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Customer signup prediction

This project is focused on predicting the number of newly acquired customers over time. It will be used for energy procurement and marketing campaigns.

1. Installation and configuration instructions

  1. Make sure you are running on required python_version==3.8.10. Download from if necessary and add to PATH.
  2. Run git clone to clone this repository to your local machine.
  3. Navigate to the repo directory: cd customer-signup-prediction
  4. The commands below will execute for your system. This installs all necessary packages and dependencies from requirements.txt into your virtual environment .venv. It also builds and installs the packages in src/ in your Python environment for testing or development purposes:
    • On Mac and Linux, run chmod +x followed by ./
    • On Windows, execute .\run_setup.bat
  5. Activate your virtual environment by running source .venv/bin/activate in a Linux or Mac terminal or call .venv\Scripts\activate.bat in a Windows terminal.
  6. If you are using VS Code as your IDE, you may need to restart to select the virtual environment as your kernel in jupyter notebooks.

2. Project description

The two main components of this project are (i) building a preprocessing pipeline and (ii) prediction modeling.


  • Load and transform the raw data stored in data/raw/interview_signup.csv so it can be used for modeling. The processed data is stored in data/processed/interview_signup_processed.csv. This is done in an ETL manner in notebooks/data_preprocessing.ipynb.
  • To make the transformation steps from notebooks/data_preprocessing.ipynb reusable, scalable and maintainable, a module in src/ is in development. In notebooks/demo_etl_module.ipynb, you can find a more simplified ETL pipeline (object-oriented) building on functionalities of src/ (still limited features).
  • CAUTION: The transformation logic in the preprocessing steps may need to be adapted if...
    • ... data formats and types change in the raw data
    • ... new columns are added to the raw data
    • ... new inconsistencies arise

Modeling: yet to be implemented. In the future, modules belong in src/ and notebooks in notebooks/example_model.ipynb.

3. Raw data

The data is stored in csv format and comes from 2018. It contains the following columns:

Column name Column description
original_product_name Product the customer signed up to
postcode Postcode of the customer (5 digits with 0-9)
bundesland The state the customer lives
total_bonus The bonus amount we provided (reduces the first-year price)
order_date The date that the customer ordered the product

4. Data issues and open questions

High-level issues:

  • Raw data contains duplicate rows
    • Can we savely delete duplicate data? In theory, it can happen that several customers order the same product on the same date with the same home address postcode and the same total bonus...
  • Are we sure that no data are missing? For example, there are no gas products in the dataset.
  • Do we need all 5 columns from the dataset for the prediction task?
  • What exactely do we want to predict with the data on which granularity?
    • aggregation logics
      • Are future customer sign-ups predicted on a daily, weekly, monthly, ... basis?
      • Are we interested in the number of new sign-ups per state, postcode or product?
    • what is our target variable?

Low-level issues:

  • original_product_name:
    • ambiguous data: misspellings that might partly be caused by inappropriate character encoding in earlier data processing steps.
    • unclear distinct groups (are there 4,5,6 different product names?). The best guess is: E.ON STROM, E.ON STROM 24, E.ON STROM ÖKO, E.ON STROM ÖKO 24, E.ON STROM PUR.
    • save memory by converting to categorical data type
  • postcode:
    • mixture of data types and inconsistent formats
      • trailing decimal part (might come from type conversion in earlier data processing steps.)
      • leading 0 is missing sometimes
      • one odd case with a partial match but additional letters.
  • bundesland:
    • inconsistent naming convention: German column name and entries
    • 10% missing values
    • can we use an external data/apis to enrich our data?
    • save memory by converting to categorical data type
    • may be redundant information (postcode more fine-grained)
  • total_bonus:
    • outliers
      • are values of 0 possible according to business rules?
      • there are over 500 cases where the total bonus was between 1 and 20 €. These bonuses seem very small.
      • there are 200 cases where the total bonus is larger or equal to 400 €. These bonuses seem very large.
    • data accuracy: data is float but contains no decimals.
      • were decimals lost in type conversion?
      • can we assume that the currency is € consistently?
      • data type could be changed from float64 to int16 to save memory
    • more detailed analyses could look at:
      • are there cases where zeros appear frequently (e.g., on certain dates or products)?
      • is the timeseries of mean total_bonus per order date stationary? Is there data drift?
  • order_date:
    • convert to date format
      • potentially extract derived features like day-of-year, month, ...
      • add derived feature, e.g. days to last sign-up for the product in this postcode area

5. How to use the Project

  • Start with notebooks/data_preprocessing.ipynb and follow the preprocessing steps. The focus there is on cleaning 'postcode' and 'original_product_name'.
  • Not all necessary preprocessing steps were conducted. Feel free to collaborate on the project and reach out.
  • For more reusable, scalable and maintainale usage of the preprocessing steps, the module should be further developed.


Technical Interview for Junior Data Scientist.






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