Small project consisting of a bash script rsyncing whole linux filesystem to a btrfs storage.
ln -s PROJECT_FOLDER/backup-root-to-btrfs /usr/bin/backup-root-to-btrfs
This is a simple approach consisting of
- A C piece of code showing a notification and launching the backup script.
- A systemd unit description to launch the notification with correct path.
$ g++ main.c -o backup-root-to-btrfs-notify $(pkg-config --cflags --libs libnotify)
$ sudo ln -s PROJECT_FOLDER/backup-root-to-btrfs-notify/backup-root-to-btrfs-notify /usr/bin/backup-root-to-btrfs-notify
In file PROJECT_FOLDER/systemd/backup-root-on-usb-plugged.service
. Replace MOUNT-TARGET.mount
with systemd actual mount target you want to.
You can retrieve the mount target by plugging in your USB device and type:
systemctl list-units -t mount
$ sudo ln -s PROJECT_FOLDER/systemd/backup-root-on-usb-plugged.service /etc/systemd/user/
$ systemd --user start backup-root-on-usb-plugged.service
$ systemd --user enable backup-root-on-usb-plugged.service
$ sudo backup-root-to-btrfs /path/to/receive/backup
- rsync
- xterm
- sudo
- base-devel