As the name says, Syntastic-Checker for MoonScript
It's easy to install by using NeoBundle.
"in vimrc
NeoBundle 'nymphium/syntastic-moonscript', {
\ 'depends' : ['scrooloose/syntastic'],
\ 'build' : {
\ 'linux' : 'make neobundle'
\ }
\ }
" `make' provides symlink 'mooncheck' to '$HOME/bin'
" or add directorypath to `make':
" \ 'build' : {
" \ 'linux' : 'make link BINPATH=path/to/bin'
" \ }
" if you use Neovim then pass a variable `VIM=nvim`
\ 'build' : {
\ 'linux' : 'make neobundle VIM=nvim'
\ }
let g:syntastic_moon_checkers = [..., 'moonc', 'mooncheck', ...]
let g:syntastic_moon_mooncheck_args = [.....]
or make
$ git clone
$ cd syntastic-moonscript
$ make
- (Vim)
- (MoonScript)
- luacheck
same as luacheck
If you use Neovim, please symlink ~/.vim/syntax_checkers
to ~/.config/nvim