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add abstract radial and grid demos to the examples/demos folder
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Phil Gough committed Aug 23, 2017
1 parent e4cef6a commit 2eb2331
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Showing 4 changed files with 263 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added examples/demos/abstractGrid/NCHS_dataset.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions examples/demos/abstractGrid/abstractGrid.pde
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
import hivis.common.*;

// This skecth animates an abstract data visualisation

// The source data
DataTable data;

// some DataSeries to store the data
DataSeries heightSeries;
DataSeries weightSeries;
DataSeries waistSeries;
DataSeries BMISeries;
String[] smokerSeries;

// size of the grid
int rectSize = 25;

void setup() {
size(1000, 700);
// setup the visual
colorMode(HSB, 360, 255, 255, 255);

// Load the data

void fileSelected(File selection) {

// Get data from spread sheet. The SpreadSheetReader will automatically update the DataTable it provides.
println("loading data");
data = HV.loadSpreadSheet(HV.loadSSConfig().sourceFile(selection));

println("\nLoaded data:\n" + data);
// add the data to our data structures
heightSeries = data.get("height");
weightSeries = data.get("weight");
waistSeries = data.get("waist");
BMISeries = data.get("bmi");
smokerSeries = data.get("smoker").asStringArray();

void draw() {
// a counter to remember which row of data we are looking at
int row = 0;
// draw a grid
for (int x = 0; x < width; x+= rectSize) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y+= rectSize) {
// use pushMatrix to draw at the origin, but translate the coordinates to our x and y position
translate(x, y);

// slowly change the colour of our background rectangles
fill(frameCount/12.5%360, 100, 100, 20);
// draw the background rectangles
rect(0, 0, rectSize-1, rectSize-1);

// grab the data from our DataSeries
// (the weight is too high to use below, so scale it)
float we = weightSeries.getFloat(row) / 50;
float wa = waistSeries.getFloat(row);
float hi = heightSeries.getFloat(row);

// we will draw dot, make it white
fill(360, 0, 255, 200);

// is the person a smoker? slow down their dot a little
float smok = 1.5;
if (smokerSeries[row].equals("no")) {
smok = 1.2;
// we could do the next part in one step, but it's broken down here...

// the dot starts at the centre of our rectangle
float cx = rectSize/2.0;
float cy = rectSize/2.0;

// we will use sin() and cos() to make our dot move,
// but since sin() and cos() is from 0 to 1
// we need an offset to scale them by,
// and scale it by their waist size, bigger waist = bigger movement
float offset = rectSize/4 * wa;

// x will be affected by height of the person
cx += sin(pow(radians(frameCount*smok), hi)) * offset;
// y will be affected by their weight
cy += cos(pow(radians(frameCount*smok), we)) * offset;
// draw the dot
ellipse(cx, cy, 1, 1);
// make sure to run popMatrix() after we finish drawing this box
// move to the next row
row ++;
// if we get to the of our data, we will just move to the next one
row %= data.length();
Binary file added examples/demos/abstractRadial/NCHS_dataset.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions examples/demos/abstractRadial/abstractRadial.pde
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
import hivis.common.*;

// This skecth animates an abstract data visualisation

// The source data
DataTable data;

// This is a flag to indicate that data is being (re)loaded and so the plot should not be drawn yet.
boolean noDataLoaded = true;

DataSeries heightSeries;
DataSeries weightSeries;
DataSeries waistSeries;
DataSeries BMISeries;
String[] smokerSeries;

int alpha = 15;
int[] randomRows;
int numRows = 10;
void setup() {
size(1000, 700);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 255, 255, 255);
// make the background slightly off-white

// load the data

void fileSelected(File selection) {
// Get data from spread sheet. The SpreadSheetReader will automatically update the DataTable it provides.
println("loading data");
data = HV.loadSpreadSheet(HV.loadSSConfig().sourceFile(selection));

println("\nLoaded data:\n" + data);
// populate our data series
heightSeries = data.get("height");
weightSeries = data.get("weight");
waistSeries = data.get("waist");
BMISeries = data.get("bmi");
smokerSeries = data.get("smoker").asStringArray();
noDataLoaded = false;

// start by selecting some random rows to draw
randomRows = new int[numRows];
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
randomRows[i] = int(random(data.length()));


void draw() {
// blur and fade the background
fill(360, alpha);
rect(0, 0, width, height);
filter(BLUR, .7);

// update the rows from the data frame that we are visualising every 30 frames
if (frameCount % 30 == 0) {
println("updating rows");
// draw the rows we have selected as a lines from the centre
for (int i = 0; i < randomRows.length; i++) {
int row = randomRows[i];
// starting point for lines
float cx = width/2.0;
float cy = height/2.0;
// angle for this data point
float r = row * 360/data.length();
// direction to draw the line
float dx = sin(radians(r + random(-3.1, 3.1) * frameCount%90)) * 20;
float dy = cos(radians(r)) * 20;
// store the previous position of the line
float px = 0;
float py = 0;
// select the colour for this line
stroke(getColour(row, 50, 400));

// get the data from this row
float we = weightSeries.getFloat(row);
float wa = waistSeries.getFloat(row);
float hi = heightSeries.getFloat(row);

// create a counter for our while loop
float count = 0;
while (onScreen(cx, cy)) {
// increase the count, to be used in the noise function
count += (row % 9)/10 + .1;
// update the previous position
px = cx;
py = cy;
// update the new position
noiseSeed(int(we * count * 10));
cx += dx + noise(frameCount + count)/8 * we;
noiseSeed(int(wa * hi * count * 5));
cy += dy + noise(frameCount + count)/8 * we;
// draw circles if they are smoker
if (isSmoker(row)) {
ellipse(cx, cy, wa*10, hi*5);
// draw lines if not a smoker
else {
line(cx, cy, px, py);

// returns true if the positions given are within the boundary of the screen
boolean onScreen(float x, float y) {
if (0 < x && x < width) {
if (0 < y && y < height) {
return true;
return false;

// returns a colour based on the data for BMI
color getColour(int r, int hue, int hueRange) {
float min = BMISeries.min().getFloat();
float max = BMISeries.max().getFloat();
float bmi = (BMISeries.getFloat(r) - min)/max * hueRange + hue;
color c = color(bmi, 200, 220, alpha * 2);
return c;

// return whether the person smokes or not
boolean isSmoker(int r) {
if (smokerSeries[r].equals("no")) {
return false;
return true;

// update the data being drawn
void updateRows() {
for (int i = 0; i < randomRows.length-1; i++) {
randomRows[i] = randomRows[i+1];
randomRows[randomRows.length-1] = int(random(data.length()));

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