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Progress bar for React applications



Using npm:

$ npm install --save react-redux-progress

Using yarn:

$ yarn add react-redux-progress

Using pnpm:

$ pnpm install react-redux-progress
// using ES6 modules
import { useProgress } from 'react-redux-progress';

// using CommonJS modules
var { useProgress } = require('react-redux-progress');

The UMD build is also available on unpkg:

<script src=""></script>

You can find the library on window.ReactReduxProgress.


Custom Progress

import { useProgress } from 'react-redux-progress';

// give percent any shape you want
const MyProgress = ({ isActive }) => {
  const percent = useProgress(isActive);

  return <div>{`${percent}%`}</div>;

Simple usage

import { ProgressBarProvider } from 'react-redux-progress/ProgressBarProvider';

// default color is #77b6ff
const Layout = ({ isProgressActive, children }) => (
    <ProgressBarProvider isActive={isProgressActive} color="#db7093" />

You can store isProgressActive variable in redux store and control it with your actions

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { progress } from 'react-redux-progress/reducer'

const rootReducers = combineReducers({
  // other reducers

export default rootReducers;

Get progress status

import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { ProgressBarProvider } from 'react-redux-progress/ProgressBarProvider';

const Layout = ({ isProgressActive, children }) => {
  const isProgressActive = useSelector(state => state.progress.isActive);
  return (
      <ProgressBarProvider isActive={isProgressActive} />

Async action

const startAction = (progressId) => ({
  type: 'START_ASYNC_ACTION', // your action name

const stopAction = (progressId) => ({
  type: 'STOP_ASYNC_ACTION', // your action name

// dispatch thunk action
export function startAsyncAction() {
  return dispatch => {
    const progressId = 'unique-string';

    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 3000);

Prop Types for useProgress(isActive: boolean, options?: Config = {}) hook

Property Type Required? Default Description
maxPercent Integer 85 Progress stop point
intervalTime Integer 450 Update interval milliseconds
increment Function Default incrementor (based on random)

Checkout examples/real-world for more

Prop Types for ProgressBarProvider

Property Type Required? Default Description
isActive Boolean Progress activation flag
color String #77b6ff Custom color for progress bar percent
className String Optional custom CSS class name to attach to root Percent element.
styles Object Optional custom CSS styles to attach to root Percent element.
absolute Boolean false Position property for Percent


Use GitHub issues for requests.

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$ pnpm test