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How to contribute

natalie-bernhard edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 8 revisions

When working on a new issue, this is the process that we follow in order to get the changes onto

  1. Make sure you have your environment setup. If you haven't already, please follow the instructions here:
  2. Check out the prod branch from
  3. Run the command git checkout -b <branch_name> to create a branch off of prod. The branch name should be a useful name based on what you are fixing/implementing.
  4. Make the required changes to address the issue you are working on.
  5. When you have tested the changes locally and are ready to deliver, add the files to your git staging environment using git add <path_to_file>.
  6. When all of the files you changed are added, run git commit -m "<insert_your_commit_message_here>" using a useful commit message for what you changed.
  7. Push your changes to the repo. If you need more help on how to push to a remote see
  8. Make a pull request from your branch into draft.
  9. Assign a reviewer to code review your code. If you are unsure who should review your code, leave the reviewer field blank and someone from the website team will review your pull request when they see it.
  10. If the reviewer requests changes, please make them on your local branch and test the changes. When ready, add the changes, commit them, and push the changes to the remote.
  11. When the code reviewer approves your changes, they will merge your code into draft and after an hour test your changes visually on to make sure they are visually correct.
  12. If they look correct, create a pull request from your original branch into staging and request a review again. Your changes will be built on Do a final check on the staging site once it is merged in and then create a pull request from staging into prod.