straightline.
right; repeat straightline.
eexists _, _, _; repeat straightline.
{ instantiate (1:=x).
subst v3.
rewrite word.add_assoc.
{ instantiate (1:=S v1). admit. }
split; [ecancel_assumption|].
cbn [length] in *.
(* Require Import ZnWords. ZnWords. *)
admit. }
{ split.
{ admit. }
repeat straightline.
(* subroutine return *)
subst a.
subst v3.

rename x10 into bs.
rename x11 into es.
rename x6 into I.
rename x3 into _i.
rewrite word.add_assoc in H9.

eexists (byte.of_Z v2::bs), (es).
cbn ["$@" "++"].
split. { ecancel_assumption. }
split; trivial.
{ cbn [length]. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ, H11. admit. }
split; trivial.
subst T a0. cbn. rewrite map_app; cbn.
repeat rewrite <-?app_comm_cons, <-?app_assoc; f_equal.
subst v2.
rewrite word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap, byte.of_Z_unsigned by admit; trivial. } }

{ (* buffer full *)
replace x3 with n in * by admit.
exists x, nil; cbn [Array.array].
split. { ecancel_assumption. }
split. { trivial. }
split. { trivial. }
assert (length x = O) by admit.
split. { admit. }
destruct x; cbn [length] in *; try blia; cbn.

admit. (* <==== TODO: this one is false: if the buffer is full then the I/O trace does not end with newline *)

split. { admit. (* leakage *) }
subst v.
rewrite word.add_0_r in *.
{ ecancel_assumption. }
{ rewrite H5. rewrite word.sub_0_r. trivial. }
{ rewrite H5, H6, word.sub_0_r. admit. }
subst t0.

(* Tue Jul 2 14:26:41 EDT 2024 *)

Definition maskloop := func! (a) {
i = $0;
while (i < $2) {
mask = $0-((load1(a+i)>>i)&$1);
store1(a+i, mask & $123);
i = i + $1

Require Import coqutil.Map.Interface bedrock2.Map.Separation bedrock2.Map.SeparationLogic.

Instance ctspec_of_maskloop : spec_of "maskloop" :=
fun functions => forall k a, exists k_, forall a0 a1 R t m,
m =* ptsto a a0 * ptsto (word.add a (word.of_Z 1)) a1 * R -> functions "maskloop" k t m [a]
(fun k' t' m' rets => rets = [] /\ k' = k_).

Lemma maskloop_ct : program_logic_goal_for_function! maskloop.
repeat straightline.
eexists nat, lt, (fun i k _ (m : mem) (l : locals) =>
map.get l "a" = Some a /\
map.get l "i" = Some (word.of_Z (Z.of_nat i)) /\ (
i = 0%nat /\ m =* ptsto a a0 * ptsto (word.add a (word.of_Z 1)) a1 * R \/
i = 1%nat /\ False \/
i = 2%nat /\ False)).
Tactics.ssplit; auto using lt_wf.
{ exists 0%nat; Tactics.ssplit.
{ subst l0 l; rewrite map.get_put_diff, map.get_put_same; congruence. }
{ subst l0 l v. rewrite map.get_put_same; trivial. }
left; Tactics.ssplit; trivial; ecancel_assumption. }
intuition subst.

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