Some of the changes that were made to the better player include the following:
- Slimmed down code base and removed a lot of needless functionality for simple video playing.
- Added caching for videos that is done automatically
- Added a function to get the initial segments for a video (AKA precaching).
Advanced video player based on video_player and Chewie. It's solves many typical use cases and it's easy to run.
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This plugin is based on Chewie. Chewie is awesome plugin and works well in many cases. Better Player is a continuation of ideas introduced in Chewie. Better player fix common bugs, adds more configuration options and solves typical use cases.
✔️ Fixed common bugs
✔️ Added advanced configuration options
✔️ Refactored player controls
✔️ Playlist support
✔️ Video in ListView support
✔️ Subtitles support: (formats: SRT, WEBVTT with HTML tags support; subtitles from HLS; multiple subtitles for video)
✔️ HTTP Headers support
✔️ BoxFit of video support
✔️ Playback speed support
✔️ HLS support (track, subtitles, audio track selection)
✔️ Alternative resolution support
✔️ Cache support
✔️ Notifications support
✔️ Picture in Picture support
✔️ DRM support (token, Widevine)
✔️ ... and much more!
- Add this to your pubspec.yaml file:
better_player: ^0.0.65
- Install it
$ flutter packages get
- Import it
import 'package:better_player/better_player.dart';
This plugin development is in progress. You may encounter breaking changes each version. This plugin is developed part-time for free. If you need some feature which is supported by other players available in pub dev, then feel free to create PR. All valuable contributions are welcome!
Check Example project which shows how to use Better Player in different scenarios.
There are 2 basic methods which you can use to setup Better Player:, configuration)
BetterPlayer.file(url, configuration)
There methods setup basic configuration for you and allows you to start using player in few seconds. Here is an example:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("Example player"),
body: AspectRatio(
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
betterPlayerConfiguration: BetterPlayerConfiguration(
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
In this example, we're just showing video from url with aspect ratio = 16/9. Better Player has many more configuration options which are presented below.
Create BetterPlayerDataSource and BetterPlayerController. You should do it in initState:
BetterPlayerController _betterPlayerController;
void initState() {
BetterPlayerDataSource betterPlayerDataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(,
_betterPlayerController = BetterPlayerController(
betterPlayerDataSource: betterPlayerDataSource);
Create BetterPlayer widget wrapped in AspectRatio widget:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return AspectRatio(
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
child: BetterPlayer(
controller: _betterPlayerController,
To use playlist, you need to create dataset with multiple videos:
List<BetterPlayerDataSource> createDataSet() {
List dataSourceList = List<BetterPlayerDataSource>();
return dataSourceList;
Then create BetterPlayerPlaylist:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return AspectRatio(
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
child: BetterPlayerPlaylist(
betterPlayerConfiguration: BetterPlayerConfiguration(),
betterPlayerPlaylistConfiguration: const BetterPlayerPlaylistConfiguration(),
betterPlayerDataSourceList: dataSourceList),
BetterPlayerListViewPlayer will auto play/pause video once video is visible on screen with playFraction. PlayFraction describes percent of video that must be visibile to play video. If playFraction is 0.8 then 80% of video height must be visible on screen to auto play video
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return AspectRatio(
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
child: BetterPlayerListVideoPlayer(
BetterPlayerDataSource(, videoListData.videoUrl),
key: Key(videoListData.hashCode.toString()),
playFraction: 0.8,
You can control BetterPlayerListViewPlayer with BetterPlayerListViewPlayerController. You need to pass BetterPlayerListViewPlayerController to BetterPlayerListVideoPlayer. See more in example app.
Subtitles can be configured from 3 different sources: file, network and memory. Subtitles source is passed in BetterPlayerDataSource:
Network subtitles:
var dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(,
subtitles: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource.single(
File subtitles:
var dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(
subtitles: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource.single(
type: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSourceType.file,
url: "${directory.path}/",
You can pass multiple subtitles for one video:
var dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(,
liveStream: false,
useHlsSubtitles: true,
hlsTrackNames: ["Low quality", "Not so low quality", "Medium quality"],
subtitles: [
name: "EN",
urls: [
name: "DE",
urls: [
You can provide configuration to your player when creating BetterPlayerController.
var betterPlayerConfiguration = BetterPlayerConfiguration(
autoPlay: true,
looping: true,
fullScreenByDefault: true,
Possible configuration options:
/// Play the video as soon as it's displayed
final bool autoPlay;
/// Start video at a certain position
final Duration startAt;
/// Whether or not the video should loop
final bool looping;
/// Weather or not to show the controls when initializing the widget.
final bool showControlsOnInitialize;
/// When the video playback runs into an error, you can build a custom
/// error message.
final Widget Function(BuildContext context, String errorMessage) errorBuilder;
/// The Aspect Ratio of the Video. Important to get the correct size of the
/// video!
