To get started, create a .env
file and fill it with the following information:
# The Bee API endpoint for a full Bee node
# The batch id for a non-expired mutable postage batch
# A 32 byte hex number which matches your own node's overlay up to STORAGE_DEPTH bits (i.e., 4 hex characters for a STORAGE_DEPTH of 16)
# A 32 byte hex number which matches the overlay of the node you wish to message up to STORAGE_DEPTH bits (i.e., 4 hex characters for a STORAGE_DEPTH of 16)
# A unique id used by both you and the other node you wish to communicate with
# Node storage depth, can leave at 16.
To get started:
npm install
npm start
To start communicating with another node, run the script again from a second node with the config updated for the other node.
Ensure the BATCH_ID is a valid batch id for each respective node, and reverse the values for OWN_OVERLAY and REMOTE_OVERLAY. The other values can be left unchanged.
While both scripts are running for two different full nodes, a communication channel will be opened between the nodes.