This bot is not actively maintained anymore due to the API changes of discord back in 2022 where slash commands were mandated to be mandatorily used for any verified bot - i might bother restarting development if it's realistically possible to convert all functionality over to slash commands - until then it's mostly a public code archive for anyone willing to copy code from this codebase
Moderation features such as ban, kick, purge, mute and unmute. You can also view user information and profile pictures.
Wikipeida commands as well, such as wikipedia search. You can use //wiki to search on Wikipedia. The bot also includes some commands to see short bits of info on a few of Linux distributions.
More info on bot features can be seen in //help and you can always contribute to betterment of the bot if you know python by heading to the bot repository on github at and following our contributing guidelines at Source code on public github can be a bit behind hosted version since updates to it are pushed when enough changes pile up
We have a complete copy of this repository for mainland china folk up at gitee , the address of which is located at
我们在 gitee 上为居住在中国大陆的人提供了此存储库的完整副本,其地址位于 。
Бот с открытым исходным кодом для модерации и музыки Основные возможности бота Музыка (может иногда ломаться) Бот может воспроизводить музыку с YouTube, пропускать ее, есть очередь, обычные вещи для музыкальных ботов в целом
Функции модерации (например, ban,kick,mute,unmute). Имеется возможность просматривать информацию о пользователе и смотреть аватарку профиля.
Информационные команды а также поиск в википедии. Вы можете использовать //wiki для поиска в википедии. Кроме того, бот включает несколько команд для просмотра короткой информации о некоторых дистрибутивах Linux.
Более подробную информацию о функциях бота можно увидеть в //help, и вы всегда можете внести свой вклад в улучшение бота, если знаете python, перейдя в репозиторий бота на github по адресу и сделать изменения сответствуя нашим требованиям для пул реквестов на Исходный код на общедоступном github может немного отставать от захосченной версии, поскольку обновления в него отправляются, когда накапливается достаточно изменений
Wamt to help us translate the bot to your language? We appreciate your enthusiasm so head over to to start helping us translate the bot
- Create an .env file in src folder with this content DISCORD_TOKEN=your token without quotes, symbols, or anything
- If you want to host locally then just launch the bot with python, file, otherwise follow the next steps
- Heroku CLI setup
- Follow step 1
- Go to and Sign Up or Log In if already have an account.
- For command line setup install Git and do git init when inside your directory
- Install Heroku CLI
- Then do Heroku apps:create name_of_app and heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python
- Finally, do git push heroku master or git push heroku branch_name:master if you want to only push one branch
- For heroku gui setup do
- Go to and Sign Up or Log In if already have an account.
- Go to Heroku Dashboard
- Hit New. Now give the application on Heroku a unique name
- Click on Connect to Github. You might need to authorize the app. If so, do that.
- Create a private repository on github
- Upload bot files into your private repository and edit gitignore and remove .env file mentions from there
- Create .env file in src folder of your private repository with this content DISCORD_TOKEN=your token without quotes, symbols, or anything
- Now go back to Heroku and link your private repository there by entering your name of private repository. Hit search and then connect.
- Now scroll down below and Enable Auto Deploy. Now Scroll a little more and hit Deploy Branch.
- Go to Resources Tab once the bot deployement is finished
- Click the little edit icon near our apps' name to enable our dynos
- Enable it and hit confirm
- Congratulations, you now have your own Helia instance
Credits goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Andrey Savich 💻 🎨 🌍 |
sviat946 🤔 |
Nigaman 💻 |
Arsenii Liunsha 💻 🌍 |
eax-ebx 📢 💡 💻 💬 |
DoggieLicc 💻 |
Shadi Alostaz 🚧 📖 |
Kye 💻 📢 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!