Title | Description | Progress |
Ethernaut |
Solutions for Openzeppelin's Ethernaut |
14/25 |
- Executable solutions for all challenges from Ethernaut
- Fallback
- Fallout
- CoinFlip
- Telephone
- Token
- Delegation
- Force
- Vault
- King
- Reentrancy
- Elevator
- Privacy
- GatekeeperOne
- GatekeeperTwo
- NaughtCoin
- Preservation
- Recovery
- MagicNumber
- AlienCodex
- Denial
- Dex
- DexTwo
- PuzzleWallet
- MororBike
- DoubleEntryPoint
- Install dependencies
- Compile all the contracts
yarn c
- Run linter for all tests
yarn l
- Run linter for all contracts
yarn sl
- Running the tests will deploy the contract on local network and execute the hack
npx hardhat test test/ContractName.js
- To compile and hack all contracts
yarn t