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use {patchwork} instead of {gridExtra} to create a plot grid #164

IndrajeetPatil opened this issue Sep 15, 2021 · 3 comments

use {patchwork} instead of {gridExtra} to create a plot grid #164

IndrajeetPatil opened this issue Sep 15, 2021 · 3 comments


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IndrajeetPatil commented Sep 15, 2021

I can take care of this change.

For more, see:

This is a direct replacement with not much change needed in terms of argument specification:


p1 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point()
p2 <- ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)) + geom_point()

grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
wrap_plots(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
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pchelle commented Sep 16, 2021

patchwork (and also cowplot) is not included in the list of validR functions, so not sure if we may use it or not.
@Yuri05 , thoughts ?

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It's not a hard dependency (we just suggest it, not import it), so maybe it will be okay?

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Yuri05 commented Sep 16, 2021

should be ok. also in the next valid R version those packages will be supported (s. below)

supported packages next version (based on R 4.0.4)
Package Version
accelmissing 1.4
acepack 1.4.1
ade4 1.7-16
affy 1.68.0
amap 0.8-18
AnnotationDbi 1.52.0
aod 1.3.1
argonDash 0.2.0
argonR 0.2.0
asd 2.2
askpass 1.1
assertr 2.8
assertthat 0.2.1
aws.ec2metadata 0.2.0
aws.s3 0.3.21
aws.signature 0.6.0
base 4.0.4
base64enc 0.1-3
beeswarm 0.3.1
BH 1.75.0-0
binom 1.1-1
binr 1.1
Biobase 2.50.0
BiocGenerics 0.36.1
BiocManager 1.30.12
biomaRt 2.46.3
bit64 4.0.5
bitops 1.0-6
bookdown 0.21
bookdownplus 1.5.8
boot 1.3-27
bpp 1.0.0
brms 2.15.0
broom 0.7.6
bs4Dash 0.5.0
bsplus 0.1.2
Cairo 1.5-12.2
calibrate 1.7.7
callr 3.6.0
captioner 2.2.3
car 3.0-10
caret 6.0-86
caTools 1.18.2
CBPS 0.22
chemometrics 1.4.2
circlize 0.4.12
class 7.3-18
cli 2.4.0
clinfun 1.0.15
cluster 2.1.2
cmprsk 2.2-10
cobalt 4.3.1
coda 0.19-4
codetools 0.2-18
colorspace 2.0-0
colourpicker 1.1.0
combinat 0.0-8
compiler 4.0.4
ComplexHeatmap 2.6.2
corrplot 0.84
corrr 0.4.3
COUNT 1.3.4
covr 3.5.1
cowplot 1.1.1
coxphf 1.13.1
coxphw 4.0.2
coxrobust 1
curl 4.3
cutpointr 1.1.0
cvTools 0.3.2
data.table 1.14.0
DataExplorer 0.8.2
datasets 4.0.4
DBI 1.1.1
dbplyr 2.1.1
DEGseq 1.44.0
dendextend 1.14.0
desc 1.3.0
descr 1.1.5
DescTools 0.99.41
deSolve 1.28
devEMF 4.0-2
devtools 2.4.0
dfcomb 3.0-0
dfcrm 0.2-2.1
dfoptim 2020.10-1
dials 0.0.9
dichromat 2.0-0
diffdf 1.0.4
digest 0.6.27
dlm 1.1-5
dmutate 0.1.2
