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This code is a partial code extracted from the original code of the official author of SOLOV2 (the part of the lightweight implementation of SOLOV2_LIGHT), which does not rely on MMDetetion and MMCV. It is still relatively simple and has a lot of shortcomings to be improved.
official code: https://github.com/WXinlong/SOLO
paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.10152
1、Only supports Resnet18, Resnet34 backbone to train.
2、Multi GPU parallel training is not supported.
3、Incomplete configuration items for training and testing.
python 3.6+
pip install torch==1.5.1 torchvision==0.6.1 #Higher versions of PyTorch also tested OK
pip install pycocotools
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
cd pytorch_solov2/
python setup.py develop #Install the original FocalLoss of SoloV2
2021-05-17 update
Completely remove the dependency on MMCV
2020-10-13 update
Improve the evaluation code, save it as the picture after instance segmentation, and add video test code.
The implementation of FocalLoss in the latest version of MMCV-Full is different from that in the original SOLO version (the processing label of the background class is different). If the MMCV-Full FocalLoss is used for training, although the loss is reduced, the actual prediction is not accurate.
So replace it with the original FocalLoss implementation.
python setup.py develop
After the replacement, retraining, loss and prediction are normal.
After configuring the items in the config.py,run command
python train.py
- if use COCO dataset
├── annotations
├── train2017
└── val2017
in 'data' path run command:
ln -s /path/coco2017 coco
modify the 'coco2017_dataset' item in 'config.py' , for example:
coco2017_dataset = dataset_base.copy({
'name': 'COCO 2017',
'train_prefix': './data/coco/',
'train_info': 'annotations/instances_train2017.json',
'trainimg_prefix': 'train2017/',
'train_images': './data/coco/',
'valid_prefix': './data/coco/',
'valid_info': 'annotations/instances_val2017.json',
'validimg_prefix': 'val2017/',
'valid_images': './data/coco/',
'label_map': COCO_LABEL_MAP
- if use casia-SPT_val dataset in this repo
casia_SPT_val = dataset_base.copy({
'name': 'casia-SPT 2020', #dataset's name
'train_prefix': './data/casia-SPT_val/val/', #dataset path
'train_info': 'val_annotation.json', #label file
'trainimg_prefix': '',
'train_images': './data/casia-SPT_val/val/',
'valid_prefix': './data/casia-SPT_val/val/',
'valid_info': 'val_annotation.json',
'validimg_prefix': '',
'valid_images': './data/casia-SPT_val/val',
'label_map': COCO_LABEL_MAP
- use casia_SPT_val dataset, set backbone resnet18_backbone, batchsize is (batchsize=imgs_per_gpu*workers_per_gpu)
solov2_base_config = coco_base_config.copy({
'name': 'solov2_base',
'backbone': resnet18_backbone, #backbone
# Dataset stuff
'dataset': casia_SPT_val,
'num_classes': len(coco2017_dataset.class_names) + 1,
'imgs_per_gpu': 6,
'workers_per_gpu': 2,
'num_gpus': 1, #only support single GPU for now
- Complete Example Settings in 'data/config.py'
# ----------------------- SOLO v2.0 CONFIGS ----------------------- #
solov2_base_config = coco_base_config.copy({
'name': 'solov2_base',
'backbone': resnet18_backbone,
# Dataset stuff
'dataset': casia_SPT_val,
'num_classes': len(coco2017_dataset.class_names) + 1,
'imgs_per_gpu': 4,
'workers_per_gpu': 2,
'num_gpus': 1,
'train_pipeline': [
dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'), #read img process
dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True, with_mask=True), #load annotations
dict(type='Resize', #Multiscale training, then select a size from the size behind
img_scale=[(768, 512), (768, 480), (768, 448),
(768, 416), (768, 384), (768, 352)],
dict(type='RandomFlip', flip_ratio=0.5), #Stochastic inversion, prob=0.5
dict(type='Normalize', mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375], to_rgb=True), #normallize
dict(type='Pad', size_divisor=32), # SOLOV2 has requirements on the size of network input, and the image size needs to be a multiple of 32
dict(type='DefaultFormatBundle'), #将数据转换为tensor,为后续网络计算
dict(type='Collect', keys=['img', 'gt_bboxes', 'gt_labels', 'gt_masks'], meta_keys=('filename', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', 'pad_shape',
'scale_factor', 'flip', 'img_norm_cfg')),
'test_cfg': None,
# learning policy
'lr_config': dict(policy='step', warmup='linear', warmup_iters=500, warmup_ratio=0.01, step=[27, 33]),
'total_epoch': 36, #set epoch number for train
# optimizer
'optimizer': dict(type='SGD', lr=0.01, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0001),
'optimizer_config': dict(grad_clip=dict(max_norm=35, norm_type=2)), #Gradient balance strategy
'resume_from': None, #resume from a checkpoing file, start epoch 1 if None
'epoch_iters_start': 1, #start epoch number
'test_pipeline': [
img_scale=(768, 448),
dict(type='Resize', keep_ratio=True),
dict(type='Normalize', mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375], to_rgb=True),
dict(type='Pad', size_divisor=32),
dict(type='ImageToTensor', keys=['img']),
dict(type='Collect', keys=['img']),
'test_cfg': dict(
kernel='gaussian', # gaussian/linear
- start trainning
python train.py
Modify the last code of the 'eval.py' code based on your dataset
# valmodel_weight model weight
# data_path images path
# benchmark whether write result json to file
# test_mode
# save_imgs whether save result image to results path
eval(valmodel_weight='pretrained/solov2_448_r18_epoch_36.pth',data_path="data/casia-SPT_val/val/JPEGImages", benchmark=False, test_mode="images", save_imgs=False)
#eval(valmodel_weight='pretrained/solov2_448_r18_epoch_36.pth',data_path="cam0.avi", benchmark=False, test_mode="video")
run eval.py
python eval.py
backbone pretrained weights
from torchvision, prtrained weight in imagenet
resnet18: ./pretrained/resnet18_nofc.pth
resnet34: ./pretrained/resnet18_nofc.pth
solov2 light weight trained on coco2017
SOLOv2_Light_448_R18_36: ./pretrained/solov2_448_r18_epoch_36.pth
SOLOv2_Light_448_R34_36: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F3VRX1nZPnjKrzAC7Z4EmAlwmG-GWF8u/view?usp=sharing
2. The inputs of solov2 require multiples of 32 in both length and width, depending on the grid he is drawing, and other dimensions may be impossible to calculate.
3. Solov2 is relatively simple on the whole, with no strange operations or layers. There is a convolution operation in post-processing (the convolution core is learned during training, and it takes little time to compute on GPU). Matrix_NMS also takes little time. After this part of processing, the output of the network is:
mask [nums, height, weight] #masks's number,
cls [nums] #class of masks
scores [nums] #score of masks