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This section contains all Math functions.
- CP_Math_ClampInt
- CP_Math_ClampFloat
- CP_Math_LerpInt
- CP_Math_LerpFloat
- CP_Math_Square
- CP_Math_Distance
- CP_Math_Degrees
- CP_Math_Radians
- CP_Math_ScreenToWorld
- CP_Math_WorldToScreen
Clamps an int to a range and returns the clamped value. If the provided int value is less than the provided min value the min value will be returned; if the provided int value is greater than the provided max value the max value will be returned; otherwise the provided int value will be returned.
int CP_Math_ClampInt(int value, int min, int max);
- value (int) - The value to clamp to the input range.
- min (int) - The minimum value in the range.
- max (int) - The maximum value in the range.
- int - The clamped value within the provided range.
void update()
// Get the mouse position/canvas size ratio
float mx = (float)CP_Input_GetMouseWorldX() / (float)CP_System_GetWindowWidth();
float my = (float)CP_Input_GetMouseWorldY() / (float)CP_System_GetWindowHeight();
// Convert to 0-255 values for color
int r_color = (int)(mx * 255);
int b_color = (int)(my * 255);
// Clamp the values
r_color = CP_Math_ClampInt(r_color, 0, 255);
b_color = CP_Math_ClampInt(b_color, 0, 255);
// Set the background as the color
CP_Graphics_ClearBackground(CP_Color_Create(r_color, 0, b_color, 255));
- CP_Graphics_ClearBackground
- CP_Color_Create
- CP_Input_GetMouseWorldX
- CP_Input_GetMouseWorldY
- CP_System_GetWindowWidth
- CP_System_GetWindowHeight
Clamps a float to a range and returns the clamped value. If the provided float value is less than the provided min value the min value will be returned; if the provided float value is greater than the provided max value the max value will be returned; otherwise the provided float value will be returned.
float CP_Math_ClampFloat(float value, float min, float max);
- value (float) - The value to clamp to the input range.
- min (float) - The minimum value in the range.
- max (float) - The maximum value in the range.
- float - The clamped value within the provided range.
static CP_Color Red;
static CP_Color Green;
static CP_Color Blue;
static CP_Color White;
void init()
// Create colors for the four corners of the screen
Red = CP_Color_Create(255, 0, 0, 255);
Green = CP_Color_Create(0, 255, 0, 255);
Blue = CP_Color_Create(0, 0, 255, 255);
White = CP_Color_Create(255, 255, 255, 255);
void update()
// Get the mouse position
float mx = (float)CP_Input_GetMouseWorldX() / (float)CP_System_GetWindowWidth();
float my = (float)CP_Input_GetMouseWorldY() / (float)CP_System_GetWindowHeight();
// Clamp the values
mx = CP_Math_ClampFloat(mx, 0.0, 1.0);
my = CP_Math_ClampFloat(my, 0.0, 1.0);
// Lerp along both axis
CP_Color lerpx = CP_Color_Lerp(Red, Blue, mx);
CP_Color lerpy = CP_Color_Lerp(Green, White, my);
// Lerp them together
CP_Color lerp = CP_Color_Lerp(lerpx, lerpy, 0.5f);
// Set the background based on the lerp
- CP_Color
- CP_Graphics_ClearBackground
- CP_Color_Create
- CP_Color_Lerp
- CP_Input_GetMouseWorldX
- CP_Input_GetMouseWorldY
- CP_System_GetWindowWidth
- CP_System_GetWindowHeight
Linearly interpolates between two input integers with an input lerp factor. The lerp factor should be from 0.0 to 1.0.
int CP_Math_LerpInt(int a, int b, float lerpFactor);
- a (int) - The value the function returns when lerp_factor is 0.0, the starting value.
- b (int) - The value the function returns when lerp_factor is 1.0, the ending value.
- lerp_factor (float) - The ratio used to determine what value to return between a and b.
