Temperature sensor with display
- STM32F103C8T6
- Led Display 1602a
- Remote 8-bit I/O expander for I2C-bus with interrupt (Serial I2C LCD Display Adapter) PCF8574 or similiar
- Digital Humidity and Temperature Sensor DHT22 (AM2302)
- Noname button
- Breadboard
- 2 resistors 5-10k Ohms
- Resistor ~1k Ohms
- 5V and Ground pins connected to Breadboard/DHT22/I2C LCD adapter
- 5V pin connected to Button's pin
- PA0 pin connected to another Button's pin from the same side
- PB6/PB7 (I2C SCL/SDA) pins connected to the corresponding I2C LCD adapter pins
- PC14 connected to DHT22 Data pin (2nd pin)
- 10k Ohms resistors connects SCL/SDA pins with 5V
- 1k Ohms resistor connects DHT22 Data pin with 5V