/// Will fallback to fitting within the space allowed.
final double aspectRatio;
/// The placeholder is displayed underneath the Video before it is initialized
/// or played.
final Widget placeholder;
/// Should the placeholder be shown until play is pressed
final bool showPlaceholderUntilPlay;
/// Placeholder position of player stack. If false, then placeholder will be
/// displayed on the bottom, so user need to hide it manually. Default is
/// true.
final bool placeholderOnTop;
/// A widget which is placed between the video and the controls
final Widget overlay;
/// Defines if the player will start in fullscreen when play is pressed
final bool fullScreenByDefault;
/// Defines if the player will sleep in fullscreen or not
final bool allowedScreenSleep;
/// Defines aspect ratio which will be used in fullscreen
final double fullScreenAspectRatio;
/// Defines the set of allowed device orientations on entering fullscreen
final List<DeviceOrientation> deviceOrientationsOnFullScreen;
/// Defines the system overlays visible after exiting fullscreen
final List<SystemUiOverlay> systemOverlaysAfterFullScreen;
/// Defines the set of allowed device orientations after exiting fullscreen
final List<DeviceOrientation> deviceOrientationsAfterFullScreen;
/// Defines a custom RoutePageBuilder for the fullscreen
final BetterPlayerRoutePageBuilder routePageBuilder;
/// Defines a event listener where video player events will be send
final Function(BetterPlayerEvent) eventListener;
///Defines subtitles configuration
final BetterPlayerSubtitlesConfiguration subtitlesConfiguration;
///Defines controls configuration
final BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration controlsConfiguration;
///Defines fit of the video, allows to fix video stretching, see possible
///values here:
final BoxFit fit;
///Defines rotation of the video in degrees. Default value is 0. Can be 0, 90, 180, 270.
///Angle will rotate only video box, controls will be in the same place.
final double rotation;
///Defines function which will react on player visibility changed
final Function(double visibilityFraction) playerVisibilityChangedBehavior;
///Defines translations used in player. If null, then default english translations
///will be used.
final List<BetterPlayerTranslations> translations;
///Defines if player should auto detect full screen device orientation based
///on aspect ratio of the video. If aspect ratio of the video is < 1 then
///video will played in full screen in portrait mode. If aspect ratio is >= 1
///then video will be played horizontally. If this parameter is true, then
///[deviceOrientationsOnFullScreen] and [fullScreenAspectRatio] value will be
/// ignored.
final bool autoDetectFullscreenDeviceOrientation;
///Defines flag which enables/disables lifecycle handling (pause on app closed,
///play on app resumed). Default value is true.
final bool handleLifecycle;
///Defines flag which enabled/disabled auto dispose on BetterPlayer dispose.
///Default value is true.
final bool autoDispose;
You can provide subtitles configuration with this class. You should put BetterPlayerSubtitlesConfiguration in BetterPlayerConfiguration.
var betterPlayerConfiguration = BetterPlayerConfiguration(
subtitlesConfiguration: BetterPlayerSubtitlesConfiguration(
fontSize: 20,
Possible configuration options:
///Subtitle font size
final double fontSize;
///Subtitle font color
final Color fontColor;
///Enable outline (border) of the text
final bool outlineEnabled;
///Color of the outline stroke
final Color outlineColor;
///Outline stroke size
final double outlineSize;
///Font family of the subtitle
final String fontFamily;
///Left padding of the subtitle
final double leftPadding;
///Right padding of the subtitle
final double rightPadding;
///Bottom padding of the subtitle
final double bottomPadding;
///Alignment of the subtitle
final Alignment alignment;
///Background color of the subtitle
final Color backgroundColor;
///Subtitles selected by default, without user interaction
final bool selectedByDefault;
Configuration for player GUI. You should pass this configuration to BetterPlayerConfiguration.