- int - The interpolated value between
according tolerp_factor
void update()
// Get the mouse position/canvas size ratio
float mx = (float)CP_Input_GetMouseWorldX() / (float)CP_System_GetWindowWidth();
float my = (float)CP_Input_GetMouseWorldY() / (float)CP_System_GetWindowHeight();
// Convert to 0-255 values for color
int r_color = CP_Math_LerpInt(0, 255, mx);
int b_color = CP_Math_LerpInt(0, 255, my);
// Clamp the values
r_color = CP_Math_ClampInt(r_color, 0, 255);
b_color = CP_Math_ClampInt(b_color, 0, 255);
// Set the background as the color
CP_Graphics_ClearBackground(CP_Color_Create(r_color, 0, b_color, 255));
- CP_Graphics_ClearBackground
- CP_Color_Create
- CP_Math_ClampInt
- CP_Input_GetMouseWorldX
- CP_Input_GetMouseWorldY
- CP_System_GetWindowWidth
- CP_System_GetWindowHeight
Linearly interpolates between two input floats with an input lerp factor. The lerp factor should be from 0.0 to 1.0.
float CP_Math_LerpFloat(float a, float b, float lerpFactor);
- a (float) - The value the function returns when lerp_factor is 0.0, the starting value.
- b (float) - The value the function returns when lerp_factor is 1.0, the ending value.
- lerp_factor (float) - The ratio used to determine what value to return between a and b.
- float - The interpolated value between
according tolerp_factor
CP_Image justin_face;
void init()
justin_face = CP_Image_Load("./Assets/justin1.png");
float rot_counter = 0;
void update()
// Increment rotation lerp factor or reset
if (rot_counter >= 1.0f)
rot_counter -= 1.0f;
rot_counter += CP_System_GetDt();
// Lerp rotation and draw image
float rotation = CP_Math_LerpFloat(0.0f, 360.0f, rot_counter);
CP_Graphics_ClearBackground(CP_Color_Create(255, 255, 255, 255));
CP_Image_DrawAdvanced(justin_face, CP_Input_GetMouseWorldX(), CP_Input_GetMouseWorldY(), 100, 150, 255, rotation);
- CP_Graphics_ClearBackground
- CP_Color_Create
- CP_Image_Load
- CP_Image_DrawAdvanced
- CP_Input_GetMouseWorldX
- CP_Input_GetMouseWorldY
- CP_System_GetDt
Takes in a float and returns its squared value.
float CP_Math_Square(float number);
- number (float) - The number to square.
- float - The squared value.
void square_init()
CP_Settings_Fill(CP_Color_Create(0, 0, 0, 255));
float random_value = 0.0f;
float time_elapsed = 1.5;
void square_update()
CP_Settings_Background(CP_Color_Create(255, 255, 255, 255));
if (time_elapsed >= 1.5f)
random_value = CP_Random_RangeFloat(0.0f, 100.0f);
time_elapsed = 0.0f;
time_elapsed += dt();
char num_string[128] = { 0 };
sprintf_s(num_string, 128, "The square of %.2f is %.2f", random_value, CP_Math_Square(random_value));
CP_Font_DrawTextBox(num_string, 0, canvasHeight / 2, canvasWidth);
- CP_Settings_Fill
- CP_Settings_TextAlignment
- CP_Settings_Background
- CP_Random_RangeFloat
- CP_Font_DrawTextBox
This function returns the distance between two provided points.
float CP_Math_Distance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
- x1 (float) - The X coordinate of the first point.
- y1 (float) - The Y coordinate of the first point.
- x2 (float) - The X coordinate of the second point.
- y2 (float) - The Y coordinate of the second point.
- float - The distance between the two provided points.
float startPointX = 20.0;
float startPointY = 350.0;
float endPointX = CP_Input_GetMouseX();
float endPointY = CP_Input_GetMouseY();
float distance = CP_Math_Distance(startPointX, startPointY, endPointX, endPointY);
Takes an input number of radians as a float, then returns it converted to degrees as a float.
float CP_Math_Degrees(float radians);
- radians (float) - The angle to convert to degrees from radians.
