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The ontotext-yasgui project contains the ontotext-yasgui-web-component wrapper around the YASGUI library allowing easy reusing by simply embedding the custom html tag in any web project be it vanilla javascript or based on any of the popular SPA frameworks. This component also extends the YASGUI API and serves as a facade behind which customizations can be implemented without affecting the client projects. The component is heavily used in the Ontotext's GraphDB Workbench. All extensions and customizations made on top of the original YASGUI library came as requirements during integration of the library in the GraphDB Workbench UI.

This project is composed by following sub-projects:

  1. Yasgui;
  2. ontotext-yasgui-web-component;
  3. cypress. - An automated testing project.


A workspace with the latest version of the original source code of the Yasgui library with all needed customizations. After a build, the yasgui.min.js and yasgui.min.css artefacts are copied into ontotext-yasgui-web-component.



A workspace with the implementation of a custom web component which wraps the Yasgui library and provides a common interface for unobtrusive customizations via configurations and hooks;


A project with automated e2e tests for the ontotext-yasgui-web-component.

How to get started with development tasks in this project

Read Development guide before starting any development in this project. Below are some first steps helping to get started:

  1. Clone the this repository.

git clone
  1. Install all dependencies

npm install
  1. Build projects

    Execute the npm run build command. The command executes the following tasks:

    • Builds the Yasgui component;
    • Copies the built yasgui.min.js and yasgui.min.css artefacts into ontotext-yasgui-web-component project;
    • Builds the ontotext-yasgui-web-component project. The component is built in the dist folder in the ontotext-yasgui-web-component.
  2. Starting a development server

    A development server can be run by executing the npm run start command. This will run a simple web server and deploy a sample web page with the ontotext-yasgui-web-component inside. The server supports a watch mode, and a live reload of the web browser.

  3. Running the automated tests

    The automated tests can be run by executing one of the following commands:
    npm run cy:run for headless tests execution.
    npm run cy:open for opening the cypress dashboard.

    The development web server must be started before running the automated cypress tests.

  4. Ensuring the code quality

    The code quality is monitored with eslint. Executing the npm run lint command will perform a code lint check. And running the npm run lint:fix command will execute a code lint check as well as an automatic problems fixing where possible and reporting the rest.

  5. Releasing

    The ontotext-yasgui-web-component is regularly published as a package in the NPM registry. This is done via automated CI.

  6. Cleaning up

    Execute the npm run clean command. This command will delete:

  • Parent project
    • node_modules of parent project
  • ontotext-yasgui-web-component project
    • ontotext-yasgui-web-component/dist
    • ontotext-yasgui-web-component/loader
    • ontotext-yasgui-web-component/node_modules
    • ontotext-yasgui-web-component/www
  • Yasgui project
    • Yasgui/node_modules
    • Yasgui/build
    • Yasgui/packages/utils/node_modules
    • Yasgui/packages/utils/build
    • Yasgui/packages/yasgui/node_modules
    • Yasgui/packages/yasgui/build
    • Yasgui/packages/yasqe/node_modules
    • Yasgui/packages/yasqe/build
    • Yasgui/packages/yasr/node_modules
    • Yasgui/packages/yasr/build

After execution of this command the project will be in a state same as it was just cloned from the repository.

For development purposes the minification of the yasgui can be skipped by setting the minimize property to false of the optimization configuration in Yasgui/webpack/config.ts file.

Usage of the component

After the ontotext-yasgui-web-component is built, then it can be used in every supported by stenciljs framework or in vanilla javascript applications. Read Usage guide for details how to use it.

TODO: Describe the process in details