Hebrew Calendar 9.24
- Screen 1024x768 or higher
- Windows 7 x32/x64 or higher
- Framework .NET 4.8 included in the setup
- SQLite 3.35.5 included in the setup
What's new
- Fix Tetsave hebrew name and lettriq: parashot board need to be restored or edited, see ParashotFactory.txt and Parashot-Lettriqs.txt in application's document folder.
- Code refactoring.
- Update web links about celebrations, calendar and judaism.
Kaspersky Antivirus and VirusTotal.com verified
Setup's SHA-512: c5bd4f022fa9ed20c7a12431d7abbb1104473198486d297186648e35c013a1b0b47dd453f1b0f4c6b448eacdfc9df8311f313ad47afab54f410a579060cba295