- float - The provided angle converted to degrees.
void init()
CP_Font_Set(CP_Font_GetDefault(), 30);
CP_Settings_Fill(CP_Color_Create(0, 0, 0, 255));
float r_radians;
float counter = 2.0f;
void update()
CP_Graphics_ClearBackground(CP_Color_Create(255, 255, 255, 255));
// Change degrees every few seconds
if (counter >= 2.0f)
r_radians = CP_Random_RangeFloat(0.0f, PI);
counter = 0.0f;
counter += CP_System_GetDt();
// Print out number of radians and convert to degrees
char buffer[128] = { 0 };
sprintf_s(buffer, 128, "Radians: %.3f\nis equal to\nDegrees: %.3f", r_radians, CP_Math_Degrees(r_radians));
CP_Font_DrawTextBox(buffer, 100, 150, 200);
- CP_Graphics_ClearBackground
- CP_Color_Create
- CP_Settings_EllipseMode
- CP_Settings_Fill
- CP_Font_Set
- CP_Font_GetDefault
- CP_Font_DrawTextBox
- CP_System_GetDt
- CP_Random_RangeFloat
Takes an input number of degrees as a float, then returns it converted to radians as a float.
float CP_Math_Radians(float degrees);
- degrees (float) - The angle to convert to radians from degrees.
- float - The provided angle converted to radians.
void init()
CP_Font_Set(CP_Font_GetDefault(), 30);
CP_Settings_Fill(CP_Color_Create(0, 0, 0, 255));
float r_degrees;
float counter = 2.0f;
void update()
CP_Graphics_ClearBackground(CP_Color_Create(255, 255, 255, 255));
// Change degrees every few seconds
if (counter >= 2.0f)
r_degrees = CP_Random_RangeFloat(0.0f, 360.0f);
counter = 0.0f;
counter += CP_System_GetDt();
// Print out number of degrees and convert to radians
char buffer[128] = { 0 };
sprintf_s(buffer, 128, "Degrees: %.3f\nis equal to\nRadians: %.3f", r_degrees, CP_Math_Radians(r_degrees));
CP_Font_DrawTextBox(buffer, 100, 150, 200);
- CP_Graphics_ClearBackground
- CP_Color_Create
- CP_Settings_EllipseMode
- CP_Settings_Fill
- CP_Font_Set
- CP_Font_GetDefault
- CP_Font_DrawTextBox
- CP_System_GetDt
- CP_Random_RangeFloat
Takes a given set of coordinates in screen space and transforms it to world coordinates. This means that the provided position will be translated by any transformation functions called (CP_Settings_Translate, CP_Settings_Scale, CP_Settings_Rotate).
void CP_Math_ScreenToWorld(float xIn, float yIn, float* xOut, float* yOut);
- xIn (float) - The x coordinate to convert.
- yIn (float) - The y coordinate to convert.
- xOut (float*) - The variable to store the converted x coordinate.
- yOut (float*) - The variable to store the converted y coordinate.
This function does not return anything.
void init()
// Variables to pass into the conversion functions
float x = PI;
float y = PI;
// Run back and forth 100 times
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
CP_Math_ScreenToWorld(x, y, &x, &y);
CP_Math_WorldToScreen(x, y, &x, &y);
// Should still be PI
printf(" %9f\n(%9f,%9f)\n", PI, x, y);
Takes given set of coordinates in world space and transforms it to screen coordinates. This means that the provided position will be translated by any transformation functions called (CP_Settings_Translate, CP_Settings_Scale, CP_Settings_Rotate).
void CP_Math_WorldToScreen)(float xIn, float yIn, float* xOut, float* yOut);
- xIn (float) - The x coordinate to convert.
- yIn (float) - The y coordinate to convert.
- xOut (float*) - The variable to store the converted x coordinate.
- yOut (float*) - The variable to store the converted y coordinate.
This function does not return anything.
void init()
// Variables to pass into the conversion functions
float x = PI;
float y = PI;
// Run back and forth 100 times
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
CP_Math_ScreenToWorld(x, y, &x, &y);
CP_Math_WorldToScreen(x, y, &x, &y);
// Should still be PI
printf(" %9f\n(%9f,%9f)\n", PI, x, y);