var betterPlayerConfiguration = BetterPlayerConfiguration(
controlsConfiguration: BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration(
///Color of the control bars
final Color controlBarColor;
///Color of texts
final Color textColor;
///Color of icons
final Color iconsColor;
///Icon of play
final IconData playIcon;
///Icon of pause
final IconData pauseIcon;
///Icon of mute
final IconData muteIcon;
///Icon of unmute
final IconData unMuteIcon;
///Icon of fullscreen mode enable
final IconData fullscreenEnableIcon;
///Icon of fullscreen mode disable
final IconData fullscreenDisableIcon;
///Cupertino only icon, icon of skip
final IconData skipBackIcon;
///Cupertino only icon, icon of forward
final IconData skipForwardIcon;
///Flag used to enable/disable fullscreen
final bool enableFullscreen;
///Flag used to enable/disable mute
final bool enableMute;
///Flag used to enable/disable progress texts
final bool enableProgressText;
///Flag used to enable/disable progress bar
final bool enableProgressBar;
///Flag used to enable/disable progress bar drag
final bool enableProgressBarDrag;
///Flag used to enable/disable play-pause
final bool enablePlayPause;
///Flag used to enable skip forward and skip back
final bool enableSkips;
///Progress bar played color
final Color progressBarPlayedColor;
///Progress bar circle color
final Color progressBarHandleColor;
///Progress bar buffered video color
final Color progressBarBufferedColor;
///Progress bar background color
final Color progressBarBackgroundColor;
///Time to hide controls
final Duration controlsHideTime;
///Parameter used to build custom controls
final Widget Function(BetterPlayerController controller)
///Parameter used to change theme of the player
final BetterPlayerTheme playerTheme;
///Flag used to show/hide controls
final bool showControls;
///Flag used to show controls on init
final bool showControlsOnInitialize;
///Control bar height
final double controlBarHeight;
///Live text color;
final Color liveTextColor;
///Flag used to show/hide overflow menu which contains playback, subtitles,
///qualities options.
final bool enableOverflowMenu;
///Flag used to show/hide playback speed
final bool enablePlaybackSpeed;
///Flag used to show/hide subtitles
final bool enableSubtitles;
///Flag used to show/hide qualities
final bool enableQualities;
///Flag used to show/hide PiP mode
final bool enablePip;
///Flag used to enable/disable retry feature
final bool enableRetry;
///Flag used to show/hide audio tracks
final bool enableAudioTracks;
///Custom items of overflow menu
final List<BetterPlayerOverflowMenuItem> overflowMenuCustomItems;
///Icon of the overflow menu
final IconData overflowMenuIcon;
///Icon of the playback speed menu item from overflow menu
final IconData playbackSpeedIcon;
///Icon of the subtitles menu item from overflow menu
final IconData subtitlesIcon;
///Icon of the qualities menu item from overflow menu
final IconData qualitiesIcon;
///Icon of the audios menu item from overflow menu
final IconData audioTracksIcon;
///Color of overflow menu icons
final Color overflowMenuIconsColor;
///Time which will be used once user uses forward
final int forwardSkipTimeInMilliseconds;
///Time which will be used once user uses backward
final int backwardSkipTimeInMilliseconds;
///Color of default loading indicator
final Color loadingColor;
///Widget which can be used instead of default progress
final Widget loadingWidget;
///Color of the background, when no frame is displayed.
final Color backgroundColor;
Configure your playlist. Pass this object to BetterPlayerPlaylist
var betterPlayerPlaylistConfiguration = BetterPlayerPlaylistConfiguration(
loopVideos: false,
nextVideoDelay: Duration(milliseconds: 5000),
Possible configuration options:
///How long user should wait for next video
final Duration nextVideoDelay;
///Should videos be looped
final bool loopVideos;
///Index of video that will start on playlist start. Id must be less than
///elements in data source list. Default is 0.
final int initialStartIndex;
Define source for one video in your app. There are 3 types of data sources:
- Network - data source which uses url to play video from external resources
- File - data source which uses url to play video from internal resources
- Memory - data source which uses list of bytes to play video from memory
var dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(,
subtitles: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource(
type: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSourceType.file,
url: "${directory.path}/",
headers: {"header":"my_custom_header"}
You can use type specific factories to build your data source. Use to build network data source, BetterPlayerDataSource.file to build file data source and BetterPlayerDataSource.memory to build memory data source.
