Track your orders in Kelkoo.
- Easy set-up in settings.
- Set up user roles to access to this functionality
- Automatic sent statistics to Kelkoo panel.
- Go to your magento root dir
- Run
composer require sumrak/kelkoo-sales-tracking
- Run
php bin/magento module:enable Sumrak_KelkooSalesTracking
to enable module - Run
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
to install
- Download zip with this module.
- Extract to {your magento path}/app/code/Sumrak/KelkooSalesTracking
- Go to your magento root dir
- Run
php bin/magento module:enable Sumrak_KelkooSalesTracking
to enable module - Run
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
to install
Magento Admin Panel -> Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Kelkoo Sales Tracking
- Free for individual use in Magento Open Source. But you cannot sell this code, and any program with this code without payment to this code owner.
- Paid for Magento Commerce and Magento Commerce Cloud.
For licence issues contact me