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DARPA's Machine Common Sense: CACI (Next Century) Fork of AI2-THOR


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Machine Common Sense Fork of AI2-THOR

Original documentation:

Machine Common Sense documentation:



The CACI development team has worked on this Unity project with version 2019.4.X of the Unity Editor on both Linux and Mac.

Note for Linux developers: Our current fork of AI2-THOR has been upgraded to v2.5.0 and is configured to use Unity Editor version 2019.4.20, but that version was not available for the Linux Unity Editor. However, version 2019.4.0f1 does work fine. Note that the Unity Hub download from Unity's Downloads page may not actually work on Linux (see the Linux Installation Instructions below).

Linux Installation Instructions

Note that while installing and/or launching Unity, you may get an error about You should be able to solve this issue by sudo apt install-ing the library.

  1. Download the 2019.4.0f1 "Official Installer" from the Unity Linux Editor forums here. The download is called UnitySetup-2019.4.0f1.

  2. Run the UnitySetup-2019.4.0f1 executable (you may need to chmod it). This should install a Unity-2019.4.0f1 folder.

  3. In Unity-2019.4.0f1/Editor/ run the Unity executable to start the Unity Hub.

  4. Enter your MCS Unity License info into the Unity Hub.

  5. In the Unity Hub, under the Projects tab, click Open and select the /unity/ folder in your local clone of this repository. This should add a "unity" project to your Projects list.

  6. Double-click the "unity" project to launch the Unity Editor. See Run below for usage information. Please note that the initial load of this project in the Unity Editor will take a long time.

Linting Instructions

To setup pre-commit, in the root directory run these commands:

  1. pip install pre-commit
  2. For Mac brew install clang-format-16 for Linux apt-get install clang-format-16
  3. pre-commit install

If the global installation does not work, try setting up a virtual environment and follow these instructions instead:

python3 -m venv --prompt unity venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install pre-commit
sudo apt-get remove clang-format
chmod +x
sudo ./ 16
sudo apt-get install clang-format-16
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang-format clang-format /usr/bin/clang-format-16 100
pre-commit install


CACI employees and subcontractors: Checkout the MCS private GitHub repository and copy the files from its UnityAssetStore folder into unity/Assets/Addressables/MCS/UnityAssetStore/.

Non-CACI employees: Please continue with the rest of these instructions.


To enable debug logging in your Unity builds, open the Player Settings (Edit->Project Settings, then click on the Player tab), then add ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGS to "Scripting Define Symbols" under "Other Settings" (please note that each symbol in the list should be separated by a semicolon), and hit ENTER to ensure that Unity saved your change.


If you want to run an MCS Scene in the Unity Editor:

  1. Open the MCS Scene: File->Open Scene then select Assets/Scenes/MCS-Starter-Scene.unity

  2. By default, in the Unity Editor, see the Hierarchy window on the left, the Scene and Game windows in the middle, the Inspector window on the right, and the Project and Console windows at the bottom.

  • The Hierarchy window lists the Game Objects in the Scene.
  • The Scene and Game windows show the Scene.
  • The Inspector window lists the properties, scripts, materials, and other components of the selected Game Object.
  • The Project window shows the files in the current project.
  • The Console window shows the logs and errors.
  1. To successfully run an MCS Scene, copy a JSON scene configuration file from the scenes folder in our MCS GitHub repository into the unity/Assets/Addressables/MCS/Scenes/ folder, or identify a JSON file in the folder to use (like playroom.json).

  2. Click on the Util-Loader-Obj Game Object in the Hierarchy window. Then, in the Inspector Window, under the Addressable Scene Loader (Script) component, enter the name of your selected JSON file in the "Default Scene File" property WITHOUT the .json extension.

  3. If you want to see the class/depth/object masks, click on the FPSController->FirstPersonCharacter Game Object in the Hierarchy window, then toggle-on the checkbox next to the Image Synthesis (Script) component in the Inspector window to activate that script. You can see the masks during a run using the Display dropdown in the Game window.

