Shell script to command Yaesu FTDX-3000 rig
ftdx3000-cat Yaesu FTDX-3000 commander
/usr/local/bin/ftdx3000-cat command
Where command in
30.0 - 56000.0 Set VFO A frequency
+hz Tune VFO up where hz value, 100 - 10000
-hz Tune VFO down where hz value 100 - 10000
vol0 - vol99 Change audio volume 0-99%
poweron Power on rig
poweroff Power off rig
readmode Read mode
readsig Read signal meter
readfreq Read VFO A frequency
readsql Read squelch value
sql0 - sql99 Set quelch value
lsb Set mode
usb Set mode
cw Set mode
fm Set mode
am Set mode
fsk Set mode
cw-r Set mode
pkt-l Set mode
fsk-r Set mode
pkt-fm Set mode
fm-n Set mode
pkt-u Set mode
am-n Set mode
- Linux computer, for example Raspberry Pi
- Yaesu FTDX-3000 radio
- USB-cable between rig and computer
git clone
Edit script with your favourite text editor. Update file to match your serial port and CAT-baud rate.
vi ftdx3000-cat/ftdx3000-cat
Then copy script to /usr/local/bin and give execute rights to it
sudo cp ftdx3000-cat/ftdx3000-cat /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/ftdx3000-cat
Power on the radio
ftdx3000-cat poweron
Tune to 3699kHz
ftdx3000-cat 3699
Change mode to LSB
ftdx3000-cat lsb
Change volume to 40% level
ftdx3000-cat vol40
Read frequency
ftdx3000-cat readfreq
VFO A is tuned to 1847.200 kHz
Tune 200Hz up
ftdx3000-cat +200
Read S-meter
ftdx3000-cat readsig
Signal level is S2 - 4% of full scale
Download FTDX3000 series CAT Operation Reference Book from Yaesu web site:
Make sure you have access to serial ports, add yourself to dialout group
sudo usermod -a -G dialout user