Disclaimer: By JavaEE, I'm meaning only CDI (using Weld), JSF, and JAX-RS.
This application is a demo of the blog post found at http://nerdwin15.com/2014/01/using-weld-cdi-jsf-and-jax-rs-in-tomcat/, which describes how to develop a CDI/JSF/JAX-RS application that can deploy in Tomcat and Wildfly without any change to the built WAR file.
Read the blog post, as extra jars are needed in your Tomcat's lib folder. This application has been tested on Tomcat 7.50 and 8.0.0.RC10.
To build the application, simply run
mvn clean install
and drop the war file into the webapps folder in your Tomcat directory.
- Open your browser to http://localhost:8080/javaee-in-tomcat-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ (unless you renamed the war file when dropping it into your webapps folder)
- Fill out and submit the form:
- When submitting the form without the "Use Ajax" button checked, the normal JSF action is called, exercising the backing bean and JSF.
- When submitting the form with the "Use Ajax" button checked, jQuery is used to get the greeting from the REST (JAX-RS) endpoint.