Possible configuration options:
///Type of source of video
final BetterPlayerDataSourceType type;
///Url of the video
final String url;
///Subtitles configuration
///You can pass here multiple subtitles
final List<BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource> subtitles;
///Flag to determine if current data source is live stream
final bool liveStream;
/// Custom headers for player
final Map<String, String> headers;
///Should player use hls subtitles. Default is true.
final bool useHlsSubtitles;
///Should player use hls tracks
final bool useHlsTracks;
///Should player use hls audio tracks
final bool useHlsAudioTracks;
///List of strings that represents tracks names.
///If empty, then better player will choose name based on track parameters
final List<String> hlsTrackNames;
///Optional, alternative resolutions for non-hls video. Used to setup
///different qualities for video.
///Data should be in given format:
///{"360p": "url", "540p": "url2" }
final Map<String, String> resolutions;
///Optional cache configuration, used only for network data sources
final BetterPlayerCacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration;
///List of bytes, used only in memory player
final List<int> bytes;
///Configuration of remote controls notification
final BetterPlayerNotificationConfiguration notificationConfiguration;
///Duration which will be returned instead of original duration
final Duration overriddenDuration;
///Video format hint when data source url has not valid extension.
final BetterPlayerVideoFormat videoFormat;
///Extension of video without dot. Used only in memory data source.
final String videoExtension;
///Configuration of content protection
final BetterPlayerDrmConfiguration drmConfiguration;
///Placeholder widget which will be shown until video load or play. This
///placeholder may be useful if you want to show placeholder before each video
///in playlist. Otherwise, you should use placeholder from
/// BetterPlayerConfiguration.
final Widget placeholder;
Define cache configuration for given data source. Cache works only for network data sources.
///Enable cache for network data source
final bool useCache;
/// The maximum cache size to keep on disk in bytes.
/// Android only option.
final int maxCacheSize;
/// The maximum size of each individual file in bytes.
/// Android only option.
final int maxCacheFileSize;
Define source of subtitles in your video:
var subtitles = BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource(
type: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSourceType.file,
url: "${directory.path}/",
Possible configuration options:
///Source type
final BetterPlayerSubtitlesSourceType type;
///Url of the subtitles, used with file or network subtitles
final String url;
///Content of subtitles, used when type is memory
final String content;
You can provide translations for different languages. You need to pass list of BetterPlayerTranslations to the BetterPlayerConfiguration. Here is an example:
translations: [
languageCode: "language_code for example pl",
generalDefaultError: "translated text",
generalNone: "translated text",
generalDefault: "translated text",
playlistLoadingNextVideo: "translated text",
controlsLive: "translated text",
controlsNextVideoIn: "translated text",
overflowMenuPlaybackSpeed: "translated text",
overflowMenuSubtitles: "translated text",
overflowMenuQuality: "translated text",
languageCode: "other language for example cz",
generalDefaultError: "translated text",
generalNone: "translated text",
generalDefault: "translated text",
playlistLoadingNextVideo: "translated text",
controlsLive: "translated text",
controlsNextVideoIn: "translated text",
overflowMenuPlaybackSpeed: "translated text",
overflowMenuSubtitles: "translated text",
overflowMenuQuality: "translated text",
There are 4 pre build in languages: EN, PL, ZH (chinese simplified), HI (hindi). If you didn't provide any translation then EN translations will be used or any of the pre build in translations, only if it's match current user locale.