  4. Click the Play button in the top center of the Unity Editor to run the Scene. See the list of keys and parameters below. To set action parameters, click the FPSController Game Object in the Hierarchy window, then use the inputs under Debug Discrete Agent Controller (Script). See unity/Assets/Scripts/DebugDiscreteAgentController.cs for additional key bindings.

Keys and Parameters

(See bullet 6 above)

  • W/A/S/D: Move
  • R: Look/Rotate
    • Rotate
  • O: Open Object
    • Receptacle Object ID
    • Receptacle Object Direction (instead of using an object ID)
  • C: Close Object
    • Receptacle Object ID (second object to put the held object onto)
    • Receptacle Object Direction (instead of using an object ID)
  • P: Pickup Object
    • Move Or Pickup Object ID (for the held object)
    • Move Or Pickup Object Direction (instead of using an object ID)
  • Z: Put (held) Object (onto an object)
    • Move Or Pickup Object ID (for the held object)
    • Move Or Pickup Object Direction (instead of using an object ID)
    • Receptacle Object ID (second object to put the held object onto)
    • Receptacle Object Direction (instead of using an object ID)
  • X: Drop Object
    • Move Or Pickup Object ID (for the held object)
    • Move Or Pickup Object Direction (instead of using an object ID)
  • U: Push or Pull Object
    • Move Or Pickup Object ID
    • Move Or Pickup Object Direction (instead of using an object ID)
    • Push Pull Force (positive is push, negative is pull)
  • B: Torque Object
    • Move Or Pickup Object ID
    • Move Or Pickup Object Direction (instead of using an object ID)
    • Push Pull Force (positive is clockwise torque, negative is counterclockwise torque)
  • N: Rotate Object
    • Move Or Pickup Object ID
    • Move Or Pickup Object Direction (instead of using an object ID)
    • Direction (clockwise true is a clockwise rotation, clockwise false is a counterclockwise rotation)
  • M: Move Object
    • Move Or Pickup Object ID
    • Move Or Pickup Object Direction (instead of using an object ID)
    • Lateral (Relative to where the agent is looking, -1 for left movement, 0 is no movement, 1 for right movement)
    • Straight (Relative to where the agent is looking, -1 for back movement, 0 is no movement, 1 for forward movement)
  • Escape: Pass (do nothing)
  • Backspace: Initialize (reset the current scene or go to a new scene)
    • New Scene File


Open the Unity Editor and build the project with File->Build Settings. Check Development Mode and Script Debugging for detailed debug logging (but do NOT check these for any public release builds!).

Alternatively, if you want to build the Unity project via the command line, run the command below, replacing the path to your Unity executable file, log file name, <cloned_repository>, and the executeMethod as needed. Please note that this command will build ALL the AI2-THOR scenes which will take a very long time (my only solution was to delete all the AI2-THOR scenes with rm <cloned_repository>/unity/Assets/Scenes/FloorPlan*).

./Unity-2019.4.0f1/Editor/Unity -quit -batchmode -logfile MCS-Unity-Build.log -projectpath <cloned_repository>/unity/ -executeMethod Build.Linux64


To TAR the application's Data directory:

cd <cloned_repository>/unity/
tar -czvf MCS-AI2-THOR-Unity-App-<version>_Data.tar.gz MCS-AI2-THOR-Unity-App-<version>_Data/

Important Files and Folders

(Please note that this list has not been kept up-to-date.)

Differences from AI2-THOR Scenes

(Please note that this list has not been kept up-to-date.)

