This project has been developped in order to predict the performance of the DGETRF core from the LAPACK library
You will need docker installed on your machine
On Debian/Ubuntu with apt :
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
#Make sure install went right :
$ sudo docker run hello-world
Docker documentation is available here
#Clone this repository
$ git clone
#First build the image, once in the project directory :
$ docker build . -t project_mem
#Then start the container, the project will be built at the same time
$ docker run --rm -it project_mem
Then you can skip to the Usage section below
You will need :
Gtest :
sudo apt install libgtest-dev
Boost :
$ git clone
$ cd PPN_Projet_MEM && mkdir build
$ cd build && cmake ..
$ make -j
If your installation of MPI isnt in your path you can run the following command instead of "cmake .."
$ cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/your/mpi/c++/compiler -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/your/mpi/installation ..
# Ensure the project has been built properly
cd build
Usage is : ./lngbm [-h]
If you want to make sure everything has been done properly you can run the tests :
- Refer to the Readme in the test directory
If you want to benchmark your model you can run the benchmarks :
- Refer to the Readme in the Benchmark directory
Mathys Jam, for guiding us through the project