Releases: NitrogenZLab/ting
Releases · NitrogenZLab/ting
What's Changed
- fix: ios build issue when using use_frameworks! static by @jeongshin in #32
New Contributors
- @jeongshin made their first contribution in #32
Full Changelog: 1.2.1...1.2.2
Ting 1.2.1
What's Changed
- Update by @baronha in #21
- Docs: add Contributors part by @tuanngocptn in #25
- fix: onScroll overrides nothing on Android SDK 34 by @4cc3ssX in #28
New Contributors
- @tuanngocptn made their first contribution in #25
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.2.1
What's Changed
- Support for parsing custom colors in various formats including hexadecimal, RGBA, and named colors.
- The parseColor function now can handle these formats, allowing for flexible color customization on both Android and iOS.
- Custom progress bar color support for Android with progressColor prop.
- Improve shouldDismissByDrag instead of clicking on the Android.
New Contributors
Thanks for the great effort of Ryam @4cc3ssX
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.2.0
Add Spinner - Ting@1.1.0
Instead of using too many options like this:
const options = {
// ...
messageColor: '#D60A2E',
titleColor: '#D60A2E',
icon: {
uri: require('./vietnam.png'), // or remote
size: 24,
shouldDismissByTap: true,
position: 'bottom',
// ... bla bla bla
You want to initialize the default options for all subsequent use of toast or alert. You can use the setup function that is called when the application is initialized. Do the following:
import { setup } from '@baronha/ting';
const initOption = {
toast: {
messageColor: '#D60A2E',
titleColor: '#D60A2E',
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
// ... more and more
alert: {
// ... alert's option
// Use it next time. You can completely override it on subsequent calls
title: 'Ting!',
message: 'Easy toast for React Native',
title: "What's up bruhhh!",
message: 'Easy Alert for React Native',
const icon = {
uri: require('./vietnam.png'), // or remote
size: 24,
tintColor: '#D60A2E', // NEW FEATURE