You need to setup localizations in your app first to make it work. Here's how you can do that:
You can listen to video player events like:
After creating BetterPlayerController you can add event listener this way:
print("Better player event: ${event.betterPlayerEventType}");
Your event listener will ne auto-disposed on dispose time :)
You can change player behavior if player is not visible by using playerVisibilityChangedBehavior option in BetterPlayerConfiguration. Here is an example for player used in list:
void onVisibilityChanged(double visibleFraction) async {
bool isPlaying = await _betterPlayerController.isPlaying();
bool initialized = _betterPlayerController.isVideoInitialized();
if (visibleFraction >= widget.playFraction) {
if (widget.autoPlay && initialized && !isPlaying && !_isDisposing) {;
} else {
if (widget.autoPause && initialized && isPlaying && !_isDisposing) {
Player behavior works in the basis of VisibilityDetector (it uses visibilityFraction, which is value from 0.0 to 1.0 that describes how much given widget is on the viewport). So if value 0.0, player is not visible, so we need to pause the video. If the visibilityFraction is 1.0, we need to play it again.
You can setup video with different resolutions. Use resolutions parameter in data source. This should be used only for normal videos (non-hls) to setup different qualities of the original video.
var dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(,
resolutions: {
![]() |
![]() |
To setup player notification use notificationConfiguration in BetterPlayerDataSource.
BetterPlayerDataSource dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(,
notificationConfiguration: BetterPlayerNotificationConfiguration(
showNotification: true,
title: "Elephant dream",
author: "Some author",
imageUrl: "",
activityName: "MainActivity",
There are 3 majors parameters here: title - name of the resource, shown in first line author - author of the resource, shown in second line imageUrl - image of the resource (optional). Can be both link to external image or internal file activityName - name of activity used to open application back on notification click; used only for Activity
If showNotification is set as true and no title and author is provided, then empty notification will be displayed.
User can control the player with notification buttons (i.e. play/pause, seek). When notification feature is used when there are more players at the same time, then last player will be used. Notification will be shown after play for the first time.
To play resource after leaving the app, set handleLifecycle as false in your BetterPlayerConfiguration.
Important note for android: You need to add special service in android native code. Service will simply destroy all remaining notifications. This service need to be used to handle situation when app is killed without proper player destroying. Check BetterPlayerService in example project to see how to add this service to your app.
Here is an example of player with notification:
You can use BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration to add custom element to the overflow menu:
controlsConfiguration: BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration(
overflowMenuCustomItems: [
"Custom element",
() => print("Click!"),
Enable/disable controls (always hidden if false)
If null then aspectRatio from BetterPlayerConfiguration will be used.
If overridden duration is set then video player will play video until this duration.
BetterPlayerDataSource dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(,
///Play only 10 seconds of this video.
overriddenDuration: Duration(seconds: 10),
Picture in Picture is not supported on all devices. iOS: iOS > 14.0 Android: Android > 8.0, enough RAM, v2 android embedding
Each OS provides method to check if given device supports PiP. If device doesn't support PiP, then error will be printed in console.
To show PiP mode call this method:
BetterPlayerKey is a key which is used in BetterPlayer widget:
GlobalKey _betterPlayerKey = GlobalKey();
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
child: BetterPlayer(
controller: _betterPlayerController,
key: _betterPlayerKey,
To hide PiP mode call this method:
PiP menu item is enabled as default in both Material and Cuperino controls. You can disable it with BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration's variable: enablePip. You can change PiP control menu icon with pipMenuIcon variable.
Warning: Both Android and iOS PiP versions are in very early stage. There can be bugs and small issues. Please make sure that you've checked state of the PiP in Better Player before moving it to the production.
Known limitations: Android: When PiP is enabled, Better Player will open full screen mode to play video correctly. When user disables PiP, Better Player will back to the previous settings and for a half of second your device will have incorrect orientation.
To configure DRM for your data source, use drmConfiguration parameter. Supported DRMs:
- Token based (authorization header): Android/iOS
- Widevine (licensue url + headers): Android
Additional DRM types may be added in the future.
Token based:
BetterPlayerDataSource dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(,
videoFormat: BetterPlayerVideoFormat.hls,
drmConfiguration: BetterPlayerDrmConfiguration(
drmType: BetterPlayerDrmType.token,
Widevine (license url based):
BetterPlayerDataSource _widevineDataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource(,
drmConfiguration: BetterPlayerDrmConfiguration(
drmType: BetterPlayerDrmType.widevine,
headers: {"header": "value"}
You can enable mix with audio with others app with method:
Default value is false.
Clear all cached data:
Start pre cache before playing video (android only):
Stop running pre cache (android only):