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Security: NoeCoOfficial/www

Security Policy

Supported Versions

We actively maintain and provide security updates for the latest version of our website. Older versions or outdated features may not be supported or patched.

Reporting a Vulnerability

We take the security of our website and our users very seriously. If you discover a security vulnerability, please report it to us immediately.

How to Report

  1. Contact us: Email us at with the subject line "Security Vulnerability Report".
  2. Include details: Provide a detailed description of the issue, including steps to reproduce it, if possible.
  3. Be responsible: Please do not publicly disclose the vulnerability before we have addressed it.

What Happens Next?

  • We will acknowledge your report within 48 hours and investigate the issue.
  • Once verified, we will work to fix the vulnerability as quickly as possible.
  • If you’d like, we’ll credit your discovery on our website (with your permission).

Thank you for helping us keep our website safe!

There aren’t any published security advisories