doBy 4.6.9
doMC 1.3.7
doParallel 1.0.16
doRNG 1.8.2
DoseFinding 0.9-17
dplyr 1.0.5
drc 3.0-1
DT 0.18
dtplyr 1.1.0
e1071 1.7-6
ebal 0.1-6
echarts4r 0.4.0
edgeR 3.32.1
emmeans 1.5.5-1
entropy 1.2.1
epiR 2.0.19
eRm 1.0-2
etm 1.1.1
evaluate 0.14
ezknitr 0.6
fable 0.3.0
factoextra 1.0.7
FactoInvestigate 1.7
FactoMineR 2.4
feasts 0.2.1
fields 11.6
fitdistrplus 1.1-3
flexdashboard 0.5.2
flexsurv 2
flextable 0.6.5
forcats 0.5.1
foreach 1.5.1
forecast 8.14
foreign 0.8-81
forestplot 1.10.1
formatR 1.9
formattable 0.2.1
Formula 1.2-4
fpc 2.2-9
frailtypack 3.3.2
fs 1.5.0
furrr 0.2.2
future 1.21.0
future.apply 1.7.0
fuzzyjoin 0.1.6
gam 1.2
gbm 2.1.8
generics 0.1.0
getPass 0.2-2
GGally 2.1.1
gganimate 1.0.7
ggbeeswarm 0.6.0
ggforce 0.3.3
ggfortify 0.4.11
GGIR 2.3-0
ggmap 3.0.0
ggmosaic 0.3.3
ggplot2 3.3.3
ggplotify 0.0.5
ggrepel 0.9.1
ggstance 0.3.5
ggthemes 4.2.4
glmnet 4.1-1
glue 1.4.2
gmodels 2.18.1
goftest 1.2-2
goodpractice 1.0.2
googledrive 1.0.1
googlesheets 0.3.0
googlesheets4 0.3.0
GPArotation 2014.11-1
gplots 3.1.1
graphics 4.0.4
grDevices 4.0.4
grid 4.0.4
gridBase 0.4-7
gridExtra 2.3
gsDesign 3.2.0
gtable 0.3.0
hardhat 0.1.5
haven 2.4.0
heatmaply 1.2.1
here 1.0.1
hexbin 1.28.2
highr 0.9
Hmisc 4.5-0
hms 1.0.0
htmlTable 2.1.0
htmlwidgets 1.5.3
httr 1.4.2
import 1.2.0
infer 0.5.4
iptools 0.6.1
IRanges 2.24.1
iterators 1.0.13
itertools 0.1-3
janitor 2.1.0
JM 1.4-8
jsonlite 1.7.2
kableExtra 1.3.4
keras 2.4.0
KernSmooth 2.23-18
knitr 1.32
labeling 0.4.2
labelled 2.8.0
lattice 0.20-41
latticeExtra 0.6-29
lavaan 0.6-8
lazyeval 0.2.2
lda 1.4.2
LDAvis 0.3.2
lifecycle 1.0.0
limma 3.46.0
lintr 2.0.1
lme4 1.1-26
lmerTest 3.1-3
log4r 0.3.2
logistf 1.24
lsmeans 2.30-0
lubridate 1.7.10
magrittr 2.0.1
mailR 0.4.1
markdown 1.1
MASS 7.3-53.1
Matching 4.9-9
MatchIt 4.1.0
Matrix 1.3-2
mclust 5.4.7
mcmc 0.9-7
MCMCpack 1.5-0
MCPMod 1.0-10.1
mcr 1.2.1
Mediana 1.0.8
memoise 2.0.0
meta 4.18-0
metafor 2.4-0
methods 4.0.4
mgcv 1.8-35
mice 3.13.0
miceadds 3.11-6
microbenchmark 1.4-7
minpack.lm 1.2-1
mkin 1.0.3
MLmetrics 1.1.1
mlr 2.19.0
mnormt 2.0.2
modelr 0.1.8
mrgsolve 0.11.0
mschart 0.3.0
mstate 0.3.1
multcomp 1.4-16
multcompView 0.1-8
munsell 0.5.0
mvna 2.0.1
mvtnorm 1.1-1
ncappc 0.3.0
ngram 3.0.4
nlme 3.1-152
nlmeODE 1.1
nnet 7.3-15
NonCompart 0.4.7
nonmem2R 0.2.3
nortest 1.0-4
numDeriv 2016.8-1.1
odbc 1.3.2
odeintr 1.7.1
officer 0.3.18
openssl 1.4.3
openxlsx 4.2.3
optimx 2020-4.2
outliers 0.14
pander 0.6.3
parallel 4.0.4
parsedate 1.2.0
parsnip 0.1.5
party 1.3-7
partykit 1.2-13
patchwork 1.1.1
pcaMethods 1.82.0
penalized 0.9-51
pharmaRTF 0.1.2
pheatmap 1.0.12
PK 1.3-5
pkgload 1.2.1
PKPDmodels 0.3.2
plot3D 1.3
plotly 4.9.3
plotrix 3.8-1
plotROC 2.2.1
plsdepot 0.1.17
plsgenomics 1.5-2