  • The FPSController object is mostly the same, but I made it smaller to simulate a baby. This also allowed me to downscale the room which not only improves performance but also was necessary to get the depth masks to work (while standing at one end of the room, you still want to see the far wall in the depth masks). Changes affected the Transform, Character Controller, and Capsule Collider in the FPSController and the Transform in the FirstPersonCharacter (camera) nested inside the FPSController.
  • In the FPSController object, I replaced the PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController and StochasticRemoteFPSAgentController scripts with our MachineCommonSensePerformerManager script.
  • In the PhysicsSceneManager object, I replaced the AgentManager script with our MachineCommonSensePerformerManager script.
  • Added structural objects (walls, floor, ceiling).
  • Added the invisible MCS object containing our MachineCommonSenseMain script that runs in the background.
  • The FPSController prefab now has the AgentHand at the top level (instead of under FirstPersonCharacter), so that it is no longer affected by head tilt/camera.

Code Workflow

Shared Workflow

  1. (Unity) BaseFPSAgentController.ProcessControlCommand will use Invoke to call the specific action function in BaseFPSAgentController or PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController (like MoveAhead or LookUp)
  2. (Unity) The specific action function will call BaseFPSAgentController.actionFinished() to set actionComplete to true

Python API Workflow

  1. (Python) You create a new Python AI2-THOR Controller object
  2. (Python) The Controller class constructor will automatically send a Reset action over the AI2-THOR socket to AgentManager.ProcessControlCommand(string action)
  3. (Unity) AgentManager.ProcessControlCommand will create a ServerAction from the action string and call AgentManager.Reset(ServerAction action) to load the MCS Unity scene
  4. (Python) You call controller.step(dict action) with an Initialize action to load new MCS scene configuration JSON data and re-initialize the player
  5. (Unity) The action is sent over the AI2-THOR socket to AgentManager.ProcessControlCommand(string action)
  6. (Unity) AgentManager.ProcessControlCommand will create a ServerAction from the action string and call AgentManager.Initialize(ServerAction action)
  7. (Unity) AgentManager.Initialize will call AgentManager.addAgents(ServerAction action), then call AgentManager.addAgent(ServerAction action), then call BaseFPSAgentController.ProcessControlCommand(ServerAction action) with the Initialize action
  8. (Unity) See the Shared Workflow
  9. (Unity) AgentManager.LateUpdate, which is run every frame, will see actionComplete is true and call AgentManager.EmitFrame()
  10. (Unity) AgentManager.EmitFrame will return output from the Initialize action to the Python API (controller.step) and await the next action
  11. (Python) You call controller.step(dict action) with a specific action
  12. (Unity) The action is sent over the AI2-THOR socket to AgentManager.ProcessControlCommand(string action)
  13. (Unity) AgentManager.ProcessControlCommand will create a ServerAction from the action string and call BaseFPSAgentController.ProcessControlCommand(ServerAction action) (except on Reset or Initialize actions)
  14. (Unity) See the Shared Workflow
  15. (Unity) AgentManager.LateUpdate, which is run every frame, will see actionComplete is true and call AgentManager.EmitFrame()
  16. (Unity) AgentManager.EmitFrame will return output from the specific action to the Python API (controller.step) and await the next action

Unity Editor Workflow

  1. (Unity) Loads the Unity scene
  2. (Editor) Waits until you press a key
  3. (Unity) DebugDiscreteAgentController.Update, which is run every frame, will create a ServerAction from the key you pressed and call BaseFPSAgentController.ProcessControlCommand(SeverAction action)
  4. (Unity) See the Shared Workflow
  5. (Unity) DebugDiscreteAgentController.Update will see actionComplete is true and then waits until you press another key

Lessons Learned (WIP)

  • Adding AI2-THOR's custom Tags and Layers to your Game Objects is needed for their scripts to work properly. For example, if you don't tag the walls as Structure, then the player can walk fully into them.
  • Fast moving objects that use Unity physics, as well as all structural objects, should have their Collision Detection (in their Rigidbody) set to Continuous. With these changes, a fast moving object that tries to move from one side of a wall to the other side in a single frame will be stopped as expected.
  • The FPSController object's robot model is half scale, and ends up being about 0.5 high while the game is running. I had to change the properties of the Capsule Collider and the Character Controller so the FPSController would not collide with the floor while moving (PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController.capsuleCastAllForAgent). Previously: center.y=-0.45, radius=0.175, height=0.9. Now: center.y=-0.05, radius=0.2, height=0.5 (though these numbers seem smaller than they should really be).

