OneMenu for PSVita is a simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories.
- Onemenu comes with a built in File Explorer.
- Installing/uninstalling apps/games, vpks (Including Nonpdrm content, you have to install the plugin Nonpdrm).
- Move the selected homebrew to diferent partition (ux0-ur0-uma0).
- Connect via ftp or usb to the pc (Memory Card, SD2Vita or GameCard).
- Extract zip/rar files.
- Edit the title show in the Bubbles in the LiveArea.
- Update the database without lose the IconLayout, very usefull to install PSM games (You have to install the plugins nopsdrm and nonpdrm).
- Shrink Game: Allows to free up some space by eliminating some game folders/files such as: Game Manual, and some folders/files from ux0:app/(GAMEID) since those folders/files are also at ux0:patch/(GAMEID) (ux0:Repatch/(GAMEID)).
- Install CustomThemes in ux0, ur0 and uma0.
- Delete game content doesn't installed in the PS Vita from the directorioes Readdcont and Repatch (ux0,uma0,imc0,xmc0)
- Functions to export Multimedia files (images jpg,png, music mp3, videos mp4).
- restart, shutdown, rebuild db.
Shrink Game is based on TheRadziu's Tutorial
- NOTE: Be very careful after using this option, because if the folders/files get deleted from ux0:patch/(GAMEID) or ux0:rePatch/(GAMEID) the game will stop booting cause there won't be any folders/files left at ux0:app/(GAMEID)
- Add Stars (Christmas).
- [FIX] GameCard detection
- Bug fixes and some improvisations.
- Add PSP and PS1 games detection on Reload Content.
- [FIX] icons for psm games
- Extraction 7z and rar5 files
- Added 3.74 support
- Added support for installing custom themes in imc0
- Move Adrenaline to Homebrews category instead of Adrenaline Bubbles category
- Launch video player with the Cancel button onthe Games/Apps section
- On screen volume controls added and touch enabled
- Fixed bug to Refresh Content for several PSM games. Thanks to Kuromesan
- Add Unpack Resources from EBOOT.PBP/ISO (icon0.png, pic0, param.sfo)
- Added support for firmware 3.71/3.72.
- Added Refresh Content for PSM games. Thanks to Kuromesan
- New option to create .zip.
- Added support for firmware 3.73.
- Added a simple video player (Only plays compatible videos with the PSVita).
- In the game screen (Bubbles) you have to press the square button to access to system aplications.
- Now, to access to the system options of ONEMenu you have to press the start buttom.
- New option "Delete empty directories on multimedia directories" in the system options of ONEMenu.
- Bug fixes and improvements in the code.
UP/Down: Category change (5 categories available: Vita/Hb games, PSM Games, PSP/Hbs Games, PS1 Games, Adrenaline Bubbles).
L/R: Fast scrolling.
Square: Opens system apps.
- Uninstall Bubbles
- Shrink Game (Only for PSVita games)
- Edit Bubble Title (Don't edit PSM games and PSP/PS1 official games)
- Move App to ux0-ur0-uma0 (Only for Homebrews)
- Sort Category bi Title, Id and Region.
- Reload Content: Allows to install games in ux0:app (Thanks the plugin Nonpdrm from TheFloW)
- Shows PICs: Show every bubble pic
- Style: Change the style of the icons on ONEMenu Up: Clasic Menu style with mirrored icons and the category slides above the icons list. Down: Simple menu similar to PS4 with the category slide below, this option does not have the icons reflections.
- Themes OneMenu: download/install/change Themes for ONEMenu
- Enable AutoUpdate: Enable/Disable the AutoUpdate feature to allow or block future ONEMenu updates.
Select: File Explorer
L/R: Change partition.
Triangle: Open Submenus
Extract (zips and rars).
Size (folder/file size)
Reload Content: Allows to install games in ux0:app (Thanks the plugin Nonpdrm from TheFloW)
ReFolder Cleanup: Delete game content doesn't installed in the PS Vita from the directorioes Readdcont and Repatch (ux0,uma0,imc0,xmc0).
Multimedia Folders Cleanup: Delete empty directories on multimedia directories: "ux0:music/", "ux0:picture/ALL/", "ux0:picture/CAMERA/", "ux0:picture/SCREENSHOT/", "ux0:video/".
Restart ONEMenu
Power Reset
Update Database (app.db)
Rebuild Database (app.db)
LiveArea CustomThemes: You can uninstall CustomThemes, not official themes.
Video Player: Only plays mp4 videos compatibles with PSVita.
Xerpi for vita2d.
TheFloW Pkg installer & USB Modules & User/Kernel Modules.
Yifan-lu, XYZ and Davee and every coder and dev contributing to Vitasdk.
Team Molecule for Henkaku.
WZ-JK For Graphics.
Yizhi gai For the text editor.
Kuromesan for Refresh PSM games
(Tuto Pro Play).