Tags: NewVariable/WordOps
Merge pull request WordOps#219 from WordOps/updating-configuration Updating configuration
v3.11.1 (WordOps#215) - `--fail2ban` in wo stack upgrade - error with `wo maintenance` - php-igbinary missing for php74 (run `wo stack upgrade` to install it) - opcache reset with `wo clean`
v3.11.0 (WordOps#211) - PHP 7.4 support - Improved Webp images support with Cloudflare (Issue [WordOps#95](WordOps#95)). Nginx will not serve webp images alternative with Cloudflare IP ranges. - Stack upgrade for adminer - Check acme.sh installation and setup acme.sh if needed before issuing certificate - Add `--ufw` to `wo stack status` - Add Nginx directive `gzip_static on;` to serve precompressed assets with Cache-Enabler or WP-Rocket. (Issue [WordOps#207](WordOps#207)) - Previous `--php73` & `--php73=off` flags are replaced by `--php72`, `--php73`, `--php74` to switch site's php version - phpMyAdmin updated to v4.9.2 - Adminer updated to v4.7.5 - Replace dot and dashes by underscores in database names (Issue [WordOps#206](WordOps#206)) - Increased database name length to 32 characters from domain name + 8 random characters - typo error in motd-news script (Issue [WordOps#204](WordOps#204)) - Install Nginx before ngxblocker - WordOps install/update script text color - Issue with MySQL stack on Raspbian 9/10 - Typo error (PR [WordOps#205](WordOps#205)) - php version in `wo debug` (PR [WordOps#209](WordOps#209)) - SSL certificates expiration display with shared wildcard certificates
Updating configuration (WordOps#197) #### Added - [ACME] Display warning about sudo usage when issuing certificate with DNS API validation (require `sudo -E`) #### Changed - [ACME] Resolve domain IP over HTTPS with Cloudflare DNS Resolver - [CORE] Cement Framework updated to v2.10.2 - [SITE] database name = 0 to 16 characters from the site name + 4 randomly generated character - [SITE] database user = 0 to 12 characters from the site name + 4 randomy generated character - [STACK] Improve sysctl tweak deployment #### Fixed - [SITE] https redirection missing on subdomains sites - Issues with digitalocean mariadb repository - Cement Framework output handler issues - [CLEAN] check if Nginx is installed before purging fastcgi or opcache
Merge pull request WordOps#192 from WordOps/updating-configuration v3.10.2
Merge pull request WordOps#189 from WordOps/updating-configuration HotFix install/update
Merge pull request WordOps#187 from WordOps/updating-configuration WordOps v3.10.0
Merge pull request WordOps#180 from WordOps/updating-configuration Updating configuration
Merge pull request WordOps#174 from WordOps/updating-configuration Updating configuration
Merge pull request WordOps#168 from WordOps/github-actions Update and rename main.yml to pypi.yml