Adding an Object to the MCS Scene

Simple Workflow:

  1. Create a Unity Prefab and save it in the unity/Assets/Addressables/MCS/ folder.
  2. Add the relevant scripts and subcomponents to it (see the section below).
  3. Add it to the unity/Assets/Addressables/MCS/mcs_object_registry.json file with a unique ID and a path to the prefab.
  4. While the object is selected, the check the box at the top of the inspector window to mark object as addressable.
  5. Build the updated Addressables bundle.
  6. Rebuild the Unity application.

For a more detailed walkthrough how adding objects:

Modifying a Prefab to Work in the MCS Scene


Take a GameObject (we'll call it the "Target" object) containing a MeshFilter, MeshRenderer, and material(s). Sometimes the components are on the Target itself, and sometimes they are on a child of the Target.

  1. Set the Tag of the Target to "SimObjPhysics" and set the Layer to "SimObjVisible".
  2. Add a Rigidbody to the Target. Ensure its "Use Gravity" property is true.
  3. If the Target (or its child) does not have any Colliders, you'll have to make them. Create an Empty Child under the Target called "Colliders" and mark it static. (AI2-THOR should be able to find colliders added to any child objects, as long as they're also set in the MyColliders property of the prefab's SimObjPhysics script.) Then create an Empty Child under "Colliders" for each Collider you need to make (give them useful names). On each child, add the correct Collider component (often a box, but sometimes others -- note that all MeshColliders should be CONVEX). Adjust the Transform of each child to position the Collider as needed. Set the Tag of each child to "SimObjPhysics" and set the Layer to "SimObjVisible".
  4. Create an Empty Child under the Target called "VisibilityPoints" (no space!) and mark it static. Then create an Empty Child under "VisibilityPoints" for each visibility point you need to make. Adjust the Transform of each child to position the visibility point as needed. Set the Layer of each child to "SimObjVisible". A visibility point should be positioned on each corner of the Target, plus one or more points should be positioned on each large surface (think: if all the corners are occluded, can I still draw line-of-sight to the center of the Target?).
  5. Create an Empty Child under the Target called "BoundingBox" (no space!) and add a BoxCollider component to it. Ensure this BoxCollider is NOT ACTIVE (but NOT the other Colliders). Adjust the Transform of the "BoundingBox" to completely enclose the Target. Set the Layer of the Target to "SimObjInvisible".
  6. On the Target itself, add a SimObjPhysics component (it's an AI2-THOR script). Set the "Primary Property" to "Static" (for non-moveable objects), "Moveable", or "Can Pickup" (a subset of Moveable). Set the "Secondary Properties" as needed (like "Receptacle" and/or "Can Open"). Set the "Bounding Box" property to the "BoundingBox" child you created. Set the "Visibility Points" property to the visibility point children you created. Set the "My Colliders" property to the Collider children you created. Optionally, set the "Salient Materials" property as needed.
  7. If the Target is openable, add a Can Open_Object component (AI2-THOR script) to the Target. Set the "Moving Parts" property to the Target. Set the "Open Positions" and the "Close Positions" to the correct positions. Change the "Movement Type" property to "Slide", "Rotate", or "Scale" as needed.
  8. If the Target is a Receptacle, create an Empty Child under the Target called "ReceptacleTriggerBox" (no spaces!) and mark it static. Set the Tag of the "ReceptacleTriggerBox" to "Receptacle" and set the Layer to "SimObjInvisible". Add a "BoxCollider" component to the "ReceptacleTriggerBox" and set its "Is Trigger" property to true. Adjust the Transform of the "ReceptacleTriggerBox" to the receptacle area that can contain objects (I'm not sure if the height actually matters). Add a Contains component (AI2-THOR script) to the "ReceptacleTriggerBox".
  9. For each other receptacle within the Target (like a cabinet door, drawer, shelf, etc.), create an Empty Child under the Target (we'll call this the Sub-Target), give it a useful name, and move the mesh corresponding to the Sub-Target to be under the child. Repeat steps 1-8 (EXCEPT the Bounding Box) on each Sub-Target.
  10. Click-and-drag the finished Target into the Project tab of the Unity Editor to save it as a new Prefab file. Add a new entry for it in the mcs_object_registry file.


