A website and user system starter. Implemented with Express and Backbone.
Server side, Drywall is built with the Express framework. We're using MongoDB as a data store.
The front-end is built with Backbone. We're using Grunt for the asset pipeline.
On The Server | On The Client | Development |
Express | Bootstrap | Grunt |
Jade | Backbone.js | |
Mongoose | jQuery | |
Passport | Underscore.js | |
Async | Font-Awesome | |
EmailJS | Moment.js |
Platform | Username | Password |
https://free---way.herokuapp.com/ | root | 123456 |
Note: Event Community _ users_management sysytem and Event management ADD || DELETE || EDIT
Nice Home page
$ npm start
# > Drywall@0.0.0 start /Users/jedireza/projects/jedireza/drywall
# > grunt
# Running "copy:vendor" (copy) task
# ...
# Running "concurrent:dev" (concurrent) task
# Running "watch" task
# Running "nodemon:dev" (nodemon) task
# Waiting...
# [nodemon] v1.3.7
# [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
# [nodemon] watching: *.*
# [nodemon] starting `node app.js`
# Server is running on port 3000
Now just use the reset password feature to set a password.
- Go to
- Submit your email address and wait a second.
- Go check your email and get the reset link.
- Set a new password.
Login. Customize. Enjoy.
- Create a website and user system.
- Write code in a simple and consistent way.
- Only create minor utilities or plugins to avoid repetitiveness.
- Find and use good tools.
- Use tools in their native/default behavior.
- front end web pages responsive.
- Contact page has form to email.
- Login system with forgot password and reset password.
- Signup and Login with Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Google and Tumblr.
- Optional email verification during signup flow.
- User system with separate account and admin roles.
- Admin groups with shared permission settings.
- Administrator level permissions that override group permissions.