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abmargb edited this page Mar 7, 2013 · 19 revisions


The IaaS cloud level provides a non friendly interface to an end user. In order to have an application running int he cloud, the user needs to estimate the required amount of instances, to create an instance request (which involves picking an image and an instance type, configuring the firewall, etc), to check on the instances' state changes, to stage files in and out, execute commands via SSH connections, and to repeat tasks in case of failures.

In order to enable a smooth cloud experience by researchers of different fields other than SC, we propose a cloud broker, which is capable of executing BoT (Bag-of-Tasks) applications in the cloud, in a transparent fashion.

Install instructions

$ git clone

$ ant install

Usage instructions

Start the broker daemon

$ bash

Broker client

Submit job

$ bash submit job.json

Check job status

$ bash status $JOBID

Job format

{"name": "primes", "tasks": [
    "init": [{"local": "", "remote": ""}], 
    "remote": "python 2 1000 > output", 
    "final": [{"local": "output", "remote": "output"}]
    "init": [{"local": "", "remote": ""}], 
    "remote": "python 1001 2000 > output", 
    "final": [{"local": "output", "remote": "output2"}]