A tool for recording of ServerActions to a file for playback. These files can currently only be played back within the Unity editor under Tools -> ServerAction Recorder.

Recorded files will be saved when the executable has been closed, or when the editor Play Mode has stopped. The files will be located within the StreamingAssets -> Recording folder.

To enable recording of a session:

  • Editor

    • Add "RECORD_SERVERACTIONS" to PlayerSettings -> Scripting Define Symbols.
  • Build

    • Add the command line argument -RECORD_SERVERACTIONS to your executable.

Location of recorded files:

  • Editor "\unity\Assets\StreamingAssets\Recordings"
  • Windows/Linux "MCS-AI2-THOR-Unity-App-v#.#.#_Data\StreamingAssets\Recordings"
  • Mac "MCS-AI2-THOR-Unity-App-v#.#.#\Resources\Data\StreamingAssets\Recordings"

For playback:

  1. Copy your recorded file into the editor path "ai2thor\unity\Assets\StreamingAssets\Recordings"
  2. Open playback window through the toolbar Tools -> ServerAction Recorder
  3. Type your recorded file name into the File Name text field.
  4. Click Load to load the file for playback
    • Any errors with the file with be directly showed in the window, with exceptions showing in the Console window.
  5. Click Play
    • This will automatically start the editor with the loaded recording file.

Changelog of AI2-THOR Classes

(Please note that this list has not been kept up-to-date.)

