This package provides a simpler alternative to the (!)
The "rocket operator" (=>)
does nothing more than return a tuple:
("display" => "none") == ( "display", "none" )
It looks kinda nice to use this for things like styles:
button [ style [ "display" => "none" ] ] [ text "invisible!" ]
instead of
button [ style [ ( "display", "none" ) ] ] [ text "invisible!" ]
If you tweak update
to return ( model, List (Cmd msg) )
, then you can use
to serve the same purpose as (!)
, like so:
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, List (Cmd Msg) )
update msg model =
case msg of
Reset ->
{ model | stuff = newStuff } => []
SendRequest ->
model => [ Http.send someRequest ]
SendOtherRequest ->
|> doSomethingToModel
|> doSomethingElseToModel
=> [ Http.send someOtherRequest ]
To get an update
function of this type, just use the Rocket.batchUpdate
function when calling program
and you're all set. (There's a batchInit
function for init
too, so update
and init
can be consistent.)
main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
{ init = init >> Rocket.batchInit
, update = update >> Rocket.batchUpdate
, view = view
, subscriptions = subscriptions
In the example/
folder you can find elm-todomvc
revised to use this style.
Enjoy! 🚀