plspm 0.4.9
plumber 1.1.0
plyr 1.8.6
PMCMRplus 1.9.0
png 0.1-7
PopED 0.5.0
powerSurvEpi 0.1.3
ppcor 1.1
prettyR 2.2-3
prettyunits 1.1.1
printr 0.1.1
processx 3.5.1
prodlim 2019.11.13
profvis 0.3.7
progress 1.2.2
PropCIs 0.3-0
proto 1.0.0
pryr 0.1.4
pspline 1.0-18
psych 2.1.3
purrr 0.3.4
pwr 1.3-0
qcc 2.7
qdap 2.4.3
qualityTools 1.55
qvalue 2.22.0
r2d3 0.2.5
R6 2.5.0
randomForest 4.6-14
randomForestSRC 2.11.0
ranger 0.12.1
raster 3.4-5
RBesT 1.6-1
RColorBrewer 1.1-2
Rcpp 1.0.6
RcppAlgos 2.4.1
readr 1.4.0
readxl 1.3.1
recipes 0.1.16
remotes 2.3.0
reprex 2.0.0
reshape 0.8.8
reshape2 1.4.4
reticulate 1.18
Rfit 0.24.2
rhandsontable 0.3.7
RJSONIO 1.3-1.4
rlang 0.4.10
rmarkdown 2.7
rmdshower 2.1.1
Rmisc 1.5
Rmpi 0.6-9.1
rms 6.2-0
RMySQL 0.10.21
RNMGraphics 4.0-7
RNMImport 4.0-32
robust 0.5-0.0
ROC 1.66.0
ROCR 1.0-11
roxygen2 7.1.1
rpact 3.0.4
rpart 4.1-15
rprojroot 2.0.2
rsample 0.0.9
rsconnect 0.8.17
RSelenium 1.7.7
RSQLite 2.2.6
rstan 2.21.2
rstanarm 2.21.1
rtf 0.4-14.1
Rtsne 0.15
runjags 2.2.0-2
rvest 1.0.0
rvg 0.2.5
RxODE 1.0.8
S4Vectors 0.28.1
sandwich 3.0-0
sas7bdat 0.5
SASxport 1.7.0
scales 1.1.1
sendmailR 1.2-1
seriation 1.2-9
sessioninfo 1.1.1
shape 1.4.5
shiny 1.6.0
shinyalert 2.0.0
shinyBS 0.61
shinybusy 0.2.2
shinycssloaders 1.0.0
shinydashboard 0.7.1
shinyjs 2.0.0
shinytest 1.5.0
shinythemes 1.2.0
shinyTree 0.2.7
shinyWidgets 0.6.0
SixSigma 0.9-52
skimr 2.1.3
slam 0.1-48
slider 0.2.1
snowfall 1.84-6.1
sparklyr 1.6.2
spatial 7.3-13
spelling 2.2
splines 4.0.4
splines2 0.4.2
sqldf 0.4-11
ssh 0.7.0
stargazer 5.2.2
stats 4.0.4
stats4 4.0.4
stringi 1.5.3
stringr 1.4.0
styler 1.4.1
surv2sampleComp 1.0-5
survey 4
survival 3.2-10
survminer 0.4.9
survRM2 1.0-3
svglite 2.0.0
tableone 0.12.0
tables 0.9.6
tcltk 4.0.4
tensorflow 2.4.0
testthat 3.0.2
textrecipes 0.4.0
tibble 3.1.1
tidymodels 0.1.3
tidyposterior 0.1.0
tidypredict 0.4.8
tidyr 1.1.3
tidyselect 1.1.0
tidytext 0.3.1
tidyverse 1.3.1
timereg 1.9.8
tinytex 0.31
tm 0.7-8
tokenizers 0.2.1
tools 4.0.4
topicmodels 0.2-12
treemap 2.4-2
TriMatch 0.9.9
tseries 0.10-48
tsfeatures 1.0.2
tsibble 1.0.1
tsne 0.1-3
TTR 0.24.2
tukeytrend 0.7
tune 0.1.3
ucminf 1.1-4
usethis 2.0.1
utils 4.0.4
venn 1.1
VennDiagram 1.6.20
VGAM 1.1-5
VIM 6.1.0
vipor 0.4.5
viridis 0.6.0
viridisLite 0.4.0
vpc 1.2.2
vrwatch 1.0.1
wavelets 0.3-0.2
WeightIt 0.12.0
whisker 0.4
withr 2.4.2
workflows 0.2.2
writexl 1.3.1
xlsx 0.6.5
XML 3.99-0.6
xml2 1.3.2
xpose4 4.7.1
xtable 1.8-4
yaml 2.2.1
yardstick 0.0.8
zeallot 0.1.0
zip 2.1.1
zoo 1.8-9

@IndrajeetPatil IndrajeetPatil self-assigned this Sep 30, 2021
IndrajeetPatil added a commit that referenced this issue Oct 5, 2021
closes #164; rebuild website articles
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