  • Scripts/AgentManager:
    • Added properties to MetadataWrapper: clippingPlaneFar, clippingPlaneNear, structuralObjects
    • Added properties to ObjectMetadata: colorsFromMaterials, direction, distanceXZ, heading, points, shape, visibleInCamera
    • Added properties to ServerAction: logs, objectDirection, receptacleObjectDirection, sceneConfig
    • Added virtual to functions: setReadyToEmit, Update
    • Changed variables or functions from private to protected: physicsSceneManager, most render*Image variables
    • Changed properties in ServerAction: horizon (from int to float)
    • Changed variables or functions from private to public: captureScreen, 'renderImage'
    • Split the existing metadata-update-behavior of the addObjectImageForm function into a separate, new function called UpdateMetadataColors
    • Created the InitializeForm and FinalizeMultiAgentMetadata virtual functions and called them both inside EmitFrame
    • Changed readyToEmit = true; to this.setReadyToEmit(true); in addAgents, ProcessControlCommand, Start
    • Added Object Salient Materials: Hollow, Undefined
    • Added property consistentColors
    • Added property physicsFramesPerSecond
    • Added property roomDimensions
  • Scripts/BaseFPSAgentController:
    • Added virtual to functions: Initialize, ProcessControlCommand
    • Removed the hard-coded camera properties in the SetAgentMode function
    • Replaced the call to checkInitializeAgentLocationAction in Initialize with calls to snapToGrid and actionFinished so re-initialization doesn't cause the player to move for a few steps
    • Added lastActionStatus to Initialize to help indicate success or failure
    • Changed nearestAngleIndex to return the nearest index based on the minimum difference between the current angle and the angle at the index
    • Pulled out code for getting capsule parameters for agent from capsuleCastAllForAgent function to GetCapsuleInfoForAgent
    • Added factoring in scaling scaling to collider radius (now called adjustedRadius) in capsuleCastAllForAgent
    • Changed maxVisibleDistance to 1.0
    • Added a 45 degree angle check for ramp ascension and descension that occurs when the agents collider is obstructed by a structure. If a capsule cast the size of the agents collider shot 45 degrees up from the base of the agent is not obstrucuted, then the agent can move sucesfully.
    • Changed capusle cast obstruction checks to use a point detected by a sphere-casted shot from the center of agent directly below as the bottom base of capsule cast checks rather than the base of the agent's collider. This results in higher accruacy and avoids clipping into the floor
    • Added NOT_VISIBLE ActionStatus. Returning this status means the object is within range for an interaction but is either obstructed or not in the agent's viewport (ex. the object is at the agent's feet but the agent is looking straight ahead).
    • Added VisibilityBools class with two booleans (inViewportAndVisible, notInViewportButNotObstructed). inViewportAndVisible means that an object is in the agent's viewport and can be seen without obstruction. Examples: a ball is on the ground directly front of the agent and the agent is looking down at the ball, a ball is across an empty room and the agent is staring at the ball even though it is out of distance for an interaction. notInViewportButNotObstructed means the object could potentially be in the agent's line of sight without obstruction but the agent's rotation makes the object not currently visible in the viewport. Examples: a ball is on the ground in directly front of the agent and the agent is staring above the ball or is turned around, a ball is across an empty room and the agent is staring the other way, even though it is out of distance for an interaction it still has the potential to be visible once the agent rotates to look at it.
    • In GetAllVisibleSimObjPhysicsCollider added support for seeing ghosted objects (objects with inactive colliders).
    • Added NOT_VISIBLE ActionStatus. Returning this status means the object is within range for an interaction but is either obstructed or not in the agent's viewport (ex. the object is at the agent's feet but the agent is looking straight ahead).
    • Added VisibilityBools class with two booleans (inViewportAndVisible, notInViewportButNotObstructed). inViewportAndVisible means that an object is in the agent's viewport and can be seen without obstruction. Examples: a ball is on the ground directly front of the agent and the agent is looking down at the ball, a ball is across an empty room and the agent is staring at the ball even though it is out of distance for an interaction. notInViewportButNotObstructed means the object could potentially be in the agent's line of sight without obstruction but the agent's rotation makes the object not currently visible in the viewport. Examples: a ball is on the ground in directly front of the agent and the agent is staring above the ball or is turned around, a ball is across an empty room and the agent is staring the other way, even though it is out of distance for an interaction it still has the potential to be visible once the agent rotates to look at it.
    • Added NOT_AGENT ActionStatus. Returning this status means the performer is calling InteractWithAgent on an object that is not a simulation agent.
