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EigenLayer AVS OnChain Exporter

EigenLayer AVS OnChain Exporter (EOE) is a tool designed to export on-chain data from various Actively Validator Set (AVS) services within the EigenLayer ecosystem as Prometheus metrics.


Supported AVSs and Prometheus metrics


For EigenDA, Holeksy and Mainnet are supported and exposes the following metrics:

  • eoe_eigenda_exporter_latest_block{network="<network>"}: Latest block number that the EigenDA exporter of the specific network has processed.
  • eoe_eigenda_onchain_batches_total{network="<network>"}: Total number of onchain batches that the EigenDA exporter of the specific network has processed. This is a counter that increments with each block and resets to 0 if the exporter is restarted.
  • eoe_eigenda_onchain_batches{operator="<operator>", network="<network>", status="<status>"}: Number of onchain batches missed by an operator in the specific network. For now the only status is missed.
  • eoe_eigenda_onchain_quorum_status{operator="<operator>", network="<network>", quorum="<quorum>"}: The status of the operator in the specific network and quorum. The value could be 1 if the operator is in quorum, 0 if the operator is not in quorum.
  • eoe_eigenda_exporter_up{avsEnv="<avsEnv>"}: The status of the exporter. The value could be 1 if the exporter is running, 0 if the exporter is not running.

If the exporter might track operators already running before it's deployed, set the eoe_eigenda_onchain_quorum_status initial value by configuring operators[i].eigenDAConfig.quorums[j] to true when the operator is in quorum at the exporter's start.

  • network: The network name (e.g., holesky, mainnet).
  • operator: The operator name (e.g., nethermind, twinstake). The operator name corresponds to the name specified in the configuration file.
  • quorum: The quorum index (e.g., 0, 1).
  • status: The status of the onchain batches. Currently, the only supported status is missed. If EigenDA developers add more events to the EigenDA contracts, the exporter will be able to report additional statuses. A signed status cannot be used because the emitted event does not contain the signers' public keys.


There are two options for installing the EigenLayer AVS OnChain Exporter:

Option 1: Building the Docker Image

  1. Ensure you have Docker installed on your system.

  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd eigenlayer-onchain-exporter
  3. Build the Docker image:

    docker build -t eigenlayer-onchain-exporter .
  4. Run the container:

    docker run \
       -p 8080:8080 \
       -v $(pwd)/config.yml:/config.yml \

Option 2: Building the Go Binary Directly

  1. Ensure you have Go 1.23 or later installed on your system.

  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd eigenlayer-onchain-exporter
  3. Build the binary:

    go build -o eigenlayer-onchain-exporter
  4. Run the binary:

    ./eigenlayer-onchain-exporter --config config.yml run

Choose the installation method that best suits your needs and environment.


Run the eoe --help command to see all the command options.

$ ./bin/eoe --help
EigenLayer On-chain Exporter (eoe) exposes Prometheus metrics about AVS protocols and EigenLayer's Node Operator.

  eoe [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  run         Run the application

  -c, --config string   path to config file (default "config.yml")
  -h, --help            help for eoe

Use "eoe [command] --help" for more information about a command.


The application uses a YAML configuration file. Here's an example of the config.yml:

  - name: nethermind
    address: 0x57b6FdEF3A23B81547df68F44e5524b987755c99
    blsPublicKey: ["8888183187486914528692107799849671390221086122063975348075796070706039667533", "1162660161480410110225128994312394399428655142287492115882227161635275660953"]
      - eigenda-holesky
        - 0: false
  - name: nethermind
    address: 0x110af279aAFfB0d182697d7fC87653838AA5945e
    blsPublicKey: ["2358328128321302874738169219641985530311496023056707902743599195833986584402", "20423525555617668586476030951095516580576618542850420469015501514067149320880"]
      - eigenda-mainnet
        - 0: true
  - holesky:
  - mainnet:

Structure Overview



Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.