    • Added AGENT_CURRENTLY_INTERACTING_WITH_PERFORMER ActionStatus. Returning this status means the perofmer is calling InteractWithAgent on a simulation agent that is either rotating toward the performer, playing the animation that it is not carrying the target, or holding out the target.
    • Added AGENT_IS_BUSY ActionStatus. Returning this status means the performer is calling InteractWithAgent on an agent that is rotating toward a target or beginning its pointing animation.
    • Change ItemInHand from a GameObject to a SimObjPhysics
  • Scripts/CanOpen_Object:
    • Rewrote part of the Interact function so it doesn't use iTween if animationTime is 0. Also the Interact function now uses the openPercentage on both "open" and "close".
    • Added IsMovementTypeSlide function
    • Added separateLid variable that is used for a lidless container that needs a reference to its separate lid that will be merged later.
    • Added InteractWithLid for interactions with a separate lid or container with a separate lid.
  • Scripts/Contains:
    • Added function RemoveFromCurrentlyContains to temporarily get around ReceptacleObjects not updating when an object is picked up (and deactivated).
    • In GetValidSpawnPoints, rewrote the method so that it generates the spawn points based on the global UP (which may actually be down, left, right, forward, or back) rather than the receptacle object's local UP, so the grid may be X/Y, X/Z, or Y/Z.
    • In CheckIfPointIsInsideReceptacleTriggerBox, if the receptacle trigger box's parent object has the Stacking secondary property, just ensure that the point is above the receptacle trigger box's bottom Y point.
    • In CheckIfPointIsInsideReceptacleTriggerBox, fixed how the receptacle trigger box center and size are calculated so that its transform, its parent's transform(s), and its collider are all used.
    • Added the FindReceptacleTriggerBoxSize method to implemented the behavior in the previous bullet.
    • Removed the CheckIfPointIsAboveReceptacleTriggerBox method because it is no longer used (due to corresponding changes in InstantiatePrefabTest) and is also redundant with CheckIfPointIsInsideReceptacleTriggerBox.
    • Added physicsFramesPerSecond property
  • Scripts/DebugDiscreteAgentController:
    • Calls ProcessControlCommand on the controller object with an "Initialize" action in its Start function (so the Unity Editor Workflow mimics the Python API Workflow)
    • Added a way to "Pass" (with the "Escape" button) or "Initialize" (with the "Backspace" button) on a step while playing the game in the Unity Editor
    • Added support for executing other actions and properties while playing the game in the Unity Editor
  • Scripts/InstantiatePrefabTest:
    • In PlaceObject, fixed object rotation so that it always rotates around the global DOWN rather than using the receptacle object's local rotation.
    • In PlaceObject, removed the HowManyCornersToCheck behavior because it was buggy (there's no way to guarantee that the 4 correct corners are always the 4 bottom corners).
    • In PlaceObject, removed setting the object's rotation to the receptacle trigger box's rotation to keep the original rotation.
    • In PlaceObject, in the HowManyRotationsToCheck loop, fixed setting the object's rotation to properly use euler angles.
    • In PlaceObject, in the ToCheck loop, fixed setting the object's target position to handle objects with non-zero rotations.
    • In CheckSpawnArea, fixed how the object bounding box center and size are calculated so that its transform, its parent's transform, and its collider are all used.
  • Scripts/PhysicsRemoteFPSAgentController:
    • Changed variables or functions from private to protected: physicsSceneManager, ObjectMetadataFromSimObjPhysics
    • Added virtual to functions: CloseObject, DropHandObject, OpenObject, PickupObject, PullObject, PushObject, PutObject, ResetAgentHandPosition, ThrowObject, ToggleObject
    • Commented out a block in the PickupObject function that checked for collisions between the held object and other objects in the scene because it caused odd behavior if you were looking at the floor. The Look functions don't make this check either, and we may decide not to move the held object during Look actions anyway.
    • In the PlaceHeldObject function: ignores PlacementRestrictions if ObjType is IgnoreType; sets the held object's parent to null so the parent's properties (like scale) don't affect the placement validation; sets the held object's isKinematic property to false if placement is successful; fixed an issue with placing held objects inside openble receptacles.
    • Added the FindClosestPoint function.
    • In ApplyForceObject and PickupObject, use FindClosestPoint to decide whether an object is obstructed or just out-of-reach.
    • Added lastActionStatus to Move actions, as well as to DropHandObject, PickupObject, and PutObject to help indicate success or reason for failure
    • Added check to make sure object exists for DropHandObject
    • Make sure objectId specified is actually the object being held for DropHandObject and PutObject
    • Undid objectId being reset to receptableObjectId and not allowing objects to be placed in closed receptacles regardless of type of receptacle for PutObject
    • In PickupContainedObjects and DropContainedObjects, added a null check for the Colliders object and added a loop over the colliders array in the SimObjPhysics script.
    • In PickupContainedObjects, don't pickup contained objects if the receptacle has the Stacking secondary property.
    • Added code to allow movement that will auto calculate the space to close the distance to an object within 0.1f
    • In 'CheckIfAgentCanTurn' and 'CheckIfAgentCanLook' add a check to see if object in hand is active
    • In InteractAndWait, parent objects within receptacles to that receptacle so they all move together when a receptacle is opened or closed.
    • Added logic to InteractAndWait to reset an object to its prior position if open/close action fails, and to increase the radius used to check if an agent is in the way of the object to be opened/closed.
    • For OpenObject and CloseObject, only use coroutine if physics are enabled.
    • For OpenObject, if opening a door and restrictOpenDoors is true, lock all other doors in InteractAndWait and OpenOrCloseObject.
    • In isAgentCapsuleCollidingWith, added expandBy parameter.
    • Added isAgentOnTopOfObject function to check for obstructions when opening objects that slide out (like drawers).
    • Change the layer of the ItemInHand to SimObjInvisible when picked up and to SimObjVisible when put/dropped/thrown.
    • Reorganized PlaceHeldObject, OpenObject, and CloseObject to return the most relevant action status.
    • PlaceHeldObject, OpenObject, CloseObject, and ApplyForceObject now use VisibilityBools to check if the NOT_VISIBLE return status is met.
    • `Changed WhatAmIHolding() to return the SimObjPhysics ItemInHand
  • Scripts/PhysicsSceneManager:
    • Added virtual to functions: Generate_UniqueID
  • Scripts/SimObjPhysics:
    • Added properties: shape
    • Changed the Start function to public so we can call it from our scripts
    • Added ApplyRelativeForce to apply force in a direction relative to the agent's current position.
    • In FindMySpawnPoints, ignore receptacle trigger boxes of stacking receptacles that are currently positioned higher than the receptacle itself (in case the receptacle is rotated).
    • Added IsSeesaw property. It locks the XZ position - YZ rotation of the rigidbody and ignores collisions with the agents ground collider. For seesaw pivot points, enable IsSeesaw and set that object to kinematic so it ignores agent ground collider collisions while not moving
    • Added ApplyTorque method to apply a torque force to an object
    • Added ApplyRotation method to apply a rotation transformation to an object
    • Added ApplyMovement method to apply a movement transformation to an object
    • Added associatedWithAgent property signifying that this object is held by a simulation agent and interacting with that agent will present this object to the performer
    • Added IsLid property to denote that this object is separate lid from its base container and should be merged after placement
    • Added hiddenAndHeldBySimulationAgent property signifying that this object is held by a simulation agent and not currently visible. This will change to false after interacting with that agent and they present the now visible object to the performer
  • Scripts/SimObjType:
    • Added IgnoreType to the SimObjType enum, ReturnAllPoints, and AlwaysPlaceUpright
    • Added Stacking to the SimObjSecondaryProperty enum.
  • Scripts/StructureObject:
    • In Start, ignore collisions of the agent and the structure.
    • Added AddPlatformLips method to add configurable lips to all four sides of a structural platform
  • Scripts/MachineCommonSenseController:
    • Added custom RotateLook to use relative inputs instead of absolute values.
    • Added checks to see whether objects exist and set lastActionStatus appropriately for PutObject
    • Added custom ThrowObject in order to use a relative directional vector to throw object towards.
    • Changed 'CheckIfAgentCanMove' to take a reference to a directionMagnitude instead of a copy parameter, so if distance to object is greater than zero, we can move a partial distance in 'moveInDirection' by adjusting the Vector3
    • If PushObject or PullObject is called on a held object, ThrowObject will be called instead of throwing an error.
    • Update ReceptacleObjects if needed in PickupObject.
  • Scripts/UtilityFunctions:
    • Ignore checking collisions on ReceptacleTriggerBoxes in isObjectColliding
  • ImageSynthesis/ImageSynthesis:
    • Added a null check in OnSceneChange
    • Changed to always use the Hidden/Depth Shader
    • Added property guidForColors and way to update it (UpdateGuidForColors). This is used to create random colors for object masks in OnSceneChange
  • ImageSynthesis/Shaders/Depth:
    • Changed the frag function to return pixels based on the camera's far clipping pane



This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Naval Information Warfare Center, Pacific (NIWC Pacific) under Contract No. N6600119C4030. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DARPA or NIWC Pacific.


DARPA's Machine Common Sense: CACI (Next Century) Fork of AI2-THOR







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  • C# 78.9%
  • Python 11.0%
  • ShaderLab 8.0%
  • GLSL 1.8%
  • HLSL 0.3%